Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Back several years ago my sister and I each had a 4-H group. Sis did horses and I did poultry, rabbits, gardening and horses, my hubby did rocketry. Sis had mostly the older kids and those most interested in showing and I had the younger, poorer kids and some with out any horse at all.

At the time we had our county horse groups set up much like the pony clubs. We even had a Levels System set up. We also did a lot of educational activities; like Horse Judging, Horse (quiz) Bowl, and Hippology (a multi level horse competition). We both had teams win at State Levels and go to Nationals.

Sadly these days anyone wanting any serious 4-H club has jumped ship and gone to the next county over. :(


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 2, 2009
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North Central Ohio
At least your truck is fixed now. That has to be a huge relief.

The nature club sounds really nice for kids. I bet they love it.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 31, 2009
Reaction score
I wish we had a good 4H around here. This one leaves something to be desired from what I saw. I want to get the kids involved in something like that. We also thought about just going with riding lessons if we can find anyone around that does it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I did have someone from the county sit in on one of my meetings once. They were impressed, said it was one of the few clubs that actually did things the proper way. :hu I enjoy it. And, if I were to ever look for a job in that field, it would look good on my resume. The naturalist has talked about retiring in a couple of years, and I know that if she did, she'd recommend me for the job.

But the thing is, I don't want to work at a paying job unless I have to. If I can find something I can do from home that pays, I wouldn't mind that, but to keep regular hours, 40 hours a week, no thank you.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's so nice driving my truck now, there's no noise! There's still some work that needs to be done, namely a new radiator, as well as fixing the front end. And, as much as I'd like to get a new(er) truck, one w/4 wheel drive, I just may have to wait a couple of years. :(

In other news, I still don't have my field all cleaned, just haven't had time plus it keeps raining. But, I'm going to start w/the fence today. I am keeping the area I already got cleaned picked up, and that makes the area look so much better. I'm going to do a certain number of fence posts a day, then when they're all in, I'll put up the next section of fence. I'm thinking of not having the last post put in. Then that way, if for some reason, the roll is a little short of the 100 feet, it's not a problem. I'll just stick a post up where the roll ends. I'm starting w/the back and the front section. I think w/the way that I'll be doing it, it will work out best doing it that way. Then, once that's done, I'll be able to do the sides. Plus, since I'm not taking down the board fence, it will mean if I'm not done by the time we separate the herd for good, I won't have to figure out where to put the horses, they'll still be shut in.

Last time I checked, they're not calling for rain on Saturday. So, I'll finally be bringing home the last of the manure I need for my garden, getting it in, then I'll get some stuff planted.

I got some wooden eggs to put in w/my girls. They're both up to 6 real eggs, and 3 fake ones each, and neither of them is setting yet. Last year, Henrietta started setting w/8 eggs. Don't know what her hold up is this year! :barnie I want chicks! If I don't have either of them on eggs by the middle of May, I'm just going to have to buy chicks. They'll have them in the feed store then.

I'm getting more and more of my house cleaned. It's finally dawning on my hubby that I work hard. He's been telling me that I'm doing too much, and need to take it easier. What he doesn't realize is that once everything is all caught up, it will be easy. Plus, he doesn't know I'm planning on quitting my job at the end of the summer. Just might have to tell him soon.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I'm barely getting any eggs right now and I'm not sure why. I'd like to have another broody but not until I have an egg collection!

I think my chickens saw the snow and think winter is coming back already.

I'm so much happier not working, I hope you can accomplish that for yourself. I'll be rooting for you.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hubby had off yesterday, which wouldn't have been a problem except for one thing, it rained! So, I basically got nothing done. I could have worked out in the rain some at the farm, but didn't really feel like it. And of course, by the time I got home, he was drunk. :somad He insists on talking to me when he is, and I don't really want him to. And w/the weather, my ears were really hurting. But at least he has to work today, so I should get something done.

My brother, SW, is trying to get his life back on track after the lose of his wife. Her dog has allergies, and he couldn't find the dog food she's been feeding him. I thought she was getting it at the feed store where they have the hay auction, but she's changed her feed. She was getting him TOTW, but changed it to 4 Health. So, I got him a small bag of TOTW. Then, I was in TSC yesterday, and found the feed. I called my brother and let him know.

Thursday he called. His younger daughter hurt her hand, he was at the ER w/her, but had to leave. He had a meeting he HAD to attend. And since it involved his older daughter, it wasn't something he could miss or postpone. Could I come to the ER and stay w/her? So, Thursday I spent part of the evening in the ER w/my niece. He couldn't find any insurance info for her. His wife handled all that. But I think the fact that I'm so close and am willing to help out is a big load off his mind.

Since my hubby is back to work today, I can get some more stuff done. My plan for today:

1. Cut up some firewood. It's still pretty green, and is basically all I have left. I don't know if I'll need a fire this week or not, but I think I can get all of this pile done. It's not that large, and the branches aren't that large. I can then stack it in the wood shed.

2. Go over to a friend's house. She has a dead oak tree on her front lawn that I can have! It's already cut down, I just need to haul the wood home. :weee I don't know how many trips I'll need to make, and I'm only going to get the one load today. I'll get the rest next week.

3. Go out to the farm and work on putting in some posts. I've measured from the gate to the first corner. It's 80', and the fence line is not straight. So, I'll be figuring out where I have to put some posts, and start getting them in. There's no corner post, but RU was able to get a bunch of old telephone poles. W/the help of a guy that will be there, I'll use her gas post hole digger, and get the hole dug for that. I'll also be moving a gate. The gate to get in the field is 4'. She has a 6' gate that isn't being used. It's hard to get in the field on my riding mower w/the 4'gate, so I'll be putting the 6' gate in instead.

4. Work on getting the field cleaned more. I don't know if I'll get another whole section done or not, but I'll get as much done as possible. Plus, I can once again take the blankets off of my horses. Normally, they're naked by now. But, Misty at least gets cold when we have a temp in the 40s w/rain. She starts shivering.

5. Finally get the rest of the manure that I need in my garden. Then, I can work that in, and actually get some stuff planted. Right now, I have some rhubarb coming up, and that's it. I just hope I'm not too late for some of the stuff.

I've looked at the forecast for next week, and it looks good! I should be able to ride my motorcycle everyday. And, w/gas prices up at around $3.50, that will be a big help so far as money goes.

I'm wondering if Henrietta is thinking about going broody. Normally she and Roxi sleep together in the old dog house. Roxi lays her eggs in there, Henrietta lays her in a dogloo. Last night, I didn't get a chance to check on them until late. And, Henrietta was in the dogloo, not on the eggs, but that's where she spent the night, so here's hoping! :fl I want chicks!


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
I feel lazy now LOL.

All I've been doing is getting a summer wardrobe together, finishing school, and working!

I haven't even seriously thought about my little patio garden. I'll probably do tomatoes. LOL. They didn't die.

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