Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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That is one stubborn gal! I'm voting for the upside down mouse-traps all over the field, lol!! She may simply have decided that the pay off is worth the shock....tsk, tsk.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Maybe, but she's destroying the field! It's not ready to have the horses on it yet. I would really love to be able to keep them off of it for another 6 months, but no can do. It was just too dry this summer to really getting going the way I wanted.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Believe me, at times I'm soooo tempted! :lol: It would make my life so much easier. At times I find myself thinking, Stormy's old, Licky is a brat. Stormy dies, I get rid of Licky, and I just have Misty and she's easy. Then I think, that would be horrible! Cheaper, but horrible.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It got cold last night! Until last night, we hadn't even had a frost. Last night, it got down to 28! I wasn't quite expecting that! I was glad I had a fire going overnight, and got it going back again when I got up. And of course, since I could sleep in, I woke up earlier than I normally even set my alarm clock for! :barnie

It was so cold that rather than heading out on the bike early to feed the horses, hubby suggested that we go out and do some errands, then I could head out once it warmed up a bit, especially since he was planning on using the truck, and I HATE to drive his Durango if I don't have to. That sounded like a good idea, so I went for it. Well, I waited and waited for him. I did some dishes while I was waiting. He said we'd get a quick bite out, so I didn't even bother to eat breakfast, or have coffee. Finally around 9:00, he was ready to leave! By then, it was almost warm enough for me to ride the bike, but since we weren't going to be gone long, and we were getting food, I went. As a precaution, I grabbed some chocolate covered pretzels to take w/me for just in case. It was a good thing I did! We never did stop for food. But, we did stop at a butcher. I've been wanting to stop in and ask about leaf lard. They didn't have any, but have promised to get me some. And, depending on when they get it, I'll either have to pick it up, or they'll deliver it. (The guy's SIL is my neighbor.)

We got home around 12:00. And, I'm thinking I'm going to get out to the farm and find that not only has Licky gotten into the seeded area, but that everyone else had too. I get there, and not one of them is in there! :celebrate But, the bottom 2 wires weren't working, so I KNOW she tried to get in. And she managed to get the connection knocked loose. Since it was so late when I got there, I decided not to go home after feeding like I normally do on Saturday. But, since I had to feed RU's horses, it was probably just as well. I did put some gas in the tractor, but still couldn't get it started. I'll try again on Monday. Hopefully, it will start up then.

Putting the hay out the way I have been is working! I still have at least enough for tomorrow. I know the horses are getting enough everyday since they're leaving some and NOT almost attacking me when I put it out the next day, so I'm saving money!

Got home to learn that hubby ordered a cord of wood. The neighbors found someone on CL that would deliver a cord for $100. Don't know about other parts of the country, but around here, that's a great price. So, hubby ordered a cord so I wouldn't have to do as much. I'm not sure about this wood though. Rather than taking some out of the shed for tonight, I just used some of that. I don't know if it's the wood, or that hubby worked on the wood stove today, but I'm having a terrible time getting the fire to burn good. Its' finally burning (I hope), so we'll stay warm tonight.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sounds like you had 'a day'! Your DH reminds me of MY DH..... getting mine out the door to go somewhere is like waiting on an old woman. He fiddle faddles, lol!

Glad you're saving money on hay...thats a good thing!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Especially since I don't have enough yet. 2 times, I thought I had my hay for the winter guaranteed only to find out they don't have it after all for one reason or another.

I think the problem w/the fire is the wood. I finally have it burning good, but it's sizzling, so I have a feeling it's not quite dry. So, I'll still have to go out in the woods soon and get some wood. But, at least I don't have to get as much wood as I normally would.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 14, 2011
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We've been running the wood stove all week :( Tonight, it's 'warm' enough not to need it - supposed to be a low of 53. $100/cord is a fantastic price! Questionable wood goes for $125/cord here :/ DH gets a permit to cut dead standing on State land here - $20 for 5 cords (plus gas for truck/chainsaw, plus time :p ). Wish we could find a good deal on it here - I'd buy some to hedge our bets with!

Is Licky half donkey?! Sure seems determined!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Not that I know of, just 100% brat! :lol:

Think I've figured out what I'm going to do about the field. As much as I hate to do it, I'm going to have 2 sections fenced off for now. Then, when I feed Stormy, I'll let both Misty and Licky in the one area. Then, when I'm ready to leave, I'll chase them all out of there and do this until the ground freezes. That will hopefully give that area enough time to recover B4 the worst of winter hits. It gives me a bit longer to be able to get the fertilizer and lime down just in case we don't get any good rain storms B4 the end of the month. There's a chance of showers on Monday-but that's it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And she didn't get in again! I almost forgot to turn the electric back when I left, but remember just as I was leaving. So, I shouldn't find her in there tomorrow either. (I hope!)

Well, the RB is almost gone. I'll be sticking the last of it out in the morning. And, hopefully I'll be able to get the tractor started so I can put another one over there.

Went riding today for a couple of hours. And, we're wondering why we've never looked into riding there B4. It's only about 12 miles from the farm. We had no idea where we could park-except along the road. The area runs between 2 roads. And in the hour that we rode in the one direction, we didn't get to the other road. Plus, there were all kinds of roads going off of it. Plus, we were in the shade almost the whole time! So, we'll be going again.

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