Disturbing & Spreading New Trend....


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
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I can definitely understand where KevsFarm is coming from with this subject. While many of the responses have come from well meaning and responsible parents that have taken the time to raise their children properly it is NOT those children who KevsFarm is discussing. It is the mob that has the technology available to them but nothing to prevent them from this behavior. Currently, they are simply teenagers looking for an exciting "good time" but in a few years they may turn out to be unemployed, hungry and distressed adults who are not afraid to do what they think is "necessary for their survival" which may include doing something violent just to find food.
Yes, these ARE the Zombies we are talking about on another post. They have the money to afford the technology but don't want to spend it on the things that are relatively easy to "just take" when they feel it is "for their survival".

When it is no longer a crime to defend your home and property against invasion of ANY sort by ANY person or persons, then there will be one or two examples of "Don't go there because those folks have a gun..." that circulates through the crowd and they will find out that there are folks who don't have to tolerate the "whims" of undisciplined youth or young adults. That is why we have big buckets on our tractors. You dig a big, deep hole and be done with it. It won't take long to stop it with that technique because the parents are the ones who should go to jail with the "flash mob" participants.

So far, there have been lots of "it's just what kids do" response but it will change radically when it happens on your farm or home or place of business. Then you will have a completely different response.

Our society is changing and not for the better. We are seeing a large population increase and fewer jobs to employ them. In the past, when that happened, they gave a war and invited all the young men they wanted to kill to participate in the war. The population went checked for a while but now is growing out of control and then if you add the illegal alien population to it the numbers become even more disconcerning.

KevsFarm is right to be concerned but we need to think about "skating to where the puck is GOING TO BE" and I think he is looking in that direction.
Trim sends


Power Conserver
Jun 24, 2011
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Hello everyone,i'm new here and wanted to comment on this topic.I recently was in the Chicago area, and found myself in full view of a violent flash mob..! It was horrible an unsettling to watch.I have no plans to return to Chicago.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 28, 2010
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Can anyone estimate the frequency of flash-rob type events? How many people are reported to have been hurt or killed in a flash-rob? I'm only asking because I think we would be better off worrying about the things that are 1) more probable and 2) preventable.

You are far more likely to die in a car wreck than be injured in a flash-rob.

Maybe we should be worrying about other infrequent events that are preventable---like children falling out of windows or drowning in wading pools.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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k15n1 said:
Can anyone estimate the frequency of flash-rob type events? How many people are reported to have been hurt or killed in a flash-rob? I'm only asking because I think we would be better off worrying about the things that are 1) more probable and 2) preventable.

You are far more likely to die in a car wreck than be injured in a flash-rob.

Maybe we should be worrying about other infrequent events that are preventable---like children falling out of windows or drowning in wading pools.
This kind of "Ostrich" approach is exactly how lots of bad things in our society have gotten out of control. Active intervention and severe punishment will stop these little riots. Otherwise they will grow into another serious social problem.


Lovin' The Homestead
May 29, 2010
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Boogity said:
k15n1 said:
Can anyone estimate the frequency of flash-rob type events? How many people are reported to have been hurt or killed in a flash-rob? I'm only asking because I think we would be better off worrying about the things that are 1) more probable and 2) preventable.

You are far more likely to die in a car wreck than be injured in a flash-rob.

Maybe we should be worrying about other infrequent events that are preventable---like children falling out of windows or drowning in wading pools.
This kind of "Ostrich" approach is exactly how lots of bad things in our society have gotten out of control. Active intervention and severe punishment will stop these little riots. Otherwise they will grow into another serious social problem.
Yep government should mow them down and use tanks if they can get them there in time. Tried it for riots both here and abroad, usually results in larger worse riots. How do you tell the flash-robbers from the inocent bystanders? Shoot them all and let God sort them out? count me in with the ostrich mob.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 28, 2010
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I'm not taking a political stand here. I'm just saying that we, as individuals, should prepare for the most likely events first. Being the victim of a flash-mob type event is just not a frequent cause of death.

Everywhere in the USA, there are laws against stealing and assult, so I don't see any need for new legislation. Making new laws might make you feel like you've been heard, but it won't change much. These activities are already illegal so making a new law isn't needed. Several overlapping and conflicting laws probably make it more difficult to prosecute crimes, rather than easier.

Another point was beefing up enforcement. I'm in favor. It actually brings down crime. However, bringing in armored vehicles is probably not the most practical way to deal with occasional teen violence. Who is going to pay for the vehicle? Where are you going to keep it? Who will decide when it is deployed? What happens if a citizen is killed by the large guns mounted on it? Do you want to make your tax situation worse? You know, when police departments are sued for wrongful-death damages, they're taking it out of your taxes.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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k15n1 - I think ~gd was being light hearted with the "bring in the tanks" comment. I really don't think it was meant as a suggestion. I agree with you 100% that we do not need any new laws for this situation. But we DO need to enforce the laws already on the books. Just look at the laws that are totally ignored every day on our southern border. The present admin. must see this as a wonderful way to get more votes.


Power Conserver
Jun 24, 2011
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Part of the reason were seeing this new trend is because of the lack of money,our poor economy.Cities are cutting back on public swimming pools and other activiies for youth.They don't have the money to beef up enforcement and add new police.Some places are closing fire dept.that have been around for a long time and doing all they can to keep the police they still have.

garden pixy

Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 27, 2011
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If the issue is economic and these teens are doing this because there are no public pools and youth activities to keep them entertained maybe it's time for parents to reconsider spending hundreds on the newest gadgets and $30-70/month on data plans and put that money toward something worthwhile to help keep their children out of trouble. It all comes back to parenting, the bad seeds are the ones that are consistently given what they want as opposed to what they need. The parents aren't involved enough in their children lives to know or care what they are doing.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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garden pixy said:
If the issue is economic and these teens are doing this because there are no public pools and youth activities to keep them entertained maybe it's time for parents to reconsider spending hundreds on the newest gadgets and $30-70/month on data plans and put that money toward something worthwhile to help keep their children out of trouble. It all comes back to parenting, the bad seeds are the ones that are consistently given what they want as opposed to what they need. The parents aren't involved enough in their children lives to know or care what they are doing.