Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I figure if I don't get anything from this batch, I'll wait 2 weeks, then collect eggs for a few days, and try again. W/Roxi at the farm now, that gives me 3 laying hens instead of 2, so we'll see. And, if I do get chicks, I'll wait about a month to get more eggs.


Quilting Extraordinaire
Jul 19, 2008
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Northern Ontario Canada
You sound like one busy gal Deb! Hoping your chicks hatch, I have never had much luck with bators so always tried to make sure I have silkies around to do the job for me. This spring i was really tempeted to try hatching again but found some chicks instead.
Prayers for your dad...and your hubby. it has been a while since i read your journal, been too busy here to do much of anything but work myself to exhaustion.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
OK, I feel bad complaining since my MD is not anywhere near as bad as SD, but it can still knock me off my feet.

It's beautiful out now. The clouds all blew away, and took the humidity w/them. There's a nice breeze blowing, and the air is heavy w/the scent of honeysuckle and multiflora rose. So, I went out to work some more in my garden. I figured I had at least another hour to hour and a half of daylight. In that amount of time, I could get a lot done.

First thing I had to do was feed and water the goats and rabbits. That done, I started weeding. The garden isn't far from the goat pen, and I could hear the goats munching on their hay. I love the sound of both horses and goats munching like that. Something about it is so soothing. I start pulling weeds. The stuff I know for sure is OK for the goats, I put in a separate pile. The rest, I just let lay where it falls. As long as it dries out, it's great to have in the garden. I worked for maybe 15 minutes when it hits-a vertigo attack. I've had a few minor ones lately that I've been able to fight off, but not this one. I got up and staggered over to my flip flops. (I normally weed in my bare feet.) I get them on, then walking like I'm drunk, I manage to get into the house. I didn't have my phone w/me, but even if I had, my husband would not have been able to come outside and help me in.

Once in the house, I start grabbing anything that was at the right height. I make it into the kitchen, and get a bottle of water. (I hate buying it like this, but my family will not drink our tap water, nor the water in larger containers.) My husband is on the phone w/his mother, talking Phillies baseball. He asks me to get him a drink, then takes a look at me. I'm holding onto something and trying my hardest not to fall over. Now he's feeling guilty cuz he can't do anything to help me, he's in too much pain from his own problem, and having problems walking. I'm able to catch my balance, and make my way into the bedroom. I'm now collapsed on the bed on my laptop wishing I could go back out. :hit


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Wow Deb, I am so sorry you had that attack. I DO know what thats like..been there done that. I had vertigo one time lasted 3 months!! They had me in a neck brace the whole time. UGH! Try chaseing after kids in a neck brace. LOL I hope it passed quickly for you. Prayers for you and hubby.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I fell asleep for a couple of hours, and am feeling better. Hopefully this attack will be all gone in the morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Believe me, when I'm like this, that's about all I do. But then again, that's mainly because that's all I can do!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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All you can do is rest. Your body is making you whether you want to or not. I can relate to your feelings sooooooooo much, I feel like so much time is wasted feeling dizzy. I hate it so much, I wish it would not happen to anyone. justusnak, I cannot imagine how one would tolerate three months of vertigo.

Deb what did you eat three days ago? My doc said to start watching what I ate three days before each attackand write it down and see if there was a pattern. I actually found my pattern was more from ONE day ago, but he said three days. Then if you find a particular food on that list each time, try cutting it out one thing at a time and see if you get an improvement. I found I really have a problem with eggs, but it was always exactly 24 hours before attacks. Since I cut them out I have less violent vertigo attacks.

Another thing you could try especially since you are not on a dieuretic is to flush your sodium out by drinking a lot of water. Whenever you urinate you lose sodium so you want to make yourself have to pee. I know if you feel ill it is hard to get anything down, so LATER when you feel you can, try to drink a lot of water to regulate your system, and don't eat anything salty! Try to have a banana.

I hope this passes soon. Maybe it is because of this crazy weather, I think it has been causing my issues. :hugs

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