Experts Recommend Delaying Breastfeeding Until Vaccinations...


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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* OFG walks out to the plate, granny panties on her head, no cup. Assumes a wide, football player stance, snorts and spits on the ground, fully willing to take one for the team *

All y'all just go ahead and continue your discussion about boobin' them babies. I'll just stand here.

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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~ff timidly steps to the plate with a big ol' neon softball. Psst... OFG, I'm gonna lob this one over the middle of the plate~

Here it comes: Lots of experts recommend lots of different things based on their own agenda.

Whew... I think that's one we can all hit.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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well Ms Pony, i gots plenty of little creatures stuffed in this big ol' bra of mine.... so probably no time soon.


which reminds me.. one of my fancy city friends had a baby and ran right out and paid high dollar for a "lactation consultant"... we here on the farm laughed a lot about that. i mean, i dont know much abut dontcha just affix that little one on the business end and away you go?

anyway we got a big laugh out of it and now i call myself the goats lactation consultant.


Power Conserver
Jan 20, 2011
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Someone corrects obvious errors in reporting, and because this pulls the rug out from under the original, inaccurate argument, she comes under fire. Even that is ok; I assume she's a big girl, but to get offended by an IMpersonal but accurate remark about shouting and arm waving (good visual by the way) and turn it into something now personal by using it as an excuse to report someone, is to me, mind boggling. Looks like hidden motives here.

The only person that should be offended and doing any reporting is the the person that was supposedly insulted in the first place and that hasn't happened because, I am assuming, that person does not exist and/or feel sufficiently offended.

Other posters, including the op took the corrections gracefully (at least on- line) and clarified their positions, restating their concerns with the new parameters in mind; a good example of how an open minded discussion works. It isn't that mistakes are made; its how you handle them that counts.

"My way or the high way" arguments such as yours; not cool!

ohiofarmgirl said:
patandchickens said:
ohiofarmgirl said:
you know, these words are just not how i'd ever describe Bubblingbrooks. ever.

even if you put a smiley face after it, its still just insulting. cant you make your point without slamming other people?
Apparently not, since I do not get how that is insulting.

How is this not about shouting and arm waving (because of being upset) at experts who you've decided are idiots?

Sorry, I apologize for saying things you don't like but I just. Don't. Get. What. The. Problem. Is.

I believe the mods really prefer these things REPORTED or taken privately, do they not?

Thanks for the PM and maybe the problem is that you dont get it. You might try a little kindness.

And yes I reported you. Again.


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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Neko-chan said:
Who said anything about judging? And I for one inserted "To the best of my ability". Yeah, it doesn't apply to everybody. I just figured people (especially here) knew that as a given. Some people appear to be over sensitive.
Some people prefer not to be judged as "over sensitive", but rather prefer that people look at all sides of an issue.

This is a topic over which people become very polarized, to the point that when I would stop in a public place to bottle feed my daughter I was screamed at by people who felt I was torturing my child. I had hoped that the pendulum might have centralized in favour of what is best for the family and child in the last 15 years--am I wrong?

And, can we not have a healthy discussion about the links BB posted without judging other people?

Bubblingbrooks said:
No one is judging the types of feeding here. This is about the potential of compromising the breastfeeding that is being done.
Did you read about the amount of incentives that are being handed out for getting mothers to use commercial formula and the excessive use of vaccine in other countries?
BB, I have been following and totally understand and support what you are going through :hugs

However, there is still judgment in the assumption that one method is better than the other at all costs. I don't want you to take this the wrong way, or feel in any way that I think you might not succeed in your efforts, but will you not feel that you have done your best for your daughter no matter how she is fed?

As regards Nestle, they have been in and out of court over that very issue since before I started reading about it in the 80s. Not sure how they are still getting away with it. It is wrong to sway people with incentives.

That said, there are cases in third world countries where breast feeding is NOT best (mother HIV positive, mother suffering from malnutrition, etc.).


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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ohiofarmgirl said:
which reminds me.. one of my fancy city friends had a baby and ran right out and paid high dollar for a "lactation consultant"... we here on the farm laughed a lot about that. i mean, i dont know much abut dontcha just affix that little one on the business end and away you go?
No, you don't.

If you have a child who never learns to latch, if you have mastitis, inverted nipples, thrush/yeast infection, poor letdown, lack of milk... you don't.

Sometimes you need help.

And if your mother raised you on formula because that was what was done for 2 generations, sometimes you need to ask an expert.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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The only person that should be offended and doing any reporting is the the person that was supposedly insulted in the first place and that hasn't happened because, I am assuming, that person does not exist and/or feel sufficiently offended.
unfortunately that may not the be case. since reporting is not public you dont know that. many people read this forum and dont participate. the level of hostility in some threads is a bad representative of our community

regardless of who's right and who's wrong there is a way to disagree without hurling insults.

i have no opinion about breastfeeding or not. so i have "no my way or the highway", animal farm, expect for when regular contributors get pounced. there is no hidden agenda - i'm usually pretty much right out there when you can find me.

not everyone can or will defend themselves. there are some folks here who are combative, opinionated, and a little mean. this reflects badly on everyone.

so yeah. i'm gonna step forward when it get out of line.

i have no agenda on this particular issue, hidden or otherwise.

however, i know of someone that was 'run off' last year by a bully. had i know they were being terrorized by pm and email i would have said something, publicly, to help them

there has been a lot of talk on this board about bullying. i have not been bullied so when i read about how many people here have been hurt by it... well i was moved. and i just keep thinking about how sometimes this looks more like a school yard than a bunch of adults have a discussion.

so thats why i stepped in.

the problem with just letting the mods handle it is that the bully looks like they get off scott free and the slammed-on person just gets to feel bad.


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
ohiofarmgirl said:
which reminds me.. one of my fancy city friends had a baby and ran right out and paid high dollar for a "lactation consultant"... we here on the farm laughed a lot about that. i mean, i dont know much abut dontcha just affix that little one on the business end and away you go?
On the contrary, that line of thought (just plug 'em in and you're good to go) is precisely why so many people DO NOT breastfeed these days, although the problem seems to be decreasing somewhat now.

If you have not observed a lot of breastfeeding and/or do not have experienced-at-breastfeeding moms to advise you (people in lots of the rest of the world usually DO have one or both of these advantages, but certainly not in the US or much of the rest of the Western world) then what quite frequently happens is more like

"affix that little one on the business end, but wow it hurts like holy heck and you get blisters and bleeding cracks and fissures in your nipples, and practically have to tie yourself down to force yourself to let the baby suckle and cause such pain, yet no matter how much you try, the baby is not even seeming like it's getting much milk out of it"

And so, if no help is available (e.g. La Leche League, lactation consultant, good midwife, educated nurse or doctor) you decide "well there is something wrong with me, I must be built wrong" and/or "my baby is going hungry so I must not be able to produce enough milk" and so you switch to formula BECAUSE YOU THINK YOU MUST.

(And, look at it from their point of view -- if you are being caused really screamingly-bad pain and getting split cracked bleeding nipples, and/or your baby is not getting enough milk [because of ineffective latch], then it certainly DOES seem like the right thing to do, to do what you have to do in order to get that baby fed, i.e. use formula)

The assumption that successful breastfeeding almost always happens automatically on its own is a HUGE stumbling block to getting more women to breastfeed.


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