Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I now have 3 chicks in the bator! So, they'll go to the farm today. And they're no longer calling for rain all day, so may be able to work some on my next house and the gate into the broody area. I will be glad when it's all done. And I'm horrible. I don't even have this area all set up and I'm already planning how the one will look when I get my own farm.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Not horrible, it's OK to plan for the future. It may even change when you get property as the land may affect those plans. Heck, I've been here 17 yrs now and I am changing things, especially as the animals you have change -- getting goats, increasing chickens, add a milking room, etc.

I hope you are able to get a patch of land soon and settle into your own routine & style. It's sure much easier to just walk out the door and "it's there!" Although some days there is TOO MUCH there:oops: Easy to get carried away.

:celebrateon bator chicks!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have 1 more chick in the bator and another broody hen! So, that means I'll be moving chickens around some. The one that's ready to hatch out will go in the middle pen-she's in the far end right now. So, I'll switch her for a hen that's in there. Then since my new broody is in the far pen, she'll be able to go in the broody area for there. That will give me 4 hens that either have chicks or are on eggs! :thOh, and my 1st broody is a real good momma. She took the 3 new chicks w/no problem. She'll let me pick them up w/out trying to attack me, and she'll even let me pet her.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Awwww that's so cool!!!
Yup, we're under this same rain... it feels like forever. Is the sun completely gone??

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Yep, no sun. I really miss it.

I'm tired. I was out last night w/my MC club, and had to leave early this morning, so didn't have time to post much.

Yesterday was another miserable day. It was cloudy w/some light rain at times. We didn't have Bible study, so I went to the farm late. I was able to get my medicine cabinet, bathroom vanity and linen closet cleaned. At the farm, I worked on my next broody house. I have a place (for now) where I can work on it out of the weather.

This morning, I left for the farm early, got everyone fed, put sheets on the horses since Misty and Stormy were shivering, then helped at the Nature Center. We had over 100 kids from a local school come for a trip. So, I taught 6 half hour lessons back to back. I almost lost my voice. Once I was done that, I went back to the farm. I got as much of the house done as I could. The inside is painted and drying and the outside is caulked and drying. Then I went down front and got my last little broody house. I wasn't going to use it since I used scrape wood to make it and it's falling apart. But I really needed it. I was able to get it set up, staple some mesh over the opening, then stuck my newest broody hen and her eggs in there. I think she's settled down.

Oh, and I also brought the last chick from the bator out to the farm. Momma took this one as well. This is a chick I may keep. It's all black and has dark legs. So, it may be an Americana, barred rock cross hen. I have another dark chick that looks like a barred rock rooster chick, so we'll see.

It was late by the time I got home, so I got everyone fed and am now relaxing. I may go to bed early.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
She's great. So, she's going to be a keeper. I'm getting so many broodies now that I may eventually have to get rid of some. But, so far, I have 2 that won't be going anywhere.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Same weather crap here....overcast, wet, light rains.

I have now got 3 broodies. One keeps trying to "take a nest". Not sure if the confusion has ruined my eggs, too soon to tell. But I had 2 in one nest! :hu Tomorrow job.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Lol - @Mini Horses - nobody ever said that broodies are smart. My two were sharing a dog crate to hatch in - one day I found one of them sitting behind it...on eggs in sight. Sigh....

I picked her up and put her back in the crate and we got chicks - so I guess she wasn't off that long.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
My one is still trying to get the chicks from my 1st broody. I didn't have the mesh over her section good enough. So, I chased her back into her part of the pen, and rearranged the mesh.

Today was another busy day. I was able to get part of the bedroom cleaned and the dishes caught up this morning. Then I headed to TSC to get some feed and hinges B4 heading to the farm. Once I got everyone fed, I got to work. Since they were calling for just clouds, but no rain, as soon as I could, I moved the broody house out of where I had it and put it where it belonged. Other than putting the roof on and a "window", it's done. I have a tarp tied on the top of it since they're calling for rain tonight and tomorrow. On Saturday, I'll be getting it done the rest of the way, and just in time! One of the eggs has a pip! So, I should be able to move the hen and chicks on Saturday!

While I had my latest broody in a little house w/a piece of mesh stapled over the opening, and had the fence up for the broody pen, it didn't have a gate on it. So, I got the gate made. This one came out the best of all of them. And since I've found that the chicks actually fit THRU the fence, I got some chicken wire the other day. I got some on the bottom of that gate. I also got it on the 2 sides of the middle pen B4 putting the house in there. It was easier to do that one, than try to get it on from the other 2 pens. Then I took a roll of it and started on the outside of pen 3, and went all the way along the back and up the side of pen 1! I still need to do the fronts of the pens and the other 2 gates, but that shouldn't take long.

Tomorrow morning I want to work on the basement some. So I did just a bit of firewood when I got home. It's not going to be a very nice day, so I'm going to want a fire while I'm working.

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