FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
Bee, sure is. 1st price pays $5, 2nd $3. That part remained the same. :rolleyes:
We used to get about $100 each in prize money, plus the passes. So we would go two or three times to the fair and probably spent about $100 all together. That would be for SO, his son and myself. Although stepson would usually go with his cousins, but we would give him extra passes and pay for his fee for a day of rides. Then he would get the rest of his prize money before school to spend any way he wanted.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I remembered that my new little kitty Petey needed his booster wormer. So I took him to the shelter today and took care of that. He was very well behaved for the ride and the visit.
When I got back home I decided to make a zucchini bake in order to make some room in the outside fridge.
I shedded about 5 zucchini and 3 small white onions from the garden. I put the shredded vegetables in a large baking pan that I had sprayed with Pam. I had shredded some cheese a couple of days ago and added that to the top. Then I mixed up 1 doz eggs, put in some salt, pepper & freshly grated nutmeg. Poured that over the vegies and cheese. Then I sliced some tomatoes up and layed them on top, leaving spaces in between. I sprinkled some freshly grated romano cheese over that and put it in the oven at 350 for 1/2 hour. I turned up the heat to 375 for about 10 minutes, to brown the top. SO had picked some fresh tomatoes, so I made a tomato salad to go with it. We also had some left over cornmeal muffins from yesterday.
Chico, the unwell chicken ate a little bit. Stepson said he noticed that the other chickens wouldn't let her near the food. I have to fix some electrolyte and vitamin water for her. I am still working on SO to butcher her. In the meantime I want her to be as comfortable as I can make her.


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
FarmerDenise said:
I remembered that my new little kitty Petey needed his booster wormer. So I took him to the shelter today and took care of that. He was very well behaved for the ride and the visit.
When I got back home I decided to make a zucchini bake in order to make some room in the outside fridge.
I shedded about 5 zucchini and 3 small white onions from the garden. I put the shredded vegetables in a large baking pan that I had sprayed with Pam. I had shredded some cheese a couple of days ago and added that to the top. Then I mixed up 1 doz eggs, put in some salt, pepper & freshly grated nutmeg. Poured that over the vegies and cheese. Then I sliced some tomatoes up and layed them on top, leaving spaces in between. I sprinkled some freshly grated romano cheese over that and put it in the oven at 350 for 1/2 hour. I turned up the heat to 375 for about 10 minutes, to brown the top. SO had picked some fresh tomatoes, so I made a tomato salad to go with it. We also had some left over cornmeal muffins from yesterday.
Chico, the unwell chicken ate a little bit. Stepson said he noticed that the other chickens wouldn't let her near the food. I have to fix some electrolyte and vitamin water for her. I am still working on SO to butcher her. In the meantime I want her to be as comfortable as I can make her.
That zucchini bake sounds good. I could throw in some cooked diced ham and make a meal of it.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I think SO would have liked it with some meat thrown into it. It was easy to make. I used SO's food processor to shred the zucchini and onions. Otherwise I would probably have sliced them real thin instead.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I have fed the rabbit, the dog and the chickens. Found that one of the cornish crosses is isolating itself and brought it inside to check out. Chico ate today and I put her in the garden this afternoon. I plan on putting her back in the pet carrier later.
To celebrate my small victory I bought ready made bbq shortribs for our dinner. I took out some fried cabbage from the freezer and made a tomato salad.
I made 8 jars of bread and butter pickles. I had to put one of the jars in the outside fridge, since it didn' fit in the hot water bath canner. But I am so pleased that I used up all the lemon cukes we had picked.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
I've been working all day and still feel like I got nothing done!

I cleaned out one of the shelves in the fridge and had to throw out some food :(
I also put my homemade bread, two slices at a time in vacuum bags and then since I had the vacuum sealer out anyway, I transferred two large bags of fozen blackberries to vacuum bags. The sealer wasn't working well and it took nearly 5 minutes for each bag to get sealed. :somad
That's probably where all my time went.
I had planned on canning some pickled eggs, but didn't have a speck of sugar in the house. I called DD about some other stuff and she said she'd get me some sugar.
SO picked the first bunches of sunflowers today and I delivered them. When I came back there was a nice big bag of sugar on the counter. So I decided to use the old berries, from prior years, in the freezer to make some berry sauce. I added some fresh berries also. I only got 3 jars, but I know we'll appreciate it later in the year.
One of SO's friends called early this morning to say he was coming for a three day visit tonight! That also changed all our plans around.
After dropping of the flowers, I picked up some potatoes to extend tonight's meal.
Now I'm off to the discount grocery store to pick up a few more things. :/ Not what I had planned for today. Ahh, but they have wine there...:D so maybe that won't be such a bad thing to have to do. ;)


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
Reaction score
Garden Zone 8A Texas
When dh and I go to the county fairs, we go do one thing for me and then one thing for him. We take numerous breaks (by getting something to drink or eat, watching demonstrations, or seeing special exhibits, like the singing dogs, etc). Sometimes we split up and report back to each other what we saw. We normally try to get to 3 or 4 of the county fairs near us, which start in August and end Labor Day week-end. We always have a great time.

I can imagine you had high hopes for the day. Maybe you can ask a friend or your dd to join you the next time you go. Have fun!

p.s. that tomato sandwich sure looked yummy!


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
SO is usually so into the horse races, that he doesn't care about anything wlse. I have found that it is best, when we get invited by his friends in a booth. Then he can hang out with his friends and I get to go and see what I want to see.
And then I still like to go by myself :lol:

Well I ended up going to the grocery outlet, and got some really good deals on stuff we use and need. So I am a happy camper. The three of us are fixing dinner. I just made a nice salad with various vegies from the garden. We'll be having pizza our friend brought, pasta with garlic and butter (using last night's left over pasta), bbq'd shortribs, also left over from last night. and desert will consist of the pies FIL had brought over the other day with ice cream I just bought at the Gocery Outlet.
Tomorrow morning the boys will go off to hopefully get some deer. And I will have some peace and quiet for a little while.

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