FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I got GMO free corn seed yesterday. A friend and I went to Baker Creek Seed Bank in Petaluma yesterday and spent a small fortune on seeds. :lol: I feel so good about getting GMO free seeds though. :weee
:tongue to Monsanto

The goats spent their 2nd night outside in their little pen. They cried a lot the first night, but they were fine about it last night. The dog is now outside too. She has a job to do and she is cool with it. She chased off a unauthorized cat the first night she was on duty. Good dog!!
I am still feeding the goats 3 times a day. I plan on continuing that until weaning time. Actually I think when weaning time comes, I will simply feed them less at each feeding.

Our goat fencing arrived yesterday. I am lookin gofrward to getting it put up.

Gretchen decided to sit on Cecilias eggs, so I went next door and got 4 chicks from the neighbor and put them under the two moms last night. Cecilia was out this morning with the chicks and Gretchen was sitting on the eggs. We also took the little igloo that the nest was in and moved it with the moms into the chickpen. Now the moms can do their thing without interference from the other hens. They also won't have to worry about Junior coming after them anymore. :plbb
I think that pleases them the most. There were a few times that Cecilia came running to us for protection because that mean big brute was not leaving her alone.

Now I am off to transplant peppers and tomatoes into bigger pots.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Gretchen is so fired and we'll make sure she never gets another job again. And we're reporting her to CPS. Story to follow.
I'm busy taking care of a beat up new hatchling!!!!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
We potted up a flat of tomato and pepper seedlings and then I replanted some cucumbers the chickens had gotten into.

I decided to go to a local event I had read about. It had mentioned soemthing about local farmers, seeds and plants. I Had just glanced at id and didn't remember all the details. It was close to home though and it was a nice day. SO was too tired to join me.

It turned out to be a farmers marked at the local community center. I tried to find out if they were planning to do it again, but no-one I talked to knew.
They had some wonderful produce and other farm related stuff. I bought 1/2 loaf of nice bread, some grass fed ground beef, japanese eggplant starts, and creme fraiche starter. I talked to lots of local farmers and organizations promoting farming, local involvement and self sustainability. I realized just what a wonderful community I live in.
I found out that rabbit meat sells for $12 per pound :ep The farmer I talked to about it, said that it is hard to get meat rabbits for breeding in our parts. She said even she had a hard time butchering rabbits :lol:

SO picked asparagus for dinner and used the grass fed ground beef to make hamburgers. We used the nice bread I bought for buns and had our asparagus. What a wonderful meal.

When I went to check on the animals, the goats had gotten out, and Cecilia was outside the nest with the chicks I had gotten from the neighbor. Gretchen was in the igloo on Cecilias eggs.

I got one of our pet carriers, filled it with straw and tried to put Cecilia and her chicks in it. But she didn't like it. So I figured I'd put Gretchen and the eggs in it. When I went to grab the eggs, I found a shell. Wow, I wasn't expecting them to hatch til monday. I picked Gretchen up and found the chick. It was all bloodied around the head. :barnie Looks like Gretchen beat it up. So I banished Gretchen from the chickpen, put Cecilia and her chicks on the nest and brought the chick inside.

It spent the night on a heating pad covered with nice soft cloth diapers. This morning I put it under Cecilia. 3 more eggs had hatched. I got two more pipping. :weee

I am going to see how Gretchen behaves with the chicks a little later in the day.

I'll try and get some pics later too.

I plan on staying home today, all day. I got my errands done yesterday. I needed more milk for the goats and wine for me.
Those little goats are getting into everything. I need to put that electric fence up. :p


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Goats in their pen

Feather dusters in asparagus

Cecilia with her chicks in igloo

Newly hatched chicks




Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
So I checked on Cecilia about 10 times. One of those times I realized her water needed freshening up and left the gate to her pen open a little while I went to get her some fresh water. Just as I finished screwing the base back on, I hear a baby screeching. I run like the dickens (didn't know I could run that fast!) back to the pen. THERE WAS GRETCHEN WITH A NEWLY HATCHED CHICK PECKING AT IT :ep :somad
The dog ran over to see what the commotion was about. I was yelling"Save it! Save it! I think the dog thought I was yelling "leave it!" I threw Gretchen out of the pen and grabbed the chick. It was ok, Whew!!! "wipes sweat off of brow". SO asked what happened and I told him that Gretchen had pulled a chick off the nest and was beating it up! He chased Gretchen down and stuck her in the chicken yard all by herself. He said he'd put the rooster in there later too, so she'd know what it feels like to get beat up!!! :rolleyes:

That's it for Gretchen. If she were a goat, she'd be out in the street with OFG's goat and a sign.
She is stew!!! The next chicken dinner, for sure!!!!


Lovin' The Homestead
Dec 21, 2009
Reaction score
Cute babies! Oh how I can't wait to get my own farm!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I have the most painful sore throat! I have been taking various natural remedies and they barely help.
I finally broke down and started taking antibiotics today. I hate taking antibiotics, but this has gone on too long.

I went out this morning and bought some raw honey at the farmer's market and some yogurt, both of which I was craving and didn't have in the house. My last batch of yogurt got moldy, so I have to start over. I took some blackberries out of the freezer and plan on having blackberries, honey and yogurt for my dinner.

DSS brought over some dehydrated bananas and sweet potatoes. These are delicious. His girlfriend's family makes them. I hope he will find out how, so I can make them too. They are totally different from the way I make them.

I have been wanting to make my own mustard, using the recipe in Nourishing Traditions, but didn't have any whey. Now that I have yogurt, I'll be able to make it finally.

It sucks being sick. I have a little energy now and then and use it to take care of the animals and a few other things and then I take a nap. I did get a lot of weeding done today and that feels good. The rabbit got to eat some of those weeds I pulled.

The goats are growing like weeds. I made them plastic chain collars today. I had picked up some smaller plastic chain at the Goodwill outlet a few weeks ago. I didn't know what I would use it for at the time, I had considered using it to dry clothes in the winter time. It is perfect for the little goats. Now if they get caught up on something with the chain collar, it will hopefully break rather than choking them.

Looks like our peach crop is going to be good this year. I have been thinning the peaches. I also got to pick our first strawberries today. Only two, but I am loving it.

Ok, I have promised to make a list of seeds for some time. I have been saving seeds for many years and have a big rubbermaid bin filled to the gills. I will gladly trade my seeds for things you might have to offer. At the moment my mind is too fuzzy to think of what I am in need of, but I figure I'll start the list:

broom corn
organic yellow popcorn
hullless japanese pop corn (white)
strawberry popcorn
gypsy peppers
heirloom tomatoes from our own seeds, so I don't know exactly what kind they are all the time.
Pineapple tomato
Large red tomato
Large yellow tomato
medium red tomato
medium yellow tomato
medium purple tomato
gold cherry tomato
asparagus seed
italian flat parsely
Pumkin all kinds

I also have a lot of flower seeds. But I am too tired right now and need to eat too.

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