Lovin' The Homestead
CLASSIC!!noobiechickenlady said:Ohiofarmgirl, you reminded me of the quote on my company's shirts:
"Those who say it cannot be done should not interupt those who are doing it."
I love it
CLASSIC!!noobiechickenlady said:Ohiofarmgirl, you reminded me of the quote on my company's shirts:
"Those who say it cannot be done should not interupt those who are doing it."
There are 3 ways to do that. It depends on the size you want. For my little yard I used method #1I want a pond (with ducks), but not sure how to dig a pond and it stay filled and not turn into a big dirt hole
Yep! "You're canning... meatloaf? But why???"Not sure what your friends are like, but the wow I get is the head shaking yep-she's-really-losing-it kind of a wow.