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- #441
Out to pasture
Yesterday was a "low" day. No motivation, and spent it watching movies.
Today, the sky was blue when I woke up. My nose crinkled as I reallized the odor was morning chicken poop!! Urgent time to clean Susie's pen!
After a couple of cups of coffee and vaccuming and other cleaning chores, It finally got warm enough outside to take Susie and her chicklets outside, about 50*.
I cleaned her inside pen, did 3 loads of laundry (including the sheets for Susie's pen), weeded the vegies I planted last fall, hoped to find some still there, (barely any were there, they must have gotten eaten or frozen), the chickens enjoyed my weeding, started pruning the peaches, let Susie and chicklets out of the outside pen, nothing bad happened, pulled weeds for Susie and chicklets, other chickens came and it was ok., took down dried laundry, pulled more weeds, SO weed whacked, fed the rabbit, 3 hens tried to sit in the same nestbox, got 7 eggs, enjoyed just sitting in the yard, surrounded by the critters, Petey (kitten) watched a hole in the ground, Susie and chicklets took a dust bath, petey watched, Some chicks came up on my lap to warm up, It got cold and I brought Susie and chicklets inside to warm , clean pen.
Drinking wine, keeping fire going, smelling dinner cooking, chatting with friends on SS forum. It's a nice day!!
Today, the sky was blue when I woke up. My nose crinkled as I reallized the odor was morning chicken poop!! Urgent time to clean Susie's pen!

I cleaned her inside pen, did 3 loads of laundry (including the sheets for Susie's pen), weeded the vegies I planted last fall, hoped to find some still there, (barely any were there, they must have gotten eaten or frozen), the chickens enjoyed my weeding, started pruning the peaches, let Susie and chicklets out of the outside pen, nothing bad happened, pulled weeds for Susie and chicklets, other chickens came and it was ok., took down dried laundry, pulled more weeds, SO weed whacked, fed the rabbit, 3 hens tried to sit in the same nestbox, got 7 eggs, enjoyed just sitting in the yard, surrounded by the critters, Petey (kitten) watched a hole in the ground, Susie and chicklets took a dust bath, petey watched, Some chicks came up on my lap to warm up, It got cold and I brought Susie and chicklets inside to warm , clean pen.
Drinking wine, keeping fire going, smelling dinner cooking, chatting with friends on SS forum. It's a nice day!!