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- #281
Food Guru
Whoever said anything about need? (oh, I guess I did.....I see baby Ginger in the pic-of-the-week! Hee-hee! I'm so flattered!)
Hey, I'm pretty sure Dorian is an Alpine....his mom was sleek as anything and looked like a deer. Is he Togg???? He sure got shaggy this year! But maybe Mya has some Togg in her? Hmmm..... someone look at the pics and tell me what the parents are.
The twins were much, much stronger today and are sucking down their bottles like crazy. I had them out in the yard for a bit and got them to follow me back and forth a few times. Later, dh and I worked on a bit of fencing by the garden and I took the twins into the garden with us. They are so small that I wasn't worried about damage to the garlic or comfrey plants that are growing in there, and nothing else is up yet.
They were pooped and I had to wake them up for their late bottle just now. So cute! I put a plastic storage tote on its side for them, filled with hay, so they can get cozy. No heat lamp or coats have been needed once they dried off. They have very heavy coats, too. One less thing to worry about!
The mineral deficiency that Mya had effected their strength. It showed up in the doeling's lack of a strong sucking reflex and both kids had obvious instability in their hocks. The bucklings would pop outwards, and the doelings would pop forward. They are already normal, after correcting the deficiencies.
Mya dragged me across the yard for her first milking, something very unusual for her after kidding. The big difference with this one was in ME. I gave her some time to get the kids out, then I lubed up and went in without hesitation. I felt hocks right away and knew it right away. I felt around just to be sure, then straightened that doeling out fairly quickly and out she came. Mya didn't have time to get weak and I didn't get overly stressed. Somewhat stressed, but not overly!
It felt really good to be able to take a rough situation and make it come out just fine. Mya and Plummy both got smooches after that.
The other difference was the regimen to get her minerals up quickly, and it worked VERY fast as shown by her fast recovery. The other pregnant does are now on the same regimen prophylactically. I learned a lot this spring!
Hey, I'm pretty sure Dorian is an Alpine....his mom was sleek as anything and looked like a deer. Is he Togg???? He sure got shaggy this year! But maybe Mya has some Togg in her? Hmmm..... someone look at the pics and tell me what the parents are.
The twins were much, much stronger today and are sucking down their bottles like crazy. I had them out in the yard for a bit and got them to follow me back and forth a few times. Later, dh and I worked on a bit of fencing by the garden and I took the twins into the garden with us. They are so small that I wasn't worried about damage to the garlic or comfrey plants that are growing in there, and nothing else is up yet.
They were pooped and I had to wake them up for their late bottle just now. So cute! I put a plastic storage tote on its side for them, filled with hay, so they can get cozy. No heat lamp or coats have been needed once they dried off. They have very heavy coats, too. One less thing to worry about!
The mineral deficiency that Mya had effected their strength. It showed up in the doeling's lack of a strong sucking reflex and both kids had obvious instability in their hocks. The bucklings would pop outwards, and the doelings would pop forward. They are already normal, after correcting the deficiencies.
Mya dragged me across the yard for her first milking, something very unusual for her after kidding. The big difference with this one was in ME. I gave her some time to get the kids out, then I lubed up and went in without hesitation. I felt hocks right away and knew it right away. I felt around just to be sure, then straightened that doeling out fairly quickly and out she came. Mya didn't have time to get weak and I didn't get overly stressed. Somewhat stressed, but not overly!

The other difference was the regimen to get her minerals up quickly, and it worked VERY fast as shown by her fast recovery. The other pregnant does are now on the same regimen prophylactically. I learned a lot this spring!