Ever had your confidence shaken about your SS lifestyle?


Recycled Spunk
Dec 1, 2008
Reaction score
Have I had my confidence shaken about SS?
Nope. It is a necessary lifestyle evil. :lol:


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
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I can honestly say that I have NEVER had my confidence in becoming, or being SS, shaken. I can also state, that when my parents were still alive, I gave them quite a few gray hairs when I was still in my "wild spending" stage. :gig My mom and dad used to harp on me to be more careful with my money, but hey, I was young and wanted to have some FUN before I got old! :lol:
But now that I am older and wiser.........I look back at some of the stuff I bought/built(hotrods) I say to myself, "WTF WERE YOU THINKING?!?!?!?! :gig :gig :gig
But I wouldn't trade my past experiences for ANYTHING! It all has worked out pretty good. I woke up and got out of debt at JUST the right time in my life.
You know what they say.......... TIMING IS EVERYTHING! :gig :gig


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
It was just that I came home and saw how shabby everything looked, when before I thought it looked nice. I'm annoyed at myself because I know it really does not matter.
i know how this feels. i think its a matter of readjusting your priorities - so you can perk back up. but i totally get it.

i had a nice house in a nice neighborhood that was kept up very nicely by a very nice house cleaner. but back there i didnt have turkeys to milk, goats to check for eggs, and chickens pooping all over everything.

but i've had two or three crushing moments:

1. when i first got to the old farm house, there was so much work and we had so far to go, that i actually walked out of the house and cried. my mantra back then was "how do you eat an elephant? one bite at a time."

2. after we moved from the old farm to this new place i visited a private garden that held a tour one day.....and i had to leave. starting over from nothing at the new place sucked. i know that those people who had that lovely garden had worked on it for years but all i could think of was everything that i couldnt do and everything i had to do before i could even consider having a 'real' garden.

but i figure it will all get done eventually. all of our critteres are well fed and well housed and right now thats more important that having matching throw pillows. but just for once i'd love to have a matching throw blanket that hasnt been used for wrapping up a chilled goat, or a hysterical turkey, or the cat didnt barf on, or....

we get it, meriruka. its ok. go and have a good long sulk then get up and march forward.



Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
I've never really had my SS ideals shaken because of someone's nice homes or cars. I know it really seems lovely to walk into a spacious home where everything looks good, airy and light, the furniture is comfortable and pretty, etc.

I don't think it's a coveting thing to appreciate beauty, function and comfort. We all want that, I think.

BUT...getting there is half the fun. I almost feel like it's cheating when someone purchases the perfect home, has it professionally decorated and proceeds to live one seemingly perfect day in it after another. How very boring and unimaginative! :p

I think every woman would love to have a beautifully appointed home....it's part of our nesting instinct.

But, I bet if you looked in all our homes, each item would have a great story! How we found this neat antique for $10 at a garage sale or how we had to repaint all the walls when we moved in and it's still a work in progress, or we found that old picture frame up in the attic.

All I know is that I don't owe anyone for much of anything, I sigh a big sigh of relief when I pull into my driveway each evening and I love all the many changes and projects I have planned. If I didn't have a plan when I woke up each morning....well...life just wouldn't be worth living! :D

For all the beautiful, perfect homes I drive by, none of them makes me slow down and smile as I drive by quite as much as my own! :)

See that fence? I put that up! See those chickens? They give me gourmet quality eggs each day! That beautiful garden? I planted each and every plant and it grew and gave me organic food! Those sheep? Did you know they are the start of my very first sheep herd...my seed stock, so to speak. They are sweet and keep my lawn green and smooth.

My place may be a little shabby and old, but it's the talk of the county....and not in a bad way. Folks are interested in what I am doing here. If I just had a nice home and nothing going on, then I would just be merely parked on a piece of ground with no stories to tell!

P.S. I've never owned a cell phone either and don't ever plan to do so. ;) Everyone has one...how common can you get? :rolleyes:


Yard Farmer
Oct 13, 2008
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Eastern CT
I have felt but I try not to let it get to me. If it does I try to get over it quick. Hanging out here helps. You guys have your priorities straight!


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 11, 2009
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Prattville, Alabama
I feel that way sometimes too. I don't often encounter it in my immediate family. I'm an absolute clone of my dad so I never got it from him. However the predominant college kid culture (at least at U of Alabama) is insane. Why do you need to wear Louboutins to class?
Part of it is the rich-kid Greek culture here, but I imagine it's this way at a lot of schools.
It hasn't bothered me as much the last couple years, since all my classes are in the sciences, and SS and biologists go together. It was very apparent in those required core classes. The only interaction I ever had with sorority gals :p
I occasionally find myself perturbed with some of BF's fraternity brothers. They're always very nice, but it sometimes seem as if they're interested in what we're doing the same way they'd be interested in the circus, as if the way we live is "out there".
I should count my blessings, at least they think it's cool, even if they're sometimes a tad patronizing.


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 23, 2009
Reaction score
Central Indiana
I know what you mean :/ My parents and my brother all live in the hoity-toity part of the city. So, when we visit (usually once a week)...I see all the gorgeous houses, the tvs inside, the expensive cars in the driveway. Usually, I don't even pay attention, but some days, you just have one of those days...yah know, it just gets to you.

The worst part of the whole thing (at least for me) is that I get so angry at myself for feeling envious. I think to myself "How dare I? How dare I think like this when we have a roof over our head, jobs, food and I really try to do what is best for my family?" But some days, I just can't help it :/

Usually, a good loaf of bread, an egg (I prefer mine poached) and veggies from the garden cheer me up :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 15, 2008
Reaction score
Thanks everyone for the encouragement.
I finished the hallway carpet and nobody has barfed on it yet, so it's a good day. Can't do the big room because the ground is still wet from all the rain yesterday, so the truck is in the barn still loaded with the carpet.
Another project incomplete. I think that's the most frustrating part -the only completed room is the spare bedroom and I rarely go in there. Every other room needs something done.

I went and looked at some of the 'before' pics of the house when I first bought it and it's really come a long way, it was a nice reminder.

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