Almost Self-Reliant
Being a "prepper" and being Self Sufficient in my book have two different meanings. Sure...some may "prep" for whatever happens...but how long will that hold them over? Will they be able to "produce" more when needed? For alot, I say...no. So...for being SS, it means...haveing what you need, produced right there at your fingertips. Yup, thats me. Oh sure...we have store bought items...coffee, teas, sugar, flour...etc...but mainly we grow what we eat, and eat what we grow. We buy stuff from the stores we "want" when we can. Jellied cranberry sauce...spices...TP..stuff like that. Is it stuff we can survive without? Sure! But, for now...why suffer?
Our canning supplies are enough to get us through at least a few lifetimes....our wood supplies (unless we have a HUGH fire in the woods) will last us untill we no longer need it...I have cooking supplies, (cast iron) to be able to cook on a fire or wood stove....and mostly..I have KNOWLEDGE! Thats what alot of people are lacking....knowledge on HOW to make it through. I wish them all luck.