Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's still not raining, so I went out and planted the last of my beans. I didn't get to the dishes or the basement, but since it's supposed to rain tomorrow, I figure I can do the dishes then, then spend a lot of time on the basement. Much of the outside stuff I had planned on doing tomorrow got done today. Other than feeding animals and cleaning the goat pen, I got all the outside work for the week done! And, I may not be able to clean the goat pen. It's going to depend entirely on how much it rains tomorrow.

I'm planning on either next Friday or Saturday trying to plant some peas, broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage and potatoes to see if I can get a fall crop. Don't know if there's anything else I can plant then cuz I don't normally do much in the fall. I'm so looking forward to hopefully not having much of a food bill all winter.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I looked thru the seeds that I have and looks like I have quite a bit I can plant now. I found beets, broccoli, cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, peas, radishes, spinach and turnips. So I'll be planting them next weekend. I might also see if I have any potatoes sprouting, and try them. Since I plan on growing them in a container, if they're not ready by the time it gets too cold, I plan on putting them in my greenhouse.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today was basically a wasted day. We were expecting rain all day-we didn't get it. And, we were going to spend the day doing stuff around the house. That didn't happen. So basically, I feel like I got nothing done. I did a few things, like dishes, clean the goat pen and farm chores, but that's about it. I was going to work on the basement, but I only spent about 15 minutes on it.

I'll admit to being a bit upset when I got out to the farm. First thing I noticed was a pile of horse poop on the OUTSIDE of my gate! And when I got over there, I could tell by the size that it was NOT from one of my horses. Plus, there were hoof trimmings right there. CL had the farrier out. Her one horse is blind, and rather than trying to get him out into the parking area, she decided to just have him trimmed by my gate. I would not have had a problem w/that IF she had cleaned up after him. Instead, I had to do it. And, the poop had gotten scattered, so it was on both sides of the gates and into the area I have fenced off. They also unhooked the electric fence from over the gates and didn't reconnect it. And, the electric was turned off. I know for a fact that it was on when I left yesterday because I walked back to check it. So, both the poop and the hoof trimmings were tossed over my fence and into CL's field. She doesn't clean hers, but I prefer to keep my area clean. I believe that every other area on the farm has mud problems. I no longer do and part of that is because I keep my field clean. :soap: I have tried talking to both PT and CL about the mud in their fields, told them things they can do to make it less of a problem, but they don't want to be bothered.

Someone also went in w/my chickens. My gate into there is split. The only time I open the top is if I'm going in there since I don't want the horses-Licorice especially getting in. I get there, and the top was opened plus, the electric was disconnected there as well. There is no need for anyone to go in there-unless they were to notice that the chickens need water. But since I know that no one ever checks it, I always make sure that they have plenty of food and water B4 I leave if I'm not feeding in the morning. So, I'm glad that the chicken pen is in the area that's fenced off this week.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We got some more rain overnight and could get more rain today. I had already planned on taking the truck, so that might be a good thing. The viewing for CC is today w/a memorial service to follow. So, I'm going to go to the farm right after church, get changed, do everything I need to do out there, then go to the viewing. I'm not staying for the service.

I need to go out soon and check on my garden. It's been doing real good, and I should be able to pick my first tomato soon! I tried one of my hot peppers yesterday and could only eat about 1/5 of it, if that. I liked the taste, and think they're going to be great when I'm able to make salsa. I also cooked up an eggplant yesterday. It tasted pretty good. And, I need to check the live trap. Yesterday morning, I found a possum in there. I don't think he's been getting into the garden, so I let him loose. But, if I had had the chickens at home, I might not have been so forgiving.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Tomorrow is going to be another busy day. And since the farrier forgot to show up on Friday, he's rearranged his schedule so he can be there at 9:00 tomorrow morning. But, w/as wet as it's been, the horses are muddy. I don't want to put fly spray on them w/out grooming them, so I'm going to have to leave early enough to give them all a quick grooming so I can fly spray them B4 he gets there. Plus, I'm going out w/some friends tomorrow evening for dinner. I'm really looking forward to it. 2 of them were my bridesmaids. And one of those I have know basically all her life. I'm just a couple of months older. We lived on the same street when we were born, and went all thru school together.

One of them is a woman that attended the same church that I did as a kid. We lost touch for a bit, so I'm looking forward to seeing her. And the last one is also someone that I've known for years. I actually see her more than any of the others, but that's only because she lives right across the street from the farm. In fact, if I hadn't lost touch w/her for a few years, I would have probably started going out to the farm earlier.

So, between the farrier and dinner, I'm probably not going to get on here until tomorrow evening. So, I figure I'd better do my list tonight. So my list for tomorrow is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
2. Dishes
3. Work in garden
4. Start moving strawberries to where I want them
5. Normal farm chores
6. Groom horses
7. Clean field and spread manure
8. Farrier
9. If I have time, work w/and ride Misty for a bit
10. Start working on cleaning front yard
11. Work in living room
12. Feed goats
13. Go out to dinner

I think this is long enough. And, I'm going to be going to bed soon. I'm tired. I think part of it is because of the weather. It's been cloudy and cool for the past few days w/showers.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
The rain they were forecasting didn't really show up here either. It was really strange, we finally had a storm last night but it didn't amount to anything in my gauge. Global weirding strikes again.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I think Pinky might have gotten more rain up her way that we did here. But, we got enough at the farm for it to really soak in.

I came close to getting my list all done. I didn't ride Misty. By the time I got done w/everything that needed to be done, it was after 12:00, and was hot and humid. So I decided that I'd skip that-especially since I was able to schedule a lesson for Wednesday morning. And, I didn't get to the living room. But, if I had to miss out on something, I figure housework is the best thing to skip. :D I didn't get a whole lot done in the front yard, nor did I move a lot of the strawberries, but at least I got started.

They've moved Bible study from Tuesday to Thursday for this week only, so I'm not sure how early I'm going to leave in the morning. I have my appointments tomorrow, and I don't want to have to be at the farm any longer than I have to. Plus, I'm not sure what the weather is going to be like tomorrow. I don't really want to be doing a ton of stuff that would get me all hot, sweaty and dirty.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today is going to be a bit warm and I'm not wanting to do a lot of work out at the farm! So, I'm not 100% sure of what all I'll be doing out there. I'm planning on getting to my allergist as early as I can. They use to start giving shots at 2:00. I just found out that now it's at 1:30. So, the earlier I can get out of there, the earlier I can leave, the earlier I can get to the chiropractor, and the earlier I can get home. So, my plan for today is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes (they're in the washer now)
2. Fold up and put away a load of laundry
3. Dishes
4. Clean bathroom
5. Buy some flowering plants if I can
6. Normal farm chores
7. Clean up around tack shed and clean tack shed
8. Maybe work on getting stuff out for the hay shelter
9. Go to appointments
10. Work in garden
11. Move more of the strawberries
12. Work on front yard (I need to figure out where I put my pruners!)
13. Feed goats
14. Go on motorcycle run

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Tomorrow morning, I finally have a riding lesson. My schedule and my trainer's schedule just refused to come up w/a time that we both have free. So, I'm way far behind on where I wanted to be by now. But, that's OK. And, I'll also be working tomorrow to pay for more lessons. So, I'm going to be busy. I need to leave by 7:30 for just in case Misty gives me a hard time about loading. Plus, if I get there a bit early, hopefully I can get back to the farm early enough to get some stuff done at home.

But, since I'm leaving so early, I'm not getting on here in the morning. And since I don't always remember to throw clothes in the washer if I need to leave early, I threw them in tonight. So, my list for tomorrow is:

1. Wash and hang out a load of clothes
2. Iron shirts
3. Put out trash and recyclables
4. Clean kitchen
5. Normal farm chores
6. Lesson
7. Work
8. Work in garden
9. Work in orchard area
10. Work in front yard
11. Feed goats

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