FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Hi Denise! Happy Litha!

I've been following your updates on the goats on FB, I'm so glad that they are better now! I know how hard that is..

Sorry to hear about your roosters... Sour crop?? I've never heard of that. Now, how can I give that to MY extra roosters??? ;)


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Happy Summer Solstice!

I wanted to do a ceremony, but never got the chance today. I was just busy, busy, busy.
Just the normal stuff, laundry, dishes, feeding critters, more laundry, feeding critters some more, making lunch, cooking dinner, making yogurt, picking strawberries and rasberries (our first!!!), sorting seeds, because we just knew we had a big bag of melon seeds somewhere :p we found it!!, now to find my swiss chard seeds. Walking the goats, so they could get some excercise and browse, giving everyone their Molly's herbals, fixing up a cage for my two little Wellsummer chicks. Picking up my Welsummer chicks from my very talkative neighbor, thank goodness she had to be somewhere, so I got out before nightfall ;) got laundry folded and stacked, still need to put it away, ...

Made a new little "summer dress" for Susie, her sweaters I made out of my old socks were just to warm and the stickers got caught in them. So I made her a "dress" out of the sleeve of a t-shirt that was in the rag bin. I like using t-shirts, because they don't require hemming or sewing of any sort. I might need to put some sort of button on it, but we'll have to see how it works. I mostly want her to get some protection from the roo jumping on her, since she has just about no feathers. She always gets so scraped up.

BB, I don't think you want your roos to get sour crop, they essentially starve to death :( I suppose I could have done more for them, but my experience with sour crop is, that they usually die or have problems the rest of their lives, you could do surgery, but I had my hands full as it was and was not willing to try my hand at surgery on 7 scrawny roosters I was going to butcher anyway :rolleyes: I would have done it for our special rooster, but there was something else wrong with him. We'll never know.

The little Wellsummer chicks are now in my bathroom, with a heating pad under the cage and Susie for company, outside their cage. I am hoping she'll take them under her wing. She was pretty good with them earlier this evening. But I am not leaving them with her unsupervised for a while yet.

It's late, and I better go to bed.


Sipping Bacon Martinis
Aug 18, 2009
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that is just plain nuts!


try and get some sleep anydarnway.. you won't solve the problem tonite. get your feet under you then file for some kind of variance.

remember that BYC had good resources for this kind of thing. and dont hesitate to look at your local Bar site for an atty -- you might find someone who will help you "pro bono"... or at least might talk to you for the first hour free.

hang in there baby - i'm wearin' the same "life isnt fair" hat today.. we are all in this together


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Oh no!!! Definitely sounds like it's time to keep the goats and a couple chickens inside until the coast clears. YIKES!



City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
Join forces and CHANGE them laws! If you all are in agreement they will have to see things your way. This is a government BY the people still isn't it?


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
That bites!!! :somad I agree with OFG, go over to BYC and ask for help. Someone has probably dealt with this same thing before. I am sorry!!! :hugs

And the Mary Jane thing is starting to get on my nerves down here. We have those medical MJ shops everywhere. Every other CL add is for clones, and medical grade. They even deliver. :barnie

but now they have problems with people feeding their families. I really need to leave Ca.

sorry, gina


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
We are going to be keeping the goats on the other side of the property and my good neigbor and us are both going to do something about the see through chain link fence between us. Every neighbor I have talked to, doesn't mind the goats, most actually like them. We had another neighbor visit our field for the first time this week and she loved our farm, chickens, goats and everthing. She kept exclaiming how clean and neat and tidy everything was. I just happened to have cleaned up the hen/goat yard and it had nice fresh hay in it ;)

I am not up for another legal battle myself. I am still dealing with some of the aftermath of my septic fiasco. But I think it would be good if the people of our neighborhood got together and fought this. When I take a walk in our neighborhood, I hear chickens and roosters everywhere and the occasional goat and peacock and ducks and whatnot.

Anyhow, we have been busy planting, harvesting processing and taking care of our animals. Most afternoons we take Flower and Blossom and take them for a walk in the back portion of the field. It is a nice break in our busy day. We also sit with the little Welsummer chicks, so they get some time out and about under the peach trees.

We still have not hooked the charger to the electric netting. We are both a bit afraid of the electric thingy, I think. SO put the box on the kitchen table this mornign. We are getting ready to go and just do it!!!

We are going to eat our first large plums tonight!!!. We are also having our own cauliflower for dinner and a salad. I have 8 trays of yellow wild plums dehydrating. I was dehydrating them in my car, but this morning when I went to check on them I noticed ants :barnie, fortunately they hadn't reached the plums yet. I moved the plums indoors and am finishing them of in the electric dehydrator.

Today I planted some more root crops, radishes, turnips, parsnips and beets in a shady spot near a water spigot. I find that small plantings of some foods are just perfect for us. Just enough for a meal or two. Even if they don't come out really good, it usually makes for a nice change and can always be fed to a critter. LIke tonight's cauliflower. I got two puny heads. I planted them too late in the season. But we will enjoy those two heads tonight and the goats and chickens and rabbit already enjoyed the leaves.

We've been getting small handfulls of red rasberries and strawberries, which I mix with frozen blackberries from last summer in a smoothie made with kefir or yogurt. We love it. We usually are so busy, we forget to eat. So the smoothie is a nice quick meal, and makes us take a little break. Now that the fruit is ripening I have been snacking on it as I do my chores. I pick up a couple of little yellow plums here, red one there and now the big ones are ripening and soon it'll be peaches :drool
It's getting to be time to dig out my winemaking supplies and try to tackle that new skill. Looks like we are going to have lots of plums and grapes this year and we can't let any of that go to waste now can we :p

framing fowl

On a mission
Oct 30, 2009
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Things sure are getting topsy turvy in this world aren't they? Good thing you guys know your neighbors and can work on the problem as a community. It's not all on your shoulders. Do the neighbors know who reported them?


Jul 16, 2008
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Brandon, MS
Dangit girl, its always something isn't it.

If you have time (which right now with everything else is in short supply) do some research, talk to your neighbors, and be prepared for maybe trying to get this law or re-zoning changed.

Around here if they are going to rezone, they have to post these really big (almost billboard size) signs in the area they are trying to rezone. Check and see what the rezoning requirements are for your area. If they failed to notify you properly, you and your neighbors can make them undo it and start over. Or you can sue the city or county. (Which ever one did not follow proper proceedure.) And I assure you, you can find an attorney to take that case pro bono just for the attention he/she will get.

It may not really be a government for the people by the people, but there really is a legal system made just for things like this. And lawyers love it.

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