FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Thanks for asking, Dace. I am doing better now. Took a nice hot bath with epsom salts earlier.

I had a hard time sleeping because I was so upset. I realize now, that I did not handle it very well. I am getting really annoyed with those who have been taking advantage of us and DSS is one of those. I had told a neighbor off a few days ago.

There is so much to be done and so much I would like to do, that I don't have time for, that I am getting frustrated and impatient.

I think I need to take a time out, go for a walk on the beach or something and replenish my inner peace.

I also have been working so much, that my tendenitis is acting up. I had to put my splint on last night, due to the shooting pains I was getting in my arm.

I also told SO to not have DSS do waterers anymore. I will take that chore upon myself. It is too important. He needs to think of a different chore to give to DSS. I think it should be weeding, since I will not be able to do it for a while.
But that is just what I would have him do ;)


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
Reaction score
sorry baby.

i'd give him the boot too. but i know you cant do it. i think its probably harder for you... b/c you would never have acted like that at that age. we have a manipulative teen in our extended family also. i got wise to the con a while ago and now they know not to even try and ask me for anything. its totally frustrating watching the parent gobble up their big ol' ration of poo. the parent in this family doenst make the teen respect me either. its a very very difficult situation.

but glad your goatie is better! my Nibbles hates the whole hoof trimming also. its a total wrestling match.

take a big breath and get some rest tonite


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
It is dark, cold and raining :(

I wish I could just lie down on the couch with a good book and a warm fire. Maybe later.

It is my turn to fix dinner. So I plan on making fried rice. We have leftover rice, chicken and corn. We are inundated with eggs. I figure I'll through in some carrots, some beet greens and green onions, all from the garden and call it dinner.

I am also boiling up some beets. I love beets. I noticed a few days ago that they are ready to eat and picked some and finally got around to throwing them in a pot of water.

I also picked a mess of rosemary, lavender and thyme. I want to make my own bug treatment for the critters. I did a bit of research and (thanks to someone who posted a link on here) found a natural method that I want to try. I don't have all the essential oils, so I am making some for myself sort of. I have lots of corn oil and put the herbs in a pot and covered them with the corn oil. I then put the pot on top of the fireplace insert. I plan to let it sit there for a few days and hope that some of the essential oils will get extrated. Normally I would not use corn oil. Heck I wouldn't even buy it, but FIL keeps bringing us huge jugs of it and it is sitting in the pantry. I happen to have tea tree oil, which also goes into this mix. I plan to use the oil in the shampoo for the dog and also to treat the goats for lice, since little Billy has lice.

I used the tea tree oil on the dog last week and it really seemed to help her. We still don't know excactly what is causing her skin problem. We do think it is some kind of insect. After giving her a bath with the tea tree oil added to her shampoo, she seemed to be doing much better.

I gave her another bath today and she has not itched since.

Blossom has behaved normally, every time I went out to look after them today.

Now I am off to assemble dinner.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
Hi FD. It rained here all day yesterday too. Today dawned clear and tomorrow, Sat, might hit 60. I'm sooo going outside to warm up my bones and pull some weeds and cut back my roses. My asparagus bed needs trimming and my crepe myrtles are really needing their old flower blooms to be removed.

hugs to you, FD.

oh, btw.....DH is passing thru there this morning, on the way to Crescent City for a funeral. He's stopping in Santa Rose to visit with an old friend, then will keep heading up the road. I'll have him wave at ya!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Hay, Murphysranch, I waved back at your DH ;)

We were busy outside most of the day. It was a glorious spring day and we loved being outside. I did have a bunch of indor chores to do this morning, but I managed to get them done by midday.

this morning I soaked some quinoa, made a batch of yogurt, peeled and chopped cooked beets and poured some of my homemade ACV over them, so I could snack on them. Put some grains I had purchased in jars. Prepared a treat for the goats and chickens using the little bit of yogurt left in the container, some stale bread, pumkin seeds and b vitamin.

I offered it to the goats, but only Billy ate it. Then I gave it to the chickens and they finished it off. I managed to get the chicken yard seeded. while I was outside hanging up laundry the good neighbor came over. He needed some chicken feed. I gave him a ride to the feed store, since his truck is still not running reliably. I got a nice glass jar out of the deal.

I got some rye soaking, so I can make some bread tomorrow. SO wants to make more peanut butter cookies and keeps getting in my way in the kitchen. I decided he should make his cookies and I'll make my applesauce cake tomorrow. I am too tired anyway.

SO loved the quinoa, he even went back for seconds!!!! I made quinoa, sauteed tilapia, canned green beans and a nice gravy using the butter from frying the fish. My desert was red beets with ACV.

If SO makes the peanut butter cookies (he made the dough a few days ago) I'll have some for my late night snack. I specially did not have any processed carbs so far today. I told him at lunch, that I was saving my refined carb allowance for something really good, like peanut butter cookies. ;)

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
Reaction score
Hey FarmerDenise! Your dinner sounds yummy! Do you just drizzle the ACV on the beets or soak them in it? Also, did I hear you say the "S" word??? (spring?) It was a bit warmer here today, 30* but still snow on the ground...


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
framing fowl, I just pour some vinegar over the beets and let them sit. I ate some for desert last night and put the rest in the fridge for another time. I am the only one here whol loves beets :p

It really felt and smelled like spring today. It was really difficult for me to make myself do inside work. We were outside in t-shirts. SO did more pruning. I cleaned out the goats "bed".
I also dug up a basket of carrots and picked some herbs for the stew I made. I did bake the applesauce cake, but it is only ok. I don't think I'll use that recipe again. At least I can eat it, because it is made with whole wheat flour and not too much sugar.
I put some mung beans in a jar to make sprouts.
I also decided to soak some more grains for my bread. I mixed some sourdough starter in with the rye I soaked the day before. I also managed to go to the farmer's market. I bought some Tepary beans. I want to try them out and plan to save some to plant. Everything is so expensive at our Farmer's Market. But it was fun to walk around and see what was available.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
NOT Southern, Ca. :)
FD, do you notice a difference when you soak yo Quinoa? What exactly is the purpose? Something about removing a coating on the grain?

Sounds like you had a wonderful day!!



Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I never cooked qinoa before. I think the soaking may have contributed to it coming out mushy. I just wanted to soak it, to get the sprouting thing going for greater nutrition. Next time I am gong to skip the soaking and see how it differs.
I soak my brown rice sometimes too, before cooking it.