Experts Recommend Delaying Breastfeeding Until Vaccinations...


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Strategies to overcome this negative effect, such as delaying breast-feeding at the time of immunization, should be evaluated.
...simply says to me that you shouldn't breast feed directly after the baby has been given the oral vaccination (drops).

Doesn't it?

And, I'm not sure why an infant would need to be immunized against Rotavirus anyway. :rolleyes:

Additionally, in response to some of the comments above--not all of us are able to breast-feed successfully. I couldn't produce enough milk for my first daughter (although I had more than enough just over a year later for my second daughter) and HAD to supplement with formula. I kept trying for 5 months and finally had to give up, fortunately despite the extremely militant "breast is best" culture at the time I had support from my husband, family, and doctor.

I literally spent most of my waking hours, and long days at that, breast-feeding with a bottle sitting in warm water beside me to finish the job, then bottle-feeding, then pumping--not to mention the rest of dealing with a newborn like sleepless nights and squirty poops that escaped cloth diapers. It was hell on earth, and then I discovered I was pregnant again and had to immediately stop breast-feeding. Plus I was hyper-emetic (constant morning sickness) for 7 months with my first and it turned out I was the same with my second for 5 1/2 months.

Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood are not always the idyllic times we dream of and sometimes things don't go to plan. You do the best you are able to do for your kids and that is all you can do. My kids are both healthy and happy, and quite frankly the kid who got the formula has always had a way better immune system than the kid who was strictly breast-fed.

It is always best to NOT judge others for the choices they make, you have no idea what their lives are like.


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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No one is judging the types of feeding here. This is about the potential of compromising the breastfeeding that is being done.
Did you read about the amount of incentives that are being handed out for getting mothers to use commercial formula and the excessive use of vaccine in other countries?


Made in Alaska
Mar 25, 2010
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moolie said:
Strategies to overcome this negative effect, such as delaying breast-feeding at the time of immunization, should be evaluated.
...simply says to me that you shouldn't breast feed directly after the baby has been given the oral vaccination (drops).

Doesn't it?

And, I'm not sure why an infant would need to be immunized against Rotavirus anyway. :rolleyes:

Additionally, in response to some of the comments above--not all of us are able to breast-feed successfully. I couldn't produce enough milk for my first daughter (although I had more than enough just over a year later for my second daughter) and HAD to supplement with formula. I kept trying for 5 months and finally had to give up, fortunately despite the extremely militant "breast is best" culture at the time I had support from my husband, family, and doctor.

I literally spent most of my waking hours, and long days at that, breast-feeding with a bottle sitting in warm water beside me to finish the job, then bottle-feeding, then pumping--not to mention the rest of dealing with a newborn like sleepless nights and squirty poops that escaped cloth diapers. It was hell on earth, and then I discovered I was pregnant again and had to immediately stop breast-feeding. Plus I was hyper-emetic (constant morning sickness) for 7 months with my first and it turned out I was the same with my second for 5 1/2 months.

Pregnancy, childbirth, and motherhood are not always the idyllic times we dream of and sometimes things don't go to plan. You do the best you are able to do for your kids and that is all you can do. My kids are both healthy and happy, and quite frankly the kid who got the formula has always had a way better immune system than the kid who was strictly breast-fed.

It is always best to NOT judge others for the choices they make, you have no idea what their lives are like.
Also, I am working on inducing lactation to better feed my soon to be adopted baby. So I know all to well the amount of work you are referring too.


Lovin' The Homestead
Mar 16, 2010
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Santa Barbara
Let's not breast feed so we won't give the baby all important colostrum so that they DO have an immune system!


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
moolie said:
Strategies to overcome this negative effect, such as delaying breast-feeding at the time of immunization, should be evaluated.
...simply says to me that you shouldn't breast feed directly after the baby has been given the oral vaccination (drops).
I kind of suspect you may be right, there; would be interested if anyone has full-text access to the article to check this?

It is a pretty important point, since if this is correct, y'all are basing your shouting-and-arm-waving-at-the-idiot-experts on a TOTALLY incorrect premise :p

moolie said:
I'm not sure why an infant would need to be immunized against Rotavirus anyway.
Are you kidding??? While severe rotavirus cases is not a big issue in the States, it is a pretty big deal ELSEWHERE.

(edited to replace original reference with the following which is probably a better source:)
"the World Health Organization estimates that globally 527 000 (475 000 - 580 000) child deaths occurred during 2004 due to rotavirus infection. National estimates of rotavirus attributable deaths among children under five years of age ranged from 122 270 (India) to fewer than 5 deaths (58 countries). Twenty-three percent of all rotavirus deaths under five years of age occured in India. Six countries (India, Nigeria, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ethiopia, China and Pakistan) accounted for more than half of all rota deaths under age five in 2004. Globally these 527 000 child rotavirus deaths accounted for approximately 5% of all child deaths "

Bubblingbrooks said:
patandchickens said:
Does it not bother anyone on this thread that the title IS FACTUALLY INACCURATE?
No Pat, because the very fact that it is even being considered and studied, is the real problem.
What, "let's not study things that are a problem, let's just assume that our personal preferred solution *must* be the best one"?

(but, if it is right and proper for YOU to do that, then it is equally right for those with different evidence-based views to do the same, which in this case would mean not *studying whether* breastfeeding should be delayed but perhaps simply ASSUMING it should... yet I doubt that's what you think they ought to be doing...)

Look, it's a very real (and sort of interesting) problem. Rotavirus is a significantly important cause of infant and childhood mortality/morbidity in much of the world, basically "countries with poor sanitation/water facilities". Vaccination against it, whatever else you may feel about vaccination, DOES seem to decrease number of infant rotavirus deaths substantially. Yet, it works least well in the countries that need it most i.e. the poorest.

An interesting puzzle, and a somewhat problematic one unless you think there's some magic wand that can be waved to instantly get rid of sanitation and clean-water-supply problems in the third world.

So they investigated it, came up with a plausible (honestly, rather *obvious* IMHO) hypothesis, turned out to be correct (as you'd expect). Now the question is, what actually gives you fewer rotavirus deaths -- options include vaccinate same as usual, vaccinate quick but not breastfeed til then, breastfeed-but-don't-vaccinate (the existing situation), or "d) something else". You can't just ASSUME that one's personal leanings allow one to omnisciently guess the outcome. It would require, as they say, further study.

(edited to clarify: I am a very, very strong advocate of breastfeeding, my own two nursed for 1.5 and 2.5 years respectively, the former only stopping so soon because I was having a lot of trouble getting cycling regularly enough again to get pregnant again and was in my 40s so 'running out of time'. It's just that I am also a very, very strong advocate of not painting everything in black-and-white terms, and using critical thinking to see both the unreasonable *and* the reasonable aspects of something being put in front of me)



Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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y'all are basing your shouting-and-arm-waving-at-the-idiot-experts on a TOTALLY incorrect premise
you know, these words are just not how i'd ever describe Bubblingbrooks. ever.

even if you put a smiley face after it, its still just insulting. cant you make your point without slamming other people?


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
ohiofarmgirl said:
y'all are basing your shouting-and-arm-waving-at-the-idiot-experts on a TOTALLY incorrect premise
you know, these words are just not how i'd ever describe Bubblingbrooks. ever.

even if you put a smiley face after it, its still just insulting. cant you make your point without slamming other people?
Apparently not, since I do not get how that is insulting.

How is this not about shouting and arm waving (because of being upset) at experts who you've decided are idiots? (edited to clarify: that was "you plural" in my orignal post, not Bubblingbrooks in particular - actually my big issue is with whomever wrote the web story that she linked to)

Sorry, I apologize for saying things you don't like but I just. Don't. Get. What. The. Problem. Is.

I believe the mods really prefer these things REPORTED or taken privately, do they not?



Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
patandchickens said:
ohiofarmgirl said:
y'all are basing your shouting-and-arm-waving-at-the-idiot-experts on a TOTALLY incorrect premise
you know, these words are just not how i'd ever describe Bubblingbrooks. ever.

even if you put a smiley face after it, its still just insulting. cant you make your point without slamming other people?
Apparently not, since I do not get how that is insulting.

How is this not about shouting and arm waving (because of being upset) at experts who you've decided are idiots?

Sorry, I apologize for saying things you don't like but I just. Don't. Get. What. The. Problem. Is.

I believe the mods really prefer these things REPORTED or taken privately, do they not?

Thanks for the PM and maybe the problem is that you dont get it. You might try a little kindness.

And yes I reported you. Again.

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