Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's a good thing I didn't make up a list today, I wouldn't have been able to get it done. I had to make a change of plans.

Today started out good. I was able to get my bathroom clean and a load of clothes folded and put away B4 I left. Got to the farm, got everyone fed and was able on the first try to catch the rooster I needed to take to the auction. I also took 4 pots w/rhubarb in them. I had other stuff that I wanted to take, just didn't have the time to get it ready. And, they were calling for a chance of rain, so I didn't want to take the one thing. I have a whole bunch of burlap bags. I wanted to take 5 of them and see if they'd sell, and how much they'd bring. I plan to keep a couple to try to grow potatoes in them, but I don't need all I have.

After Bible study, I head back to the farm and found that RU had been busy. She took apart the stall that had been next to my run-in. And while I was glad to see it gone, I had just one small problem. W/the way my area is set up, that helped make an enclosed area past my fence. I've had a couple times when I didn't get the gate shut tight, and the horses have gotten out into that area. But, they can't go anywhere. So, w/that gone, there was a big gap. And what was left of the slip board fence wasn't done quite right. So, I had to pull out the posts that were there, then put them where they belonged. Then, I had to get boards that fit. And while I had planned on doing this eventually, it was way down on my list. But, at least it's done.

I didn't have time then to work on what I'd planned on working on, the fence between my field and CL's field, so I did some cleaning in both my hay stall and my feed stall. I need to work on my fence, I just don't know that I'll be able to this week. They're calling for more rain.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Managed to get the kitchen cleaned this morning and clothes folded, B4 going out and catching my house chickens. They were not happy w/me. But once they got to the farm and put in their new pen, they decided I wasn't that mean after all. I let out flock 2 since there was 1 chicken in there that I needed to move to flock 3. I figured that when I went to round them up, I'd just make sure she didn't get in the pen then that way I'd be able to get her into the correct pen. It worked. So all of my chickens are where they belong. The only other thing I may do is switch around my 2 mommas. I'd rather have the one in the middle pen. She has a chick I might want to keep, but I'd want it in flock 2. So this would be the best time to switch them.

We had a day that was dry enough for me to finally get all caught up on cleaning fields. So both my field and LF's fields are clean. I just don't know when I'm going to be able to mow. I plan on taking out some pots on Friday so I can dig out some flowers I have growing in there-Star of Bethlehem. They're pretty, but they're also poisonous to horses. I'll plant some at home and maybe see if I can sell some as well.

W/the field clean, I got my tape measure and did some figuring. As soon as I can, I'm going to work on a fence line. I need to take it all down, then put up a gate off the run-in and put posts back up. But since this is the fence that separates my field from CL's I'll have to do it one post at a time. I had been going to use a gate that I have, but changed my mind. RU has enough gates kicking around so that I can use hers. The ones I was going to use I got dirt cheap and had been going to clean them up and sell them. I'm back to wanting to do that.

I went to the chiropractor's today. It was so nice not having to go there from the allergists. The traffic between the 2 has gotten horrible. Then I didn't have to rush to get home so I could go out w/my MC group. So I went to Lowes and got some wood I need, then headed to Wal-Mart and got a few things I need.

Got home and went to feed the goats and found that hubby got carried away cleaning up. I had a whole bunch of black raspberries, wild strawberries and violets I was going to dig up and try to sell. He cleaned out a bunch of them! If he had asked, I would have told him NOT to mess w/them. If he wanted to work on something, he could have worked on his garden. That's what he TOLD me he was going to work on. In the morning, I'm going to tell him NOT to do any more cleaning over there.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Oh bummer on the plants!
Glad you're getting everything switched around!
Yup, more rain... Apparently May showers bring something, I just haven't figured out what it is yet..

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The may showers bring mud!

The goats are only pets. They had been my DD's 4-H project years ago. She was going to raise them and make money. But, she lost interest, so they've never been bred. And I wouldn't want to breed them now w/their age. Plus, I don't really have the room here for babies. If I had the yard set up differently, I would have been able to.

Today was an easy day for the most part. I got part of my bedroom clean-I can almost find the top of my dresser!, and got a load of clothes out on the line. I also got another load in the washer.

Went out to the farm and got everyone fed. Then, I went to the allergist and got my LAST regular shot! Then I went to a couple of stores, ran back to the farm and gave Stormy his lunch, then went to a buffet to eat w/my sister, BIL and parents. My sis and her hubby are on the way from Florida to Lake George, so rather than cooking for my Mom on Sunday, we did this instead. My brother had hoped to join us as well, but he's a school bus driver and had to drive for a school trip.

After lunch, I went to a couple of stores, then headed back to the farm, gave Stormy his last feeding, got hay out, took care of the chickens and headed home. At home, I got the clothes off the line and put the other load out, got the animals fed, and relaxed for a bit. My brother was supposed to be taking a cake over to my parents, and my sister said she'd call and let me know when to come over for it. I get over-no cake. His dog got it. But, it was nice to see everyone.

Came home B4 it got dark and got the other load of clothes off the line, then got a shower. Tomorrow is going to be busier, but it was nice to relax a lot today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I wasn't happy. We had Jello instead. Not quite the same.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Ohhh jello is just not the same! Bummer!!
I'm jealous of your clothes on the line. I guess we could have done that yesterday, but it was cloudy and gray all day. Not exactly great clothes drying weather. Back to misty gross with thunderstorms today. Whee....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had to do it yesterday. We've had almost no good weather for hanging out clothes. And I need to do another load tomorrow morning. They're calling for rain in the afternoon. We had rain this afternoon as well.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I was able to get more of my basement cleaned! I still have a long way to go, but at least I'm making progress. Then when I got to the farm, I spent the morning digging out Star of Bethlehem. I got a lot dug out, but didn't get very far. There's a ton of it in there! I'm going to plant some at home and some at church. The rest I'm going to sell.

It started to rain around lunch time, but it wasn't heavy. So, I worked on getting rid of a bunch of old wooden fence that was on the ground next to my fence. Some of it I may be able to use, the rest I'll take home and burn. Since I wanted it out of the field, I left the gate open. So, it's a good thing I worked on the outer fence the other day. The horses took the open gate as an invitation to walk out of the field. W/that all cleaned up, I took some boards and filled in on the slip board fence. It was missing some boards. And since it was missing boards, I had a pig in my field the other day! I had a horrible time getting it out of my field. This will all be coming down when I do the fence, but at least for now it will keep the pig out.

While I was working on that, one of CL's horses walked up to a piece of cattle panel that makes up part of her fence. But, it was never put on properly. So the horse just very carefully walked on the piece enough to get it to bend down and get out! The rest of the horses were ready to follow. All I could see was one of them getting hurt. So, I shooed them away from the panel, turned it over since it was bent, and tied it the best I could. It's not perfect, but at least it will keep the horses in the field.

When I was done w/that, I did some measuring. I'm hoping to work on my fence next week. I'll be moving some gates around so they're where I want them and where they make sense. Once I get to a certain point, I'll FINALLY be able to get the goat and the sheep OUT of my field!

By the time I was done all that, it was raining pretty steady, so I spent the rest of the time cleaning my feed stall. When I'm really busy, it gets kind of messy in there, and I've been busy! But, it's all clean again. Hopefully I can keep it clean.

I was supposed to go and teach a lesson on bugs to a Brownie troop, but since we wouldn't have been able to go outside, it's been postponed until next week.

Once I got home, I fed the animals, then got stuff out of the Jeep and figured I'd done enough for the day. I'm seriously thinking of filling up the tub and taking a good soak. I haven't done that in years.

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