Almost Self-Reliant
Last week I was talking with my FIL. In my opinion, he is one of the smartest man I have ever met. He is really into the survival tactics...and makeing it without power ideas. He even drew up a plan for a cabin...the water tank for hot water was located over the chimney for the wood stove and was gravity fed to the sink...and the tank was filled by rainfall. Hmmm, good idea I think. Anyways...he and I were talking about " stocking up" My biggest concern is haveing a way to light my wood stove. Yes, I have several...and I mean close to 50 boxes of matches...but I also bought a flint stone and striker. Not sure I know how to use it, but plan to test it out. I was telling him my plans to "survive" when he looked at me and said...." Sounds like you have everything you need to make it...for a while..but the ONE thing you might want to have plenty of....... sewing needles and good strong thread. Well, being I love to sew, I honestly have over 500 sewing needles. If I see them at a yard sale, I grab them...when they go on sale cheap...I buy what I can...I tend to lose them easily. Now, I need to start getting my threads....black and white...mainly. And, dont forget the boredome times...cards, games,( we love dominos,cribbage) puzzle books, and lots of pencils and paper. When the time comes, a journal will be your best friend, and maybe the one thing to hand down through your family.