Disturbing & Spreading New Trend....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It's not always a lack of parenting. I'm sure we all have heard of or know of children who say they're going to be at such and such a place, and are instead getting into trouble. Kids want to fit in, and at times, that means they do things they shouldn't. Some learn, and move on and away from this type of behavior, others go on to become criminals.


Apr 4, 2009
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We have many antisocial kids in our institution. We know where they are, and they aren't flashmobbing for the moment :/

Maybe I see mostly the worst where I work, but I do worry about this next generation of adolescents coming up. They have a sort of feral attitude towards the rest of society. And it is a parenting issue- frequently the parent (usually only one is around at all) is pretty disfunctional. They have no rules and no consequences until/unless they hit the justice system. Then my SO gets to deal with them. (and, just as an aside- she's pretty darn good at what she does! She gets Christmas cards from people she has sent to jail :lol:)


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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but I do worry about this next generation of adolescents coming up. They have a sort of feral attitude towards the rest of society.
disclaimer: no i dont have kids

wow, Valmom, thats a great way to put it. and yeah i think a lot of it is lack of parenting. one of the things i see with my friends with kids - especially if they have their kids later - is that they just arent as engaged with their children. they dont think that spending time with their kids is "fun" and they obviously want to be doing something else. its kind of hard to watch, to be honest.

the other thing i see is the other end of of the spectrum - parents who are more their kid's friend than a parent. the dont want to be "mean" to their kids like their own parents (psst that was called "discipline"). so there is a huge lack of discipline and respect. not to mention the parents dont teach their kids about the consequences of their actions.

are all kids/parents bad? nope - we think the 4H kids are a shining example. Bourbon Red's kids are amazing. the other day in town i expected a young teen to give me a sassy response and instead she stepped aside, opened the door, and said, "after you please." i almost fell over.

but wow. its pretty bad when we had to come up with a "rule" that when young teens we know come to our house - they MUST respect my husband. i cant help but think that none of my friends would need to have that "rule" - we'd just behave.

has crime been around for a long time? yep. has this kind of thing happened before? yep - when i lived in civilization the news would say over and over again not to go to this or that mall at Xmas time b/c of the bad kids. but i think the anonymous nature of some technology makes it a lot easier for kids to think they arent doing anything wrong.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Of course people don't want to spend time with their kids...kids are annoying. :lol: :p It's WORK being a parent, heck it's working trying to just like the child at times during the teen years. DD14 comes home from school smart mouthing and being a brat because the other kids get away with it, why shouldn't she?! I agree with her, why should all the others get to act that way? It's the other parents and teachers that let these kids run crazy and be just as snotty rude and evil as they want to be that I really want to strangle the life out of at times. I stay on DD's case about being "better than that" and showing respect whether everyone else does or not but it sure is hard pressing her into an oddball mold when she naturally at this age just wants to fit in. :barnie

We as a generation have let the kids get out of hand. When I ws a kid, even teen, if I did something at my aunts house...I got in big trouble from my AUNT, THEN from my parents, and half the time I got chewed by my siblings too :rolleyes: We have lowered our expectations of kids from birth on up. No wonder half of them are morons :hu They are never taught anything.

Another thing severely lacking is accountability. Knowing where the kid is and expecting them to be there, even checking up on them, was always a given around my family. Now, they'll be back whenever :hu They're going "somewhere" and may be home when they say they will. I won't even let mine go to the movies without a TRUSTWORTHY adult present. But, I guess I'm just a mean old stepmom. I tell ya what though, I'm proud of it!! I love my kids enough to let them hate me if they wanna, and boy do they ever at times!! :lol: They'll grow up and realize how dumb they were and that I went the extra mile BECAUSE I cared though. Raising kids right is exhausting, but I love the job(most days), and my kids are better for it. I feel sorry for the kids whose parents think a roof over their head for 18 years and food is enough. They won't have what it takes to make it in the real world. It is sad.


On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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It's true that gangs, bad parenting and misguided kids have been around for a long time...Flash mobbing, is a newer thing directly associated with new age tecnology...Children today are very tech savoy, and certainly can be in touch with a group of others in quick time, to organize/meet or whatever fast.I guess what i'm saying is, technology can cause alot of trouble, and flash gangs have embraced that notion.An old problem in a new box,if you will..Its happening in rural areas, but seems more common in areas of cities and economically depressed..Technology and crime are rampant nowadays...Cyber attacks on our military computers,corporate hacking for ID thief and increasing the global reach of terrorism.Anyway, this is just my opinion about this newer way of gang violence and technology.Sure here are tons of good kid out there doing the right thing and good parents.It's just a new kinda crime wave to talk about if you care to discuss it..If kids are wild, crazy and unruley, i guess the parent failed, and then,yes its a matter for the police and courts..Its a threat because kids with bad intent can get together very quickly and attack unsuspecting persons, places and things.Even back in the days of "Leave It To Beaver ", of course there was crime..This is just a topic of a disturbing new techy trend, that can affect anyone ,anywhere ...FC, i'm just looking for people thoughts about this, how do you prepare for this new type of techy predator and protect whats yours..? Today its big stores, innocent people on the streets. Tomorrow they may be texting or whatever it is they do on youtude saying."Hey lets hit the little farm in Valley Hills in 30 minutes, and trash the place...!" I just saying....provoking thought/discussion...I use to pick pickles when i was a kid down on the farm, for 25cents a big burlap bag ORChick..lol I loved it, man there were tons of honeybees working the new blossems.It was hard dirty work, but i didn't really mind it.I'm still playing and producing in the dirt today.I know what you mean though, alot of kids don't want to do farm jobs.Honestly, i for one don't really like where technology has taken this world.I know its done alot of good in certain areas, but...


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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technology of any kind can always cause trouble, now the teens found they can use that technology for trouble.


Lovin' The Homestead
Nov 11, 2010
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North Central Florida
My FAVORITE job as a teenager was working in a packing house one summer. I spent 3 months sorting/grading squash and turnips and I was the only caucasian on the "line". :D What a hot, sweaty, grimy... but GREAT summer!

Living the Simple Life

Power Conserver
Feb 9, 2011
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Um, I have to giggle as I will be leaving work in two hours to participate in a Flash Mob at a kids event in our city. The local dance/arts school put this together and a group of all ages (youngest age 2 through almost senior citizens) are all going to be breaking out in a flash mob to highlight the local dance school. Now, I feel like such a rebel!!!

I am not making light of the original concern re: a fun thing (flash mobs) being turned into a bad thing (robbery mob), but sometimes I think we fall into the drive-by media's trap of only focusing on the negative. There has always been bad apples since the beginning of time. What I see happening is that instead of standing up and fighting for good, as a society we have become shrinking violets (oh, well we can't do thus and such because something bad might happen <wringing hands>).

I get SO frustrated by always hearing about "those darn kids, crab, crab, crab" and I blame the media (and the media consumers who don't demand to hear the good stuff too). There are TONS of kids throughout the US who just graduated with highest honors and are going to top universities, we are approaching fair season and there are TONS of kids throughout the US who will be participating through 4-H, FFA, etc. who have worked all year long getting animals and projects ready, there are TONS of kids throughout the US who will be spending their summers doing productive things such as volunteering, working, taking classes. The MINORITY of kids do bad things.....the MAJORITY of kids are doing it right....we just don't hear about them very often.

I absolutely agree that as a society we fail to expect procreators to also be parents (two VERY different things) and much of what is "wrong" with some kids today can be traced directly back to people not taking responsibility for their offspring. However, as an active, engaged parent to my own kids, I also take time to be engaged with other kids as well. I have the opportunity to interact with several foster kids and kids from single adult homes (I can't honestly say there is anyone acting as a parent in the home). I can only hope that being a positive influence to these kids will have a lasting impact on them.

I choose to spend my time trying to make a difference in kids lives, rather than preparing to defend myself against them.

I am in no way trying to offend anyone, merely stating my personal opinion.



On vacation
Apr 24, 2010
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I like what you said LTSL, as i mentioned the same thing, their are tons of good kids and parents out there doing right.
Some how though,i don't think the kids involved in violent mob flashing would be interested in you trying to make a difference in theirs lives.That is a great thing to do, but i think they are already kinda set in their ways, not to say those kids can't change.I just don't think there are enough good folks like yourself, who have the time to try and save all the wayward kids..Your right though, you don't hear alot about what good kids are doing, being positive...That would be a great topic i think for a new thread..! Sadly, some kids are so violent though, that your choice may only be that you can defend yourself in a given situation.Those are the ones that this thread is about, they are the violent mob flashers...not the good kids..


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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remember also not everyone has every brain cell firing.....not to be 'off' but truly some people just have mental conditions that could lead to violence obviously

people do bad things for alot of 'medical' reasons also.

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