FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Congrats on the home grown meal! :clap that is a great accomplishment!

Nugget is lucky that you heard him yelping.....I hope he is ok.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I went and checked on Nugget and had a nice visit with the neighbors. They have an ointment from Mexico that they put on his leg and bandaged his leg. Nugget looked good and comfortable in his little dog house.
We had a nice long talk about all sorts of things. I feel good about Nugget. The neighbors thanked me profusely. they told me that they try to keep their dog in the back yard, but that he keeps figuring out ways to get out.:(

They are busy and we are busy, but we have always gotten along well and that is nice.
We promise to stay more in touch; but then we all know how that goes.

I made it to my singing group today and had fun. We meet again tomorrow evening. We already know that we don't feel ok with doing a gig on the 14th, so that has been cancelled.

I hear my little chicklets crying, so I am going to check on them. SO is also excited about the football game, and I need to check on him also :lol:


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
I love to sing too! Although most of the songs I usually get to sing have to do with the ABC's or little spiders. :lol:

I think what you are doing for the elderly is absolutely wonderful. When my MIL was in a nursing home for a while things like that made a great difference both to her and to us when we were visiting. Some days we would have a really heavy heart when either arriving or leaving a visit with her (she was terminal), but hearing a group singing always made my day better and even if we weren't sitting right in the audience the sound of the music carries a long way. :thumbsup


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
FF, I have always wanted to do something for seniors, so when an aquaintance suggested we form a singing group to visit old folks homes, I jumped at it. This aquaintance has done this before. So she knows what to expect.
I appreciate hearing from you how much this sort of thing is appreciated.

We want to keep the hole thing fun and light. We want to encourage the people to sing along and clap their hands. We intend to stay away from sappy songs.

One of the things I like about this group is that there are several men who are participating. So often this sort of thing is only women. It would be nice to eventually have some younger folks join us, but I am sure we will all seem like "young whipper snappers" to the folks we'll be visiting ;) :lol:


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Here I was sitting at the computer chatting on the SS forum, when I heard a thud, screeching tires and then what sounded like something screaming. I couldn't tell if the screaming was a woman, a child or an animal. I looked out the window first, then realized that the sceaming was still happening and ran outside. The screaming still sounded weird. Then I realized it came from inside the truck stopped in the road in front of my neighbor's house and when I looked back toward my house I saw a body in the road!!!
Then I notice another neighbor running up the street and yelling "it wasn't your fault lady, he jumped in front of you!" In the meantime a whole lot of neighbors have come out. Someone called 911. I ran in to get my phone. The poor woman driver was just crying and screaming. Another old neighbor (the one we always barter with) was holding her. I went up to her and told her to breathe. She kept going "not again, oh no, why me, I cannot go through this again" I got her to call a friend on my phone, just as the ambulance and fire dept showed up. She said she was cold and had a cold. She was worried that I would catch her cold. It was drizzeling. I got a warm blanket for her. We took her to another neighbor's front porch, so she could sit down. The neighbor who saw the guy jump in front of her truck told her repeatedly what he saw. When the police arrived he gave them his statement. Her friends showed up soon after.
Then it was just a matter of waiting for the police to do their investigation.
The poor woman had just gone to the bank and was on her way back home.
The neighbors all helped the police find "evidence", we pointed them to the broken beer bottle in the road and the other part that was lying in our bushes. We showed them where the broken glass from the truck's headlights were. We showed them the dent in her truck and the broken headlight. We told them where the guy had been laying after he got hit.

I am still hearing the poor woman's screams and am quite shook up. I feel so bad for the woman. SO had a good look at the guy and said he wasn't a regular around here, but did look like a homeless white guy.
When SO first saw the body in the street, he was afraid it might be his son or one of his son's friends. That is why he went out and got real close to get a good look at the guy. What a scare!!!

Now to try and calm ourselves down. Maybe we'll watch the netflicks movie that came a couple of days ago.

In the meantime the chicks are groing like crazy, they are growning feathers on their backs. The pen in the living room is shrinking :lol: Their poops are getting bigger and better :/ :lol: and stinkier!!!! I really hope the weatherman is right and it will be in the 60's this weekend. Those little poopers will spend a lot of time outside!!! I need to wash all the sheets and t shirts I have been using in their pen. I don't want to use shaving or hay in my living room. It looks and smells enough like a barn already :lol:


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
WOW, FD! What a horrible thing to happen in front of your house.....I can't imagine! Did he live? Do you know? It sounds like this lady might have hit someone before, doesn't it? Wouldn't that be awful? :(

One of my best friend's mom caused an accident and killed my other friend's mother....she never really got over it. It kind of changed her and she started acting a little odd after that. I can't imagine that would be easy to live with at all.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
The guy lived. SO herd him talking to the ambulance guys. He was drunk. I guess he bounced pretty good, like most drunk do :hu
I saw him move his legs, so they weren't broken. There was no blood on the road either.
I felt really bad for the woman. I talked to her friends. They were keeping her at their house for the night and taking care of her. It sounded like the woman said that this happened to her once before and that she killed that person. That's why she was so extremely freaked out.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I would feel the same, I'm sure. I almost hit a dog on the road the other day and felt really mad all day that someone was letting their shaggy, dirty white dog lay in the middle of the road during a snow storm! I would have felt pretty bad if I had hit him.

I can't imagine how I would feel if I hit a would replay in my mind forever, I'm guessing.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Hey Bee, what are you doing up this late. It's after 11pm here. I just finished watching a movie to help me settle down. And it did settle me down.

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