Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Don't know for sure. But, I feel much better today. I just got back from giving Stormy his 2nd feeding, and I took the motorcycle. I didn't dare risk it this morning. But, this makes me even more certain that quitting my job is going to be the right thing to do. I need to be able to concentrate on what I need to do w/out having to worry about a job. Once I get to the beginning of August, I'll be telling her that I'm quitting. That will give her a whole month to find someone else. I'll miss the horses, especially the one, but I need to do this for me.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was a hot, humid, miserable day. I would have loved to have spent the whole day hiding inside, but of course, that didn't happen. I got some done, but not as much as I wanted.

Today for work, I only had to feed horses, clean the waterers, clean the stalls, and run the manure spreader. Took me less than 2 hours. And of course, since it was a nice day, I rode my bike. I actually got cold coming home, so I pulled over, and put on a jacket.

Once home, I did some dishes. It's been hard to do them lately. The kitchen faucet has been broken. We got a new one, just didn't get it in. So today, I took everything out from underneath the sink, and we got the new faucet in. I've been telling my OH for years that I need a shelf under there. He said he'd put one in today, so I didn't put anything back. He didn't put a shelf in. Why am I not surprised? So, I didn't put the stuff away. I'll do it in the morning cuz I don't feel like tripping over it anymore.

Once that was done, I did a few errands for hubby. Until he has his operation, and recovers, I don't know how much he's going to be able to do. He's in almost constant pain, so I didn't mind too much doing the errands for him. I had just 2 small problems. He needed gas for tomorrow, so I took his vehicle-no AC, and I hadn't had any lunch. I grabbed a bite while I was out.

I got home and he was asleep. So, I jumped in my truck and headed out. I found a place just 5 minutes from my house w/hay for sale for $2.50 a bale! They told me if I wanted to get a sample to stop in today. Only problem being, they forgot they were going to a BBQ. So I get there, and there's no one there. But, from what I could see of the hay, it looked decent. So tomorrow, I'm going to get 30 bales. I throw out a bale to the horses in the afternoon. If they like it, I'll get 30 more on Wednesday and stop going to the hay auction for square bales. The problem w/the hay there is, it's hit or miss. Sometimes I'll get hay that looks and smells great, and the horses will turn their noses up at it. I've long said if I could find a place to get decent hay at a decent price, I would. This will save me a ton of time as well as make my life so much easier.

I come back home. By now, it's after 5:00. I'm hungry and still need to go back to the farm to give Stormy his 2nd feeding. So, I grab a hot dog, slice up a cucumber and some grape tomatoes, and mix those 2 together for a salad. I ate that, then went to the farm.

RU is away. I give Stormy his food, then head over to check the mares. They're out of water. So, I put the hose in the tub, go back to the faucet and turn it on. I look to be sure the hose didn't come out-it will do that at times, then go and do everything else I need to do. I get done, head back to check on the water, and notice that the mares are fighting over the water. I was shocked. I expected the tub to be at least 1/2 filled. So, I walk over to it. (I have to go thru another field to get to it.) The water was coming out at a trickle. They were sipping it up as quick as it came out. I checked the connection and couldn't find a problem. I checked as much of the hose as I could see for kinks, no kinks. But, this hose is not the greatest, and has a ton of leaks in it. I'm wondering if that was the problem. PT is there, so I had her hook up another hose while I took the other end and walked to the tub w/it. Once I had the end in, I had her turn it on. The water came gushing out.

While I was messing w/the hose, I noticed some chicken feathers. The feathers looked like they were from one of KN's chickens, G. So I started to look. And I found G in the run it. She wasn't moving much. I went in, she tried to get away, but didn't do a very good job of it. I was able to catch her quite easily. She's now in a little cage w/food and water. As soon as I put the water in, she started to drink it.

By this time, almost all of the mares had had enough to drink. I waited for a mini mare to finish getting a drink, then turned the hose off and headed home. I was almost home when the lady I was supposed to get the hay from called. Of course, I couldn't really talk while riding the bike, so I answered it and said just a minute, I'm wearing a motorcycle helmet, then took it off, and was able to talk to her. While I was on the phone, I had 2 guys stop and ask if I was OK. I thought that was nice of them.

I got home, it was much later than I had hoped to be home. I had wanted to get my hay shelter all cleaned out. I'll be doing that tomorrow instead. I was able to clean up my pool a bit, start filling it w/water and weed for a bit. Now, I'm almost ready to go to bed. Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to get a bit more caught up.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Today was VERY hot himid and miserable, and NOT a good day for fencing, but I did it anyway :/

Oh and Deb you'll be proud of me. I'm a horse sitter as of Thursday through next Tuesday. I have also been comparing my chore list to yours lately, and you're getting a run for your money this week sister!! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
OK, bring it on! I'm up to the challenge. :lol:


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Denim Deb said:
OK, bring it on! I'm up to the challenge. :lol:
Have you read my journal today...I'm in a race with time :rolleyes: Racing to get insurance specifications taken care of on the farm, and racing to get DD's room transformed into something liveable BEFORE she gets home, plus working several jobs this week. :th I swear I dunno how the crap you run like this all the dang time!!!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I don't know either. If I could just get caught up, I could actually take it easy. And yeah, I read your journal. I read most of them.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Denim Deb said:
I don't know either. If I could just get caught up, I could actually take it easy. And yeah, I read your journal. I read most of them.
Yep that is ALL I am trying to do is get caught up. I've worked the last two Saturdays and still....more to go. WHEN I do get caught up...I'm going fishin!!!! :D

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm taking just a very short break cuz I needed to get out of the heat. According to my thermometer, it got up to 100.5 today. It's dropped a couple of degrees, but that doesn't mean it won't go back up.

I actually got done work a bit early today. We put fans up in the stalls. By the time we were done w/that, it was too late to get started on anything else. Plus, w/the heat, we decided to call it a day. I was quite glad. I'm thinking to myself, I have an extra hour! I can go to the farm, get done what I need to do, and leave by about 1:00.

First thing I needed to do was to help RU get hooked up to a trailer. I do that, and she pulls over to the parking area. I get on the tractor, and start trying to get RBs out. Don't recall now if I mentioned this, but the RBs were all dumped off the trailer they were on, and were very difficult to get to. I thought the owner of the trailer did it, but nope, it was RU. Told her I need to do this to her. :smack Those RBs are horrible to pick up! I got the first one up w/almost no problem. It went to the goats. Then I go for the 2nd one. I don't know how long I worked trying to get that one picked up, I just couldn't do it. So, I pushed it w/the tractor. I was able to push it thru the gate and into the field it needed to be in . There was just one more RB. I had to knock it over, but was able to pick it up w/out many problems. I had to take it down the road, then down the lane and thru the field for the mares.

3 horses had gotten into the wrong field. And, they wanted out. So, after I got the hay out, I stopped and opened the gate. The one came right out. The other 2 acted like idiots. I tried herding them thru the gate, but neither would go. Finally, the one went to the place they had broken thru the fence, and got thru. The other one didn't follow and I couldn't herd him thru the gate. I said forget it. I'm too hot, so I left him.

Then I get up to the parking area. RU has an old pop-up camper. She needed it moved. So, we put a chain around the hitch, then put it around the spear on the tractor. I was able to get it out of where it was, and put where she wanted it. Then, I had a large wooden deck to move. It took some manuevering of the tractor, but I was finallyable to move it. We also moved my riding mower-it's not running, but at least now, I can get to it. I was finally able to leave. So much for 1:00, it was 3:00! Now I'm ready to go and get hay. Anyone want to come w/me?

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