Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby has gone to visit the widow of an old friend. So I have a nice, quiet day. I really needed him to be gone. He's going to be off of work for at least a month! And I wanted to get done the kitchen B4 he was underfoot all day. So far today I've put away the last of the clean laundry, finished ironing and have been working on washing the cabinets. They were much filthier than I'd realized. It feels good to sit down for a few.

At some point in time this month, I want to sit down and really talk to him. He never wants to talk. But I want off the farm. And, I don't want to just move to a different farm. I want my own place. I know many of you probably wonder why I haven't already left. In spite of all the problems, I could not find a cheaper place to board. Plus, she lets me have my chickens there. If I were to move, chances are, I'd have to get rid of them. So, I want us to really talk budget. I've been feeling better the past couple of years than I have in years. I'm getting caught up on all kinds of stuff. I'm hoping that we could pay off enough and put enough aside so that next fall at the latest, we could move.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yesterday was a fun day-I think. I got some more of my cabinets done, but just felt really tired. That could have been due to the front that's been hanging around. And even though stuff was all over my floor and my one counter, I finally said forget it and left. I'll be teaching some nature lessons over the summer at a day camp, and wanted to check out the area plus finalize when I'd be doing it. So for 9 weeks on a Friday from 10-12, I'll be working. Now that I have that lined up, I'll be getting my letter out to campgrounds and seeing if I can't get some more work lined up.

From there, I went to see a friend's new house. I love it. And the view from the windows is great. Where she lives is the area that I want to live. There's a lot of back roads, so not much traffic. Perfect for me.

Then I headed to the farm. Willow is now officially out of my field. All that's left is one day's worth of feed and her hay. I don't know when they're taking that out, and I won't do it. I'll admit to hanging at the farm a bit long just to enjoy the solitude. Plus, I didn't want to go home.

I finally couldn't put it off any longer, so went home, got everyone fed, then sat down to relax for a bit. Hubby was talking to the neighbor when I got home, but it wasn't long B4 he came in. And, he started to drive me nuts. I got up so I could get stuff put away and he's wanting to know why I have to do it then. Never mind that I couldn't get to the stove. He says, don't worry about it, I'm not hungry, just clean off what you need so you can get yourself something to eat. After I got everything off the floor, I told him I needed to go and close the greenhouse. He also had his shed open, so I told him I'm lock that up.

The greenhouse wasn't open. But, I checked out my garden. The chickens have dug up some pea plants, but I have plenty coming up. And while I only have 2 asparagus coming up where I tried to transplant them to, I have a ton of babies in my garden! So, I'm going to transplant what I need of those. The rest I'm going to plant in 5 gallon buckets and hope that that's deep enough for growing them in a container. If it works, then when I finally get my own farm, I'd be able to plant them right in the ground. I might do the same w/the rhubarb I have left growing in my garden.

By the time I got in the house, hubby was asleep. I had a pretzel in my pocketbook and decided that was going to be my dinner. Someone sent hubby a text and woke him up. Then he starts complaining about stuff being on the stove and not being able to make any dinner. We finally got take outs.

I'm going to be leaving for the farm earlier starting next week and coming home later. If the rest of his time off is going to be like today, I just might have to move to the farm!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Sounds like you have made the decision to make your farm ownership a reality. Will hubs be on board for that? Is area you would like closer to work for him? Would that make a difference?

While he's home for a month, it may be a good time to look deeper into possible land/farm/houses available that fit your needs and budget.- Maybe talk with a good realtor who may know of property for sale where you want, or even near where you are that may be only land. Something will happen :hugs

You are in a less than comfy place when you have a vision and no plan to make it happen -- juggling is no fun. Don't know your ages BUT .... would a reverse mtg on current house allow you to buy a little place you want? Yeah, you are supposed to live in the house you mtg but, you can use proceeds to buy a "second" place for "part-time" living, so I understand it &/or anything you want to spend on. A lady up the road from me did this with her property on this road, bought a small place about 75 miles away that is close to her DD, fully paid for. Now, she visits here, LOL. No mtg payments either. There may be a way for you -- talk to a good realtor. They may have a place for you, or you & hubs.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have better than knowing a realtor. I know the owner of the local real estate school. So when I'm ready to look, they'll direct me to the best realtor for me.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was a good day. I did dishes this morning, went to church both am and pm, got the wood I need for at least 1 broody house, watered plants, took care of animals and took a nap. And other than that, I did nothing! It felt good.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
He talks about it every once in awhile, but I haven't seen him do anything to get us closer to it.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Good luck setting plans in motion to move. I don't blame you for wanting off that farm. That is a complicated set up and drama is no fun at all. Its just not worth it!
Glad you're still making progress. Good luck with hubby home for a month! I am sure that cramps your style, I don't blame you!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Last thing I'm going to say about Willow and LS. If I needed any additional proof that she and I would have never worked, I got it today. She showed up around 2:00-I was at the farm at around 9:00. I saw her take Willow out, but didn't watch to see what she did. Wasn't too much longer when I noticed Willow back in the field, and no sign of LS. I'm wondering if Willow is just going to be a status symbol.

Hubby was NOT happy w/me this morning. After all, he's off work. Only problem being, I'm not. I still got up at around my normal time, got on the computer for awhile, then stared doing housework. He wanted to sleep, but couldn't because of the noise I was making. But, I got clothes washed and on the line, got dishes done and cleaned the living room. Then, I made myself something to eat and went to the farm.

While my horses were eating, I worked on getting hair off of Misty and Licorice. Then, once everyone was done eating, I started to work. I refilled in the holes in pen #1, then found my snips and got the fence up! I also made the door to the pen. Only problem being, it's a hair too big. For now, I'm not worrying about it. Eventually, I'll redo it to the correct size.

I also got some of the house built! It's all framed out. But since I have my appointments tomorrow and it could rain B4 I get back to it, I put something on the top, then covered it all w/a couple of tarps. I also got the stock tank scrubbed and refilled.

Once I got home, I relaxed for a bit, then went out and worked in the garden. I got half of the path between my garden and hubby's weeded, and also marked out where I'm going to plant some fruit trees. I had ordered trees awhile back, but they didn't live. And I never had a chance to write the company to try and get a refund. So, I need to replace them.

Now I've eaten and had my shower. I'm getting ready to go to bed.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Good thing I covered up that house last night. We had some nasty T-storms!