Nope. Don't have to go anywhere today unless I want too, and I don't think I want to. Gonna to water the tomatoes in a bit and already picked a bunch of figs this morning. Gonna clean the house a bit, take the Christmas decorations outa the attic, make fig jam and marmalade, and do something with these lemons and grapefruit. Haven't decided what yet. I'll post some pics tonight.
Ok, so I'm gonna start on the marmalade in a little while, but turns out I will have to leave the house, but only because I decided to make a different marmalade, so now I need a couple of things from the store. I'm having a good day.
Photos? I love photos of full mason jars!!!! Hope you had fun. We have a pear tree at the new place. Not sure what else is there. Hope it's still there when we move!
Here is another post with my baby boys. I have been on a couple of threads lately where we were discussing our dogs, so here are mine. Beaux is our pit bull and Ricky is our black miniature schnauzer.
I resized these. I don't know why they are so big.