Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It does. It's such a load off of my mind. And, it will make my life so much easier w/the gate moved. Now I can get into the field from off the road. (We did put a lock on the gate.) B4, I had to drive thru RU's yard to get into the field. And, some days it was hard to get in because of cars in the way. Now, there's just a small gate near the house. That way, she can still get in my field if need be, and i can walk up to the house.

Oh, and w/the gate moved, I can finally get rid of the mountain of manure in the field! I wasn't going to do it w/the gate where it was. It would have been extremely difficult to do so.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Yay! I love it when significant progress is made, don't you?


Lovin' The Homestead
Oct 1, 2010
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we had to put in a second driveway and gate to be able to access our back area. Our lovely neighbors fenced in our back alley before we moved in and refuse to move it even with a court order. SO... we tore out our a/c unit and moved it to the other side of the house. Tore out landscaping and cut our front yard up to create a second driveway. :he but we can drive into the back and I no longer have trailers and stuff in my front yard. :ya

Its a pain to do but it feels so good to get things situated. Here's to making things better. :clap

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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hillfarm said:
we had to put in a second driveway and gate to be able to access our back area. Our lovely neighbors fenced in our back alley before we moved in and refuse to move it even with a court order. SO... we tore out our a/c unit and moved it to the other side of the house. Tore out landscaping and cut our front yard up to create a second driveway. :he but we can drive into the back and I no longer have trailers and stuff in my front yard. :ya

Its a pain to do but it feels so good to get things situated. Here's to making things better. :clap
How can he ignore a court order? What good is it, if someone can just say I ain't gonna do it, and you can't make me?

I gave RU a key to the gate today. That way, if needed, she can get in the field, or if there's some kind of emergency, and I'm not readily available. KN is disappointed that I'm not leaving a key where other people can have access. But, I can't see why anyone else would NEED to get in the field. The main reason for getting in is for bringing in RBs to store for the winter and taking out manure. And, I doubt that anyone else is going to be doing either.

Hubby shocked me again today. He decided to go back out to the farm. :th I have a riding mower out there. (Someone gave it to me, told me if my hubby could get it running, I was welcomed to it. He got it running last year, but it wouldn't start this year.) So he decided he was going to try and jump the battery and see if it would work. It does! :ya I had tried to jump it B4, but w/no luck. He also hung my solar charger for me, and helped RU move a deck. (Along w/several other people, didn't have to move it far.) It's now in the position she wants it.

We went to Harbor Freight and to the supermarket, and then home. He had been going to mow some of the lawn, but wasn't up to it. So, I went ahead and did it for him. I figured that was fair since he did all that work for me. Then, I worked in the garden for a bit, and came in and made myself something to eat. Now, I'm relaxing for a bit B4 I go to sleep. Maybe tonight, I'll finally get enough sleep. I'm beat!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I should be able to get the rest of the fencing done this week! If I do, then next week, I can work on getting the stalls all cleaned out. Once that's done, I'll FINALLY be able to get the mountain of manure out!

Oh, and here's an interesting tidbit I learned today. When my OH was working on my mower yesterday, KN went up to him and complained that I don't leave a key for it at the farm. Sorry, there's no way I'm leaving it. I can't afford to get another mower, and I doubt anyone else is going to give me one. If I break it, it's my fault. If someone else breaks it, I'd be livid. LF also has a riding mower there, but I haven't heard anyone complaining that they can't use hers, so why is mine different?

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