Yard Farmer

So sorry this is happening!
We haven't put up our electric fence yet either.... same reasons! Go get it done then come back and tell me how easy it was??

Farmfresh said:Do you girls need some moral support with your electric fences? Look no farther! I have been hooking up and using electric fence since I was probably about 9 years old. Nothing to it. Easy to hook up, easy to use, and really WON"T hurt that bad.
I have been shocked anyway you can think of INCLUDING high inside the leg on the inner thigh while the opposite foot was ankle deep in water!!!(I used to hop over the wire instead of opening the gate!) Another time I was actually hooked up to the wire for a bit!!! I was pulling a downed wire around the insulator and my own Grandma Nettie plugged me in!!
It hurts a bit, but I guarantee no harm will befall you.
My hubby always touches the wire to see if it is working or not. (Of course he also strapped the electric dog training collar to his forearm, turned it on high and pressed the button when we first bought our collar. He told me he would never use something on the dog without first seeing how bad he might be hurting them.)
Once you get that electric fence up and working you will never go back. They work great!!
I could be a in a situation similar if one of my neighbors decides to complain about the noise. My defense is going to be that DS is allergic to cows' milk and I can't afford to pay $9.49 a half gallon for goats' milk at the co-op!lorihadams said:What the h-e-double hockey sticks is wrong with the world today???
Tell them they are "pets" and not for farming purposes and maybe they'll let you keep them....sounds silly but it has worked for others in residential neighborhoods.
Sorry honey,![]()
Have you ever tried making Blackberry leaf tea? You mentioned that you have blackberries. I have done it a couple of times and it is really good. You just pick young leaves and dry them for the brew. I need to do it more often but find my self SO lazy.FarmerDenise said:blackberry pie, made with our own frozen berries and lots of them!!!
I really need to make some tea for us to drink in the daytime. It would be a nice change from drinking plain water. We have both come to the conclusion that purchased juices are too sweet for us. Actually my homemade juices are very sweet too. I usually dilute them with lots of water.