Ever had your confidence shaken about your SS lifestyle?


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
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Nifty said:
Quail_Antwerp said:
I often wonder if we're the only people left in the world who doesn't own a cell phone.
YOU DON'T HAVE A CELL PHONE!?!? Don't talk to me ever again! :th

:rolleyes: :lol:

Nope, no cell phone. Even when we both worked full time jobs, no cell phone....because I didn't want that bill.

Now they have those pre-paid plans, tho, and we thought about that for a minute, but nope, because I don't want to have to buy a phone and then still pay something each month to use the phone.

I'm too cheap. lol

As for wanting the cool, nice stuff....the only cool and nice I "want" is a well, which means plumbed water in my house, and a little bit bigger house.

Everything else is just frosting.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2009
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Jawja, y'all
I used to be a keep-everything-perfect kinda person. That was before DD hit toddlerhood. Then it just seemed more important for things to be cleaned up enough for relative sanitation and safety, so the rest of my time could be spent with her and DH.

We have lived in $250,000 homes, $25,000 homes, attic apartments, a basement. I've decided that if I invite someone to my home and they want to judge me by how well it's kept up, then they're maybe a little too focused on what's not important.

We've had folks over to each of our places, and it's been about the friendship and fellowship, not the surroundings. When I look back on times we spent in each abode and think about the good discussions and fun we've had, and how blessed we were in that spot, I count it as one of the best places we've been.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
you know....I have felt this way on occasion...then I run the sweeper...pick up the laundry in the bathroom, and dust. Sure...we dont have the best of everything...monatarily....but, we have the best of EVERYTHING..we have this forum, and knowledge on how to survive when TSHTF. No, my house is not magazine worthy...but its friend and family worthy. That means more to me than anything. Holidays come...where does the family want to get together?? Here.! Cookouts, where do they want them?? Here. THAT makes me feel good. My nieces wrote on the chalkboard.... "Aunt Debs house ROCKS" THAT makes me feel good. ( at least they didnt write it in the dust on the side table) :lol:
Animals, yup, we have them in the house. Cats, dogs, chickens/ducks/turkeys on occasion...but, its clean, and has a good "Home" feeling....not a showroom,dont sit on the couch feeling.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
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Maryville, Tennessee
No cell phone for me either. It's not the bill I hate, it's the constant ringing with people wanting to take up your time while you're resting, eating, driving, talking to other people, etc. I know, I know, you can chose not to take the call, but I just don't want people in my face all the time. (And what's up with all those people who talk on their phones in restaurants and in grocery stores?)

Also, my house is also shabby, but it's paid for and I paid cash for my new (now 5 years old) car because I refused to go back into debt, after I suffered to get credit cards paid off. Keeping up with the Jones just don't cut it!

I later worked with people who had the big fancy houses and the new cars, and the cell phones, and guess what? They envied me because I always had money in the bank (after I quit spending it for every little thing). Not much, but enough that I could relax and not worry. It also helped that I worked for a company that had a great 401K program and that matched my savings, so I have something to fall back on as I get older.

And now, retired, I've found this forum and boy is it enlightening. I'm making my laundry soap, baking bread, raising chickens, growing veggies and selling at the farmer's market - LIFE IS GOOD!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
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New Brunswick, Canada
Quail_Antwerp said:
Nifty said:
Quail_Antwerp said:
I often wonder if we're the only people left in the world who doesn't own a cell phone.
YOU DON'T HAVE A CELL PHONE!?!? Don't talk to me ever again! :th

:rolleyes: :lol:

Nope, no cell phone. Even when we both worked full time jobs, no cell phone....because I didn't want that bill.
We never had cell phones either, but will get them in the next few weeks... now that we live in the country my commute is 45 miles each way, of highway, with NO houses between the two cities... so I'm getting one strictly because of a few white knuckle drives through snowstorms that caused me to think about the safety factor.

Really I loathe cell phones...

The cool stuff I 'want' for would be a bathtub that works (right now we have a TINY shower stall)... and insulation in all my walls.


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 15, 2008
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Don't get me wrong, I don't covet their perfect house, I know that I'll never have that kind of money and I love this place.
It was just that I came home and saw how shabby everything looked, when before I thought it looked nice. I'm annoyed at myself because I know it really does not matter.

I'm always thankful that I'm debt free and that I have shelter, food, clean water and clothes.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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Wildsky said:
I seriously don't enjoy living without an animal in my home, they're not dirty or nasty at all, they're part of our family.
Right now we only have fish, a cat and a dog (snoring on the couch) in the house, but I wouldn't have it any other way. At various times you could find a duck or chicken in the house that needs nursing care.

Before we had any animals in our house it felt cold and lifeless.. now I'm always tripping over one of them! :lol:
To me critters don't come inside. ..(but that is me personally) remember to each his own on this one. While I know some say they are family and don't mind them in their home, cool---but me, never. My home is very happy with humans only LOL


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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meriruka said:
Don't get me wrong, I don't covet their perfect house, I know that I'll never have that kind of money and I love this place.
It was just that I came home and saw how shabby everything looked, when before I thought it looked nice. I'm annoyed at myself because I know it really does not matter.

I'm always thankful that I'm debt free and that I have shelter, food, clean water and clothes.
That is normal. There isn't a time when someone doesn't go "somewhere" and see something that makes them think---hmmm...maybe I could change some stuff in my home cause I want too.

I think we get complacent at home. That is normal then we see some new stuff and think, ahh...time for a little redecorating or change. Or we see that nice project or kind of furniture someone has and we think that would fit nice in our home. And off to do a small home improvement project.

I do it. We all do it...LOL---it just happened to hit you now. I has hit me before to do a little redecorating etc.


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
Reaction score
New Brunswick, Canada
abifae said:
I don't know what normal people do when they get together, but most people come to my house to work on a project, cook a meal, or hide from the outside world :weee
I've read your menu plans for what you eat in a week and it makes me want to come over to your house... everything always sounds so delicious! :thumbsup

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