Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
savingdogs said:
If I get too many I plan to sell them on Craig's list.
I will sell the extras, but I'm wanting to wait to do so until after I know what I have. I want a few more hens for laying, the roosters will be for dinner, and the extras will be for sale.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 24, 2011
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SE Ohio
So I'm not sure what all you have had done with the Baker's cyst (I'm a little late to the discussion) but have you ever had a cortisone injection done? And unfortunately surgery is sometimes the best option to drain them when they get really bad and it sounds like yours sure is! :(

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I was told I had 2 options, live w/it, or have the surgery. I don't really want an operation unless I really have to have it. And, I'm hoping that if I quit my job it will make it so it's not so hard on my knee. But, if that doesn't work, then I'd get the operation over the winter, like maybe February. That way, Christmas is past, and that's when we typically get our worst winter weather, so being stuck inside wouldn't be as bad.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 24, 2011
Reaction score
SE Ohio
Denim Deb said:
I was told I had 2 options, live w/it, or have the surgery. I don't really want an operation unless I really have to have it. And, I'm hoping that if I quit my job it will make it so it's not so hard on my knee. But, if that doesn't work, then I'd get the operation over the winter, like maybe February. That way, Christmas is past, and that's when we typically get our worst winter weather, so being stuck inside wouldn't be as bad.
Yea, surgery is never any fun...but I guess it's better than living with it. Honestly I see lots of people everyday that have had this type of surgery (I work in physical therapy) and most do better after they have had it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
The thing w/the surgery is, I've had 8 operations to date, and I don't really want another one. But, if I have to have it, I have to have it.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jan 24, 2011
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SE Ohio
:hugs Yea, never an easy decision...but I could always rehab you back to health! We could start a video thread for daily knee exercises every morning!! We could all break out the sweat bands and leotards!!! :lol:


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Could they provide any relief with just needle draining and cortisone injection?

One of the worst/BEST procedures to date was when they stuck a great big needle into my knee cap and drained out two BIG syringes of fluid out of my knee joint. It hurt BAD at first and I could actually feel the needle grating around on the bones. :ep :sick BUT - the relief was immediate and AMAZING!! Then I got a shot in the joint as well. It took about two weeks of wearing a brace, before my knee joint no longer felt all loose and wobbly.

It has been over a year and my knee is still doing much better. All of the fluid was pulling tendons and ligaments and that irritation caused MORE fluid production. Kind of an evil circle of pain.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
They didn't even suggest that. I'm wondering if the size of the thing has anything to do w/that. Mine is huge!

Today I had a happy kitty, but a shocking day. I was wet and beat when I got done working. It started to rain, and I was all the way in the back of the property on a tractor! :barnie It was quitting time anyway, so I went back to the barn, but didn't quite fit between the rain drops, so I was kinda wet by the time I got up there. Then, I had to go to the feed store, and get a couple of bags of horse feed. If I hadn't, Honey and Licky would not have had anything to eat tomorrow.

I haven't been getting much sleep lately, so I decided to just crawl onto my cot and pull a blanket up over me until I dried off a little. Plus, I was hoping it would stop raining. Cindy was all for this, and she snuggled up against my back. Next thing I knew, it was 2:10 PM! And, I may not have woken up then if one of the roosters hadn't crowed.

It had stopped raining! So, I got up, brought one bag of feed in, bagged feed for Honey and Licky for the next week, then brought the other bag in. For some reason, 100 lbs of this feed doesn't fit in the can I keep the feed in. Other pelleted feed fits fine, but not this. :hu I still don't have it all in the can, but hope that next week, I'll be able to get the last in there.

Then, I had to get RBs out. I wasn't sure how much gas is in the tractor, so RU and I decided I just put out hay where we know it HAS to go. And, even then it wasn't easy because of how wet the ground is. I got a bale out for the geldings, I got a bale out for CL's horses, then I got a bale to put out for the mares. There's no way I can get thru the field w/it, so that means going the long way around. Only problem being, we both forgot her son has a large truck parked in the way. So that meant I needed to go thru LF's field. I could only hope I wouldn't get stuck going thru the gate cuz the ground is soft right there.

She's gotten electric up around her field. I go to unhook it from over top of the gate. It was so tight, I couldn't get it to budge. I figure maybe if I open the gate, I could do it easier from the other side. So, I open the gate. The wire isn't quite high enough so the gate hits it, and I get shocked! :hit I was able to open the gate enough so that I could get thru, and was able to unhook the electric. Both of her horses are standing in their stalls, so I close them in. Figure that's one less thing to worry about. I get to the other end of the field, and open the gate. It wouldn't stay opened, but I was able to get thru anyway. I shut the gate. One of the horses had gotten out earlier, and KN had stuck him in her field. Well, he was trying to get out, and had managed to get the gate off the pins. That gate was right next to the gate into LF's field, so I opened that gate, and let him out. Then I proceeded to try and get the gate back on at least one of the pins. I hit the wire around LF's field, and got shocked again! :barnie

I was finally able to get the gate on, hooked it so it wouldn't swing open, and put the bale out for the mares. Now I need to go back out. Only problem being, Poncho. Poncho belongs to RU's DIL. I didn't really have anything to chase him away from the gate with. I'd chase him away, and as soon as I turned my back, he was back there. And the only way I could get thru the gate was to tie it opened. (I used my belt-it was all I had) So of course he got into LF's field. Then he wouldn't let me catch him, but I was able to chase him out, close the gate, get out of her field, close the gate, reconnect the electric, let her horses out, and park the tractor.

Then, I came home, got a shower, and have dinner on. (Spaghetti and meatballs.) I'm hoping to get to bed early tonight. I want to actually leave tomorrow afternoon when I'm supposed to so I can get some work done at home.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
;) Sounds like my kind of luck with the electric fence.

Years ago we had a new Paint yearling in our pasture that had never "experienced" an electric fence before. Part of the pasture was cross fenced with a single strand of electric and the first time she hit it she spooked and pulled the wire down off of the insulators. We had that particular line of fence set up so that you could simply un-hook the gate handle and the whole line would go off, so I hooked the gate handle OFF of the electric line and onto the regular fence and then set about re-stringing the fence.

At the far end of the fence line I was pulling the fence around the last insulator ... ALMOST done with the job ... when my Grandma Nettie came out to check on things. "No wonder that horse went through the gate," I hear her say, "it is not hooked up to the electric." Then she did it and plugged me in!!

At the moment the electric came on I had BOTH hands tight around the wire, pulling it tight. When I started getting shocked I also started yelling, because I couldn't open my hands up to let the wire go!! "Turn OFF the Fence!!" I shouted over and over. To which Grandma Nettie replied, "What? What did you say?" A million years later ... OK maybe a minute ... she finally understood and un-hooked me. A day that will remain in my memory forever. :lol: :gig

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