Don't know if this is old news to everybody here- Dervaes family?


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I pick a comfy spot in my yard and watch the chickens. Then I start to envision my property with this or that feature, mix it with all the info I've read, pics I've seen and add in a dash of "what do I have on hand in the way of materials?" and dream, dream, dream.

Later I grab a notebook that I always keep next to the bed and I draw a plan, map out the details, and bake at 360 until golden brown.

(My kids hate the words, "Ya know? I've been thinking......") :p

Then, the next pretty day I try to get motivated to take the first step in implementing one of the plans. The journey of a thousand miles starts with that first step, as free pointed out.

If you can dream it, you can do it. If you are waiting on a loved one to pitch in and get excited about it and help you, you may wait too long. I either do it myself or buy some help with pizza~my boys will work for food! :D


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
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North Central Miss'ippy
okiegirl1 said:
Seems I'm looking and learning and wanting, but not really doing. I guess I just gotta take the plunge and jump into the deep end.
I know the feeling! Well, the site didn't discourage me, but like free, I freeze up looking at that beautiful stack of wood just waiting for a saw, or get halfway through a project and realize there is one small bit I didn't drill into my head enough, then I lose my whole momentum. Like nestboxes... Tried 3 different times to build the perfect box I had in my head. Wept, threw a hammer, stomped inside & pouted. Then I grew up, gave up and used a big plastic barrel & milk crates with straw. The chicks love it.
I want to plant some fruit & nut trees, but the perfect spot is probably going to be bulldozed if we ever get our yard leveled like it should be. I'd like to get the yard leveled so I can plant edible ornamentals around the house. As it is, it's too wet right up next to the house. Being too wet, I can't get the yard leveled :barnie
It's a huge learning experience and there is so much info available, that alone can get overwhelming.
Take your time, make one or two small steps toward a single goal, let things be "good enough", and remember, it's not a race, it's just your journey. Journeys should be at least a little fun.


Low-Carb Queen - RIP: 1963-2021
Jan 3, 2009
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Step one...

Get three free ducks off of craigs list. Somehow this has led to a compost pile. a pen, a large aviary, a pond, a large fish, a hydroponics system, several raised garden beds, more ducks...

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
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Puget Sound, WA
Thanks for sharing Tamlynn. Reading how other families "do it" helps inspire me.

OkieGirl, I see a lot of me in you! Just last April or so I started this journey. I've had chickens before and a small garden before, but I moved onto a piece of "virgin" property, no coop, no fences, no veggie garden etc. I started small and read EVERY SCRAP OF MATERIAL on this website chomping at the bit the whole way. I have learned so much from all my mates here on SS. It has been a real eye opener and a major life changer. I am so proud that everything I did, I did all by myself...some of it isn't pretty (like my "tent city"/sandford and son's chicken coop) but it suits me until I'm ready to improve.

I started small and encountered many mistakes along the way. I would just ask and ask and ask until I figured it out. (I asked tons of questions in TheEasyGarden forum for my garden and orchard and all the rest here.)

Now I'm planning on making either a cob coop or a hay bale coop all from scratch with my bare hands. I am very excited and I dont even know where to start yet!


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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walk your "40 acres"

just take in that land.
then think what do "you want truly"

some chickens
some hogs
definite garden space

when you know what YOU want then you know how to proceed.

you do not have to "have it all"----you do not have to "do it all"

decide what you want.....then check that land and plot it out in your mind----then start. just do it. do not over analyze. think of a few basic things you want and start.

you can move far and fast if you take it one step at a time and DO WHAT you want to achieve.

there are tons of things we do here on this board and everyone is different....but one thing we all do---WE ALL DO WHAT WE WANT AND WHAT WE LIKE. Find your "what you want to do" and just do it.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
Wifezilla said:
Step one...

Get three free ducks off of craigs list. Somehow this has led to a compost pile. a pen, a large aviary, a pond, a large fish, a hydroponics system, several raised garden beds, more ducks...
hee hee hee thats hilarious!

me - i'm all 'go' and tend to have the planning in my head. my hubby cringes when i head outside with a shovel and a hammer.. means that something is about to happen

i think one mistake that some people make is taking on too much. sometimes is pretty overwhelming so i tackle one new thing then move onto the next one. you can see this when people start gardening. they go thru all the trouble to make a huge garden, but then the work of it is too much and they give up.

pick one thing, read about it, then cowboy up and do the first step. garden? start digging or tilling. chickens or ducks? start building a shelter and a pen. my biggest regrets about our projects has always been nillynallying around. so i've learned to just give things a try.

the great thing is learning new skills. who would have guessed i'm a carpenter? if you mess it up? so what... think 'whats the worst thing that can happen' and once you acknowledge that you can expect the worst, hope for the best and most likely you'll be just fine.

here's the first thing you can do - start a compost pile. go around and get all the leaves you can find, stack them in a pile, mow over them a time or too and keep adding straw, kitchen garden scraps, grass clippings etc. and by spring you can rake off the top stuff, till under what mulched down... and voila - start planting.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
while i'm handing out free advice....

i guess the other thing is... there is always, ALWAYS, going to be someone standing there telling you that whatever you are planning isnt going to work, it cant be done, why would you do THAT???, etc etc etcc

in my case its the MIL

i tell these people to .. oh wait... its a family show right? well then i smile and nod at all their concerns, explore them for any possible kernel of knowledge, then charge right on ahead. afterward when the hens don't die, the pigs do not become my friends, the garden isnt a failure, and the blueberries do TOO grow just fine in ohio.... i can stand there and sing them my best rendition of Toby Keith's 'how do you like me now?'

its very satisfying.

for every 50 reasons why something cant be done - the one reason it probably will work.. is because you want it to and try hard.


Lovin' The Homestead
Sep 14, 2009
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
(My kids hate the words, "Ya know? I've been thinking......") :p
that is so funny, because when I say "Honey, I've been thinking..." first thing he says is "How much?" and reaches for his wallet!

Ya'll are great. I don't know if ya'll are told enough on here or out in the world, but ya'll are great!

I have 5 4x16 raised flower beds, started a compost pile and have drawn out plans for the coop. I have a lean to..... (it sorta leans to the right) that could be converted into a shed/pen thing.

What do I want?????
I want a pond (with ducks:D), but not sure how to dig a pond and it stay filled and not turn into a big dirt hole.
I want goats, but dont' know a thing about them. I get so mad when people take the responsibility of an animal and have no idea what they're doing. the poor animal suffers. So that will have to wait for a bit.
I want that feeling of knowing I can provide for our family if worse comes to worse.
Ok, this is selfish :hide, but I want that WOW factor. You know, a friend comes over, you show her what you've been up to and she says "WOW!!!"