Farmfresh City Homesteader - the sound of falling oaks.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Gosh, your hubby must cook like mine. He makes everything so hot and spicy I can't choke it down and I enjoy spicy foods. I always tell him to add the spicy stuff after we all dish up ours, but he always seems to forget and apologizes, but that doesn't do much good when that was supposed to be dinner. That is a good idea to make it up into lunches.

When I was having some physical therapy for my back a few years back, the therapist asked me "do you like to finish your projects up all in one day?" and I answered, "Yes." She said that people who have a strong drive to do that will "push through" to do "just one more" of something and that is where we create problems for our bodies. She said to try to plan my tasks to that, for instance, instead of doing ALL the chickens in one big job, choosing a few a day and resting part of the day as well, and do a variety of tasks, so that there is a balance between work and rest and different types of muscles being used in any given day, so your body has time to recover. When you were working you probably felt the need to finish stuff up on particular days, but now we have the LUXURY of doing a small bit each day and putting off parts until tomorrow. It isn't procrastination, it is creating balance and recognizing limitations. It took me awhile of being home before I settled into feeling that way, at first I felt like I was supposed to be accomplishing something every day and felt like a failure if I couldn't. Now I take off smaller bites and it helps a lot. A LITTLE yard work outside, and then a little rest, a LITTLE washing of pans, and then a little break, and then a nap, and then I get to work on some other project or try to find ways to feel happier like reading or coming on here to chat.

I told my husband before I became disabled that I wasn't going to go on disability and then let him make me feel pressured to do more at home. While my house is perhaps better managed now, it didn't get that way at first while I was still trying to power through projects like I was a working gal whenever I felt decent. Resting is part of the job of the disabled person and/or older person.


Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)
FF I don't know how my darn kitchen gets so messy.. Every day at the end it looks like a bomb went off. I have an island and it's usually buried in veggies, dehydrators, mason jars and anything else I have used. In the mornings after I do he dishes I usually spend about 15 min just picking up the island and putting things where they belong. Crazy!!

I am rolling over SD's advice on small parts of projects in my head. I'm wondering if instead of trying to have a marathon chicken butchering day I should isolate them 5 at a time. Then process on my own without the kids and dh. Might make things easier. :hu

I would love to see picks of your daughters new coop. I am sure it's fantastic.

:fl Still hoping things go good with the VA.



Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
I can't keep the kitchen clean and staightened either. Big pots and pans just come with the canning season. I am usually workin on 3 or 4 food projects at a time. have boxes and boxes of empty canning jars in the living room and filed jars in the "front" room as well as the canners and other gear needed for caning. Then we have grandbaby stuff everywhere also. By the time I finish straining the milk n the evening it is usualy 8 and I am falling down tired. We often don't even have dinnertil after then. Neither of us have been goo about getting dinner made earlier in the day. And the two teens who live in this house are of vry little help. The only thing they are really god at is avoiding work around here. We are lucky that they take care of the anial waterers once a day...usually. Then it is a matter ofcatching one of them at a "good" time and asking for help on something else. They never offer or just do it. To top that one off, when they do a requested chore, they do it badly.

Glad you didn't get hurt when you dropped that pot of hot water. We have to process our remaining bids this week also.We plan on doing them 4 at a time. I have a hard tme getting SO to not feel like everything has to get done at once. His father doesn't help with that. A family member dropped off a load of firewood for us about a week ago at the end of the driveway. FIL bugs us everytime he comes by as to why we haven't stacked it yet. Heck, the firewood won't rot, if we don't stack it, but the tomatoes will, if we don't pick and process them. Now SO feels that stacking the firewood is more important! :barnie


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
I clean my kitchen beautifully! ... between projects...


I have a small kitchen so I cannot have more than two going, and I refuse to overlap them into non stop projects just because of space issues. So it gets cleaned between.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I have only two big pots, that limits things quite well. Also my kitchen sink is so small I can't wash my biggest pots in them, I have to scrub them in the sink and rinse them in the shower!

I tell ya, I'm just camping here.


Jun 27, 2011
Reaction score

This is my kitchen right now. That's all of it! I have to clean as I go or there is no room to keep going!

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