Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Got a call this morning from my former boss at 9:15. She has a church group come in every year for a cookout and hay ride, and today was the day. She had something come up, and neither she nor her husband were going to be around to run the tractor. She had someone else lined up, only to have them cancel. So, she called me in a panic, wanting to know if I could come over around 4:00 pm and do it. I told her yeah, but not for the whole time since I needed to leave by around 5:30 for church. She said that was fine. Of course, w/her calling at that time, she made me late for church this morning. :/

I get out to her place at just B4 4:00. Some people are there, but not too many. So, I go and open gates between the fields. And, I was hoping she had the good tractor hooked up, and not the one that keeps stalling.

By the time I get back to the front, they're waiting for a few more people. It was kind of hot today, so I stood in the barn talking to a couple of the kids for a few minutes. The last few people show up. All of the kids pile on the wagon. The adults elected to drive out to the back where they're having everything. As soon as I started up the tractor, I KNEW she had the bad tractor hooked up. Not my choice, but also not my tractor. And since I didn't know if maybe there was a problem w/the other tractor, I didn't want to switch them.

We get out to the back. They have one of these fire pits, a whole pile of newspaper-but no wood. I talked to the leader for just a few minutes, then took everyone that wanted to go for a ride. First gate I tried to go thru I learned real quick wasn't quite wide enough. I hit the post on the one side, so I backed up, moved over a hair, and tried it again. I was almost able to make it. So, I backed up and tried one last time. And, I had just barely enough room, but then I hit the post on the other side! :barnie And, I realized that post was no good. It was ready to break. So, I backed up completely, and decided not to try it at all. The other gates into the fields were wider, so I was able to drive around some. I drive back to where we started to see if any one wanted to get off or on. They had everyone get off and had me park the tractor. They wanted to play some games, but the guy that was going to lead them wasn't back there, so they just sat and waited for him. I could have made another circuit at least.

They still didn't have any wood, so I went and collected some for them, and laid the fire. I don't know if they ever saw anyone build a fire like this B4. (Thanks, Nifty) Then, I just stood there and talked w/various people while the kids played a game. And, it was getting later and later. They finally decided to light the fire, and let the kids go on the wagon. I could have left earlier, but felt bad for the kids. There were several that had wanted to ride more, so I waited. And, by the time I left, it was closer to 6:00. I was a bit late for church, but since we were having a movie w/refreshments first, I wasn't too concerned. So, I got a couple of hours of work, which means I'll get about half the amount of money I need for a fun show I want to be in at the end of the month! I didn't have to get up early, I didn't get driven nuts, and it was easy! So, I didn't mind doing it. :cool:

Right now, I'm looking forward to tomorrow. We're going on a nice trail ride! It's going to be a bit warmer than normal, but we'll survive. Originally, there were only 3 of us going, so I wasn't going to take my truck, but now we have someone else wanting to go, so I'll have to take it after all. But, I don't have to rush to get done work first, and I don't have to go to work afterward. As long as we have good weather, I'll either be going riding or canoeing 1x a week.

Oh, and SD, there' journals on here that I read that make me feel lazy! Sometimes you do, and I know you're worse off than I am!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe because we write down lists of things we accomplish sometimes, it makes others tired. But if you break up the projects over a whole day they didn't each take that long, it just sounds like a lot when you describe it on paper, the computer. Compared to a year ago, I am quite lazy now. I space my projects out with lots of rest in between. And then I do something I enjoy before beginning "work" again. My house could look better, but I am feeling better most of the time, or at least not feeling so horrific. I even watch television! But only a few shows. I don't like much TV but watch a few shows that I do like.

I hope you get a nice ride in today!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We had a very nice ride. We did the smart thing, and only rode for a couple of hours. KN was riding Honey. I need to put a grazing muzzle on her (Honey, not KN!). She's getting fat, and a longer ride would not have been good for her. RU was riding Lance. I'm not sure how she'd feel if we went on a really long trail ride since she had her hip replaced in March. LF rode, and she has not really ridden since last October! And, if I ride for too long, my knee starts to really hurt. I will take my foot out of the stirrup, and ride that way, but it's hard to get my foot back in. I think I need to start wearing my cowboy boots on a trail ride. They have a pointier toe, and it's easier for me to pick my stirrups back up. I had to stop a couple of times and reach down to get my stirrup right for getting my foot in it.

This was Misty best trail ride to date. We have come a long way in the 5.5 years I've owned her. And, sometimes it seems unbelievable that I was able to do all the training on her myself. She's responding the way I want her to. She wasn't real spooky-in spite of the fact that there's a gravel pit next to the farm, a gun club next to that, and not too far away, a race track, and all 3 were quite busy today. I think she may have spooked 2x, and they weren't major. She wasn't fighting me, but was responding to the commands I was giving her. One place I've been wanting to ride her is on the beach, but I've never felt B4 that she was ready. I think she can do it now.

We have been planning this ride now for a couple of months. We were supposed to get there at around 10:00. We got there at around 10:30, so that wasn't too bad. And, after riding, we were going to have a picnic w/the owner of this farm and his wife. I made potato salad. But, then I got to thinking about who all was going, so as a precaution, I grabbed 8 smoked sausages, threw them in the freezer this morning, then when I was ready to leave, put them, my salad and a couple of ice packs in a little cooler. It was a good thing I did. All anyone else brought? Potato chips and dip. :he And, then they asked me if I had any rolls! Some days I think I need to get other people to ride with. :/

KN and I left B4 the others did. I was hoping the feed store would be opened today. I figured if it was, I don't need to take my truck tomorrow. It was opened, so I got my feed, then went to TSC for some cat food and a couple of things I need for the fence. I was going to get kitty litter, and I forgot! So, I'll have to get it tomorrow.

When we got back to the farm, we realized we had a visitor. It took me a few seconds to realize who it was, but once I did, I was so glad to see them! I think I mentioned about PT getting 2 new horses from someone who had to give them up. We all felt bad for their 16 yo daughter. They used to board at the farm until they got their own place. And, the parents are getting up there in years. I'm not really sure how old they are, but the girl, RMB, is the youngest of several. PT had told her she could come whenever she wanted to see the horses. So, she was there, and she was riding the one. PT is actually a bit afraid of this horse. Even though she's older, she's still quite spirited. PT won't even attempt to ride her, and there's RMB riding her bareback. She's become quite a good rider. RU will let her ride, so we're hoping she'll start coming w/us on trail rides. And, I want to see her coming not only for that, but because I have an idea. You can build a fire on the beach. I would love to go for a ride as far as we can on the beach, then stop for lunch B4 heading back to the trailers. The only problem being, finding someone who doesn't ride, but would be willing to go, make a fire, and have lunch all ready for us when we get there. I'm thinking her parents just might be willing.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Riding on the beach sounds so awesome. I've got to do that once as a child and once as an adult.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We did it a few years ago. It was after I lost Binty, but B4 I was really riding Misty. There was no way she was up to that ride. So, I used a large pony that we were using for pony rides. And, it was nice. There were several people w/fires on the beach, and I kept thinking about how nice that would be. I don't think we could do this, but something I've always wanted to have is a New England clam bake on the beach.


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
I am SO glad that you finally got to go on a nice trail ride and enjoy yourself for a change! :cool: Isn't is a wonderful feeling to see how nice your horse is responding and to know that it was ALL you!

Denim Deb said:
Got a call this morning from my former boss at 9:15. She has a church group come in every year for a cookout and hay ride, and today was the day. She had something come up, and neither she nor her husband were going to be around to run the tractor. She had someone else lined up, only to have them cancel. So, she called me in a panic, wanting to know if I could come over around 4:00 pm and do it. I told her yeah

We have been planning this ride now for a couple of months. We were supposed to get there at around 10:00. We got there at around 10:30, so that wasn't too bad. And, after riding, we were going to have a picnic w/the owner of this farm and his wife. I made potato salad. But, then I got to thinking about who all was going, so as a precaution, I grabbed 8 smoked sausages, threw them in the freezer this morning, then when I was ready to leave, put them, my salad and a couple of ice packs in a little cooler. It was a good thing I did. All anyone else brought? Potato chips and dip. :he And, then they asked me if I had any rolls! Some days I think I need to get other people to ride with. :/
Do you notice any similarities in these two situations? Why is it that you are always the kind, supportive one that bails everyone else out? :idunno

I used to be that person. I had to learn to let those other "friends" fall on their butts a few times in order to take better care of myself and to help them appreciate what it is that I usually did.

First of all ... I can NOT IMAGINE planning for a group to be at your place (annual basis or not) and NOT plan to be present myself. That is just totally ridiculous. Even if she did have someone else planned to do the tractor, SHE is the one responsible for the group. Whatever else "came up" that needed to be rescheduled unless it was life threatening.

I used to work for a lady that was constantly making plans for dinners, parties, and other events. Then at the last minute - "something came up" - and I would find myself picking up all of her slack. I did her shopping, cooked foods that she had promised for events and in general made her look like a great organized success. Finally one day I woke up and when she called me I said NO. I can't do it. Believe it or not she was MAD!

The other situation reminds me of my MOM. :/ She made quite a reputation for herself. When we had family dinners, potlucks, or went to my aunts for Thanksgiving my dear sweet mom always brought ... a single stick of butter ... a sack of ice ... a small bottle of pop ... you get the idea. One year she actually brought a salt shaker (!!) to the Thanksgiving dinner my aunt hosted!! Yet SHE always filled her plate at least two times and had plenty of dessert. :somad

Her behavior all came to a head one year when my kids were small and we went to the lake. First of all MY family was at the lake because our young family was living on a shoestring and a few days at the lake was the only vacation we were going to have that year. When we went to the family lake cabin we could just pay for groceries and bait and still have a good time for a few days. So a few days in to OUR vacation and here comes Mom. No problem if she wanted to be down there - no THAT was not the problem. She and dad showed up with 1 can of tomato soup and 1 can of beans.

The first morning my family of three little kids, hubby and me got up about 7:00. I made them breakfast and we went fishing. When Mom got up at 11:00 she asked where HER breakfast was. I ignored the question. SHE was MAD!! Imagine the audacity of anyone expecting to just show up and be fed! (Well obviously your friends felt the same way. :/) At lunch WE had hot dogs (only enough for us) and coleslaw (which she hates). My dad ate the beans out of the can. MOM had a tantrum! That night they packed up (she was putting on quite the show! WOW.) and left. It was the last time she ever showed up expecting food from me. After that we just met at a restaurant or something similar.

I think those friends of yours need a wake up call. :smack YOU are much too nice of a person to keep being used like everyone seems to be doing. :hugs


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I really have to agree with Farm here, Deb.

I would give these people a CHANCE to change, but that is it.

For instance, your boss calling you after you don't work for her any longer.....that should have been a pre-planned thing that you agreed upon, not a last minute "save me" are no longer her employee at her beck and call. I'd say something to her to the effect "You were lucky I was available, I've been very busy doing _______ and you are lucky to catch me. And I was awful tired of dealing with those dumb tractors, if you want me to come and help you make sure the good one is running, I never wanted to drive your stupid tractor again!" Then laugh all friendly.

And with your riding friends, the next planned ride, I'd bring up, "Last time I brought the food and you guys brought the chips, so it is my turn to bring a side and for you guys to bring a MEAL, and give an excuse like you can't afford to feed everyone, you have been ill, or it just isn't your turn all the time". Sometimes people take advantage of you on purpose and other times because of thoughtlessness. The thoughtless ones you can train.

I used to cater to my mom and drive over to her house whenever she asked. Now I can't drive and she is having a hard time remembering that SHE can drive and I can't. I finally started pointing it out to her each time when she would ask when I am coming over? I started saying, "When are you coming here, mom, I can't drive, remember?" She refuses to drive here because my road is bad. But it isn't THAT bad, her car would "make it" just fine and back when I was driving I even drove her car here to show her how. But my point is that I trained her to expect my regular visits without her having to drive anywhere, and to change her behavior I have to discuss it with her. But this is a person I know is thoughtful in many ways, she is just forgetful.

But your riding friends, maybe you should suggest you all bring a "sack lunch" so you only have to bring your own, so that you don't have to feed everyone. Then they can have their chips for lunch if that is all they bring. It could be they just need a little organizing or training in thoughtfulness.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Yep yep. If you act like a doormat, everyone is gonna wipe dirty feets on you!

I used to be too helpful (hard to imagine, huh?), but I got over it because it's just draining. It is draining because no one gives back. Giving isn't draining when people DO give back, so I can give to Auntie or my Imooto and not be drained by it.


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
Reaction score
Eastern CT
You don't happen to know anyone in the area who might be able to give this dog a home? My uncle went to the shelter to meet her but can't take her because his other dog wouldn't be good.... anyway, if you know of anyone, let them know? It's a really neat story! My uncle knows the people who found her and got her out of the woods. Now she just needs her happy ending!

I enjoy walking along with the riders when DS goes on trail rides with the farm. I know the trails so even if I don't keep up I know where they're going to end up. :cool: Riding on the beach sounds like a lot of fun!

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