most people who do bad things or follow others to the point of cults etc. do have 'for a lack of a better way' a screw loose.
sometimes you can't fix that or what it takes is tons of intervention on a medical it is never an easy fix 'about what to do when people do...X" ya know.
Hummm.... Some things that come to mind as I read this thread.
My opinion, don't Freak out!!
Most of you/us who have and are trying to raise good, well mannered, honest children are good, well mannered, honest adults.
I have seen video of these Flash Mobs on the news. They are scary. They are happening and more frequently.
I see these aggressors/criminals, yes that's harsh but what they are, as second generation misfits. These are my sisters teens. The product of generations of failed parenting.
The kids are raised "feral" as someone said above. They are "unparented". They do not have morals or know the difference between right and wrong, good or evil.
They are product of their environment and today's society. Which does not say much about the way the world works today.
I pray for these misguided youths, and their families.
I agree with the it being hard to find a job for teenagers! My teenagers are VERY hardworking! No one will hire them because they are under 18. Insurance will not let them. My mom asked our boss about my 15 yo coming in and helping her clean up weeds and he said NO WAY! And that he could not have anyone under 18 on his property! We talked to a gentlemen at our church that has a siding business and he said his insurance will not let under 18 to use a utility knife or climb on a ladder. Other people we have talked to do not even make enough money for themselves with their business so hiring someone is out.
But there is never any excuse for this flash mob mentality!
I have some anxiety about being in a store with my children and something like this happening. It is so fast and overwhelming how would you protect yourself?
Concealed/Carry applications are on a sharp rise. But if a person shoots one of the little twerps they go to jail after a long and expensive court process.
I must say that I saw a flash mob while visiting our DD in Chicago and it was very cool. We were in a shopping mall and all of a sudden about 50 teenagers started singing and dancing. They were very good dancers and well behaved. I really enjoyed it.
Maybe if it had been a flash robbery I just might be in that long and expensive court process.
Yep...i haven't seen a flash mob robbery/violence or a flash mob dance/sing...The latter does sound pretty cool, those must be the good kids.. The whole youtube techy thing is crazy.I sure hope if i run into anything like that, it's the flash mob dance/sing
I have never heard of violent flash mob; I have only heard of the ones that entertain. A bunch are on YouTube - people suddenly freezing in place in Grand Central Station, everyone's cell phone ringing at once in a library, several different people playing out a scene over and over and over in a coffee shop, etc.
My nephew will be 16 next month and has had 3 job offers - he is currently working at a golf course cleaning carts and running the little golf ball picker upper thing. He chose that over McDonald's and picking peas lol.
Now between high school baseball games, baseball camp, work, his brother's games... no mobbing for that tired boy either.