Food Prices, Shortages & Inflation - The Trash Index


Crazy Cat Lady
Jul 12, 2008
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Ontario, Canada
freemotion said:
k0xxx said:
Orange Juice is up 20%
Cattle 25%
Hogs 26%
Soybean 49%
Wheat 64%
Coffee 93%
Corn 100%
Cotton 144%
Hee-hee, looks like it won't impact me too much.....gotta get those hogs soon, though.
Yah, that was about my reaction too :)... I do not use very much (or in some cases any) of those things. Buy thriftstore clothing and not much of it; don't drink OJ or coffee; don't eat much processed food with soy or wheat, etc.

However in reality I think they simply listed the items that they percieve to be in the most-general demand, and the things that we DO want are going to experience not entirely different rates of inflation.

In a way this is actually easier for people who've been living stupi- um, "a freely-spending lifestyle" to deal with than it is for those of us who have voluntarily or involuntarily already been living pretty simply. People may not ENJOY reducing their clothing budget to $25/year or eating more rice and beans, but you can always drop down to those levels; whereas if that is where you are starting from, there is a lot less leeway to accommodate rises in the bills you *must* pay (including things likeproperty taxes)



Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2009
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when no one is around i break them off

Javamama said:
I have seriously thought about taking my paring knife with me to trim down those so called broccoli 'crowns'. That would probably be frowned upon :p


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
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I was at the feed store last weekend and the price of feed is up again. It had been a few years since the price went up last, so I was getting used to the flat price. Oh well. :p Gives me incentive to start thinning the flock.


Power Conserver
Feb 3, 2011
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DrakeMaiden said:
I was at the feed store last weekend and the price of feed is up again. It had been a few years since the price went up last, so I was getting used to the flat price. Oh well. :p Gives me incentive to start thinning the flock.
I am cutting my flock way back,,no reason a family of two needs 50 hens..other then they are cute,,I added up what I spent in the last year in feed,,and I was NOT happy with the total..I am going to cut back to 15 or so.


Mr. Sunshine
Sep 10, 2008
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North Arkansas
Just another gloom and doom food inflation article.

Food Commodities Surge Seen Swamping Consumers With Inflation

The interesting thing to me is the statement below:

"World food production will have to increase by 70 percent by 2050 to meet increasing demand from an expanding global population.."

The only reason that we have seen such an increase in food production over the last 60 years, is due to cheap oil. Cheap oil has allowed us to produce artificial nitrogen fertilizers, run mammoth farming equipment, and transport food across the world. As oil becomes more expensive, it will further strain our ability for food production. Due to poor management, vast tracts of our farmlands have been depleted of natural nutrients and will not support crops without artificial fertilization. Add to this the fact that our aquifers are being depleted and crop genetic diversity evaporating (thanks to GMO and hybrid crops), and you have a recipe for disaster.

Not that I expect to be here in 2050, but I'm hoping to have some grandchildren around. What ever happened to that rosy George Jetson lifestyle we were all supposed to be living in the 21st Century? :rolleyes:


Lovin' The Homestead
Feb 15, 2009
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Brookings, Oregon
elijahboy said:
when no one is around i break them off

Javamama said:
I have seriously thought about taking my paring knife with me to trim down those so called broccoli 'crowns'. That would probably be frowned upon :p
Are you sure no one is around.

Most stores have cameras every where. Do you know where all the cameras are located. I know Fred Meyers hires security that wear regular clothes to blend in. Even some times walking around with a shopping cart. Our store hired a guy with tons of tattoos and a shaved head. He wears worn out jeans and shirts with the sleves cut off. He walks around and follows people who look like they are going to steal some thing. Go hang around your store every day. You will notice some one in plain clothing there for very very long periods of time. And if they call Mr. Cash over the intercom. They are calling security to check some thing out..


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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Sunny said:
Are you sure no one is around.

Most stores have cameras every where. Do you know where all the cameras are located. I know Fred Meyers hires security that wear regular clothes to blend in. Even some times walking around with a shopping cart. Our store hired a guy with tons of tattoos and a shaved head. He wears worn out jeans and shirts with the sleves cut off. He walks around and follows people who look like they are going to steal some thing. Go hang around your store every day. You will notice some one in plain clothing there for very very long periods of time. And if they call Mr. Cash over the intercom. They are calling security to check some thing out..
My son used to manage an electronic security company that contracts their services to retail and warehousing companies. One Home Depot where he lives (about 25 miles west of Chicago) has 41 cameras inside the store on-line 24/7. Only 12 of them are the typical dark eye-in-the-sky type that we're used to seeing hanging overhead in stores. 29 of them are disguised to look like electrical outlets, sprinkler heads, conduit junction boxes, etc. Almost every exit sign has a camera either inside or on it. And if you don't think they're in the restrooms - think again. There are an additional 12 cameras in the parking lot. This is a very big expense to the businesses, plus loss prevention personnel, plus visible security personnel, plus lawyers and other legal costs. Every penny of this expense is always passed on to the honest consumers. Damn thieves!


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2009
Reaction score
unless the manager lied to me. i buy broc like 2x a year anyways and thats the only time i do it.
if they were to say something i will take my 800-900 a month elsewhere cause publix is two blocks away

Sunny said:
elijahboy said:
when no one is around i break them off

Javamama said:
I have seriously thought about taking my paring knife with me to trim down those so called broccoli 'crowns'. That would probably be frowned upon :p
Are you sure no one is around.

Most stores have cameras every where. Do you know where all the cameras are located. I know Fred Meyers hires security that wear regular clothes to blend in. Even some times walking around with a shopping cart. Our store hired a guy with tons of tattoos and a shaved head. He wears worn out jeans and shirts with the sleves cut off. He walks around and follows people who look like they are going to steal some thing. Go hang around your store every day. You will notice some one in plain clothing there for very very long periods of time. And if they call Mr. Cash over the intercom. They are calling security to check some thing out..

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