The ears are bigger than on a LaMancha, but a lot shorter then the Alpine or Nubian kids.
The have been sitting on our laps watching tv. It is really storming outside. Then we let them romp a little bit in the living room. I made sure they peed in the pen first though!
Now I still need to go out and feed the rabbit and get Susie. I let her stay outside last night, but it got so cold, I worried about her. She has been loosing her feathers again. Junior has also been jumping on her and that does not help with the feather situation. So Jr is getting a time out in the chicken yard and all the girls are getting a vacation from his attentions. Spike is having to be extra attentive now though, because the hawks have been very active in the tree across the street. We think they may be nesting in there
I hope this is the last storm of the season. Then the work will begin in all seriousnes!
Gotta till the ground under the peaches,
buy and put in a goat fence
plant all the seeds in flats
cut the grasses and dry them for hay
plant the rest of the potatoes
finish weeding the front yard
and that's just for starters.
the goats make such a cute noise. Reminds me of my baby doll I had as a little girl.
The Wife just happened to be setting next to me when I opened this thread......and of course that picture with the cute little goats popped right up.........and just when I had her convinced that we did NOT need any GOATS!
Skr8pn- You need goaties. It's very SS to have your own milk source, and make yogurt and cheese with the extra. You could freeze extra too. Some people do can it- but I would prefer to use the raw milk.
It is nasty cold, wet and windy out. I am not outside, not today, except for when I have to.
I am sitting in the pen with the little goaties. One is a little on the sleepy side, but the other one is nudging me and climbing into my lap. She head bopped me already, right in the nose! Ouch!!! I lean over to put my face close to the sleepy one. The bouncy one start climbing on my back. She keeps trying and finally success. She is triumphantly standing on the mountain, my back! SO was laughing so hard. She fell off and promptly tried to climb back up onto my back. Finally little sleepyhead decided to get in on the playing. I had 2 little goaties jumping in my lap, nudging me and snugling. Awwww, sooo cute
It is freezing cold outside. So glad we decided to keep the babies in the house. I brought Susie back in too.
The feather dusters were a sad looking lot hanging outside the henhouse. Most of the hens were inside already, an hour early, but to be expected on a cold and wet evening. I took a couple and put them in the henhouse and the others followed. Soon I had all but two hens inside. I went to find Mandy the BO and by the time I brought her in the henhouse the other chicken was inside too. I told them all good night and left them grooming themselves, getting ready for bed.
Then I told Spike our dog, she could come in too. Now she is lying next to the goat pen, making sure everything is alright with them.
We got a fire burning in the stove. Dinner is cooking on the stove.
LIfe is good.