framing fowl
On a mission
"Keep your keys to yourself..."
Maybe the first line to a country song chorus starting there...
Maybe the first line to a country song chorus starting there...
I'm tired of it all, plain and simple. I've had many people over the years, ministers including that have told me I should leave him. But, I hate divorce and know that God does too. But, I just can't take him anymore. He's drunk right now, and has been annoying the heck out of me. He wants everything HIS way. Marriage is supposed to be a partnership, and differences are supposed to be worked out in a way that agreeable to both. Not here. It's a dictatorship, plain and simple.Wannabefree said:Sorry Deb. Sorry about Dust Bunny, and sorry about your DH. SOooooo frustrating to READ your journal sometimes...I can only imagine living it at the other end.
Believe me I know what it's like to live with someone like that. I did for over 18 years. Get out. Who says you have to divorce? Just leave.Denim Deb said:I'm tired of it all, plain and simple. I've had many people over the years, ministers including that have told me I should leave him. But, I hate divorce and know that God does too. But, I just can't take him anymore. He's drunk right now, and has been annoying the heck out of me. He wants everything HIS way. Marriage is supposed to be a partnership, and differences are supposed to be worked out in a way that agreeable to both. Not here. It's a dictatorship, plain and simple.Wannabefree said:Sorry Deb. Sorry about Dust Bunny, and sorry about your DH. SOooooo frustrating to READ your journal sometimes...I can only imagine living it at the other end.
After you flea bomb spread salt all over the house and work it down into the carpet. Let it stay as long as you can stand it. Vacuum and then salt again.savingdogs said:The no-animals issue would pretty much "do it" for me, too, if I were on the verge of leaving. It isn't fair to make a change like that without discussion and compromise.
Get some Frontline Plus for your kitty, that is the best thing for fleas. You have to get it from the vet but will help more than anything else I've found. You will need to bomb the environment too since you have an infestation but if you keep using it, it helps keep them away.