I think it was on this forum that we got to discussing using dog poo for fertilizer. Someone said that it's not advisable to use. So I took it at face value. But got to wondering why.
So I got to looking and it seems that while it does make great fertilizer there are several parasites that do transfer to humans. I think we all knew that. But I didn't even think of it as a reason not to garden with it.
However composting it does kill these parasites.
So I'm gonna give it a go. My compost pile has gone cold and slimy anyway. Ran out of dead material to add to it. I'll let ya know how it goes.
So I got to looking and it seems that while it does make great fertilizer there are several parasites that do transfer to humans. I think we all knew that. But I didn't even think of it as a reason not to garden with it.
However composting it does kill these parasites.
So I'm gonna give it a go. My compost pile has gone cold and slimy anyway. Ran out of dead material to add to it. I'll let ya know how it goes.