I pretty much kicked the 'to do' list right in the buttocks, lol! Mostly because we got the water line fixed! No more turning it off and on - thank goodness! I also broke my own rule about breeding does for summer babies. I caught one of my best milkers (she's dry right now, but I neeeeed her back in milk!) out teasing the boys yesterday - ARGH. That means that she's obviously not due in March. Soooo, she got to spend the day and night with her newest, bestest BF! I know he did his job - so hopefully she does hers. Now - if all systems are go - she'll be due in June - ugh! If the weather is too brutally hot I may just pull her kids and sell 'em as bottle babies. I've rarely done that cuz I prefer to let nature take it's course - but I'd also like the babies to be pampered pets somewhere rather than to suffer in the heat if it's too unbearable.
Only thing I didn't do yesterday was set the quail eggs - but I'm gonna do that this morning. I wanted one more days worth of fresh eggs.
DS is sposed to come out today and re-do the lights and wiring on the trailer. He owes me some money so this will give him a chance to work some of it off. I know better than to expect to be paid back in cash, lol! Actually, this works out well for both of us - he gets a hand when he needs a little help - and I get a hand when I need some help. He's one of those guys who can do anything and fix anything, so I kinda like it when he 'owes' me some time.
Gonna start a big ol pot of soup later this morning. I've got several heads of cabbage in the garden that are soooo ready to be picked. Thankfully the freeze didn't hurt them at all. Need that second cup of coffee and gotta get started on today's 'to do' list.
Yes ma'am! Water on demand is a wonderful thing - ya never know how awesome it is until you lose it! Yep - yesterday was a pretty good day! And, today is even better cuz it's Monday and I'm NOT at work - yea holiday!
I slept in all the way to 7:30ish! And, I've stripped the sheets off the bed and have them in the washer, unloaded the dishwasher and now I have my butt parked on the couch drinking coffee and chatting with you folks. Nice way to start the day.
DS got most of the trailer lights working yesterday but there are a couple that just needa be replaced. He even changed the flat tire and got all the latches on all the doors working too. However, we found out that the hinges that hold the back door on have a little bit of cancer....ugh. For safety sake I think they needa be replaced. I didn't tell my son that there is a place a town over that rehabs trailers. I think, after DS gets done with all he can do, that I'll put 'er in the rehab hospital. It's an aluminum trailer - except for the frame, that's steel - and it's a real pain to paint so I'm gonna let the experts take on that job.
Got another batch of quail eggs in the incubator. The last batch is almost 4 weeks old, so by the time these are ready to go outside in the grow-out cages the others will have found a new home....in the freezer! Yum, I can hardly wait!
We've had such pretty weather lately I'm almost embarrassed to talk about it. We're gonna hit 75 today(!)before a cold front comes in tonight. We'll drop into the 30's for tomorrow night, but nothing worse than that until Friday when the high will be in the low 40's all day.
I'm itching to get some gardening going on. I might get my hands dirty today - at least a little bit anyway. I'm thinking I could get some 'maters and peppers started. Might give that a try, and I noticed that I've got a couple cloves of garlic in the pantry trying to grow - wonder what'd happen if I stick 'em in the ground right now? I've never had good luck growing garlic - it gets pretty and green and never makes a bulb.... I don't know if I'm planting it at the wrong time, or not leaving it long enough or garlic just doesn't like me.... But, I'll keep trying. Last spring I planted a big ol row of onions that seemed to be doing real well....somehow the weeds got kinda outta hand and when I finally got around to clearing the weeds out - those onions had totally disappeared! I kept going back and looking' for 'em, but nope - they were no where to be found...
Guess I better get offa my behind and get something accomplished today but not really sure where to start. But, it's a sure bet I'm not gonna get nuttin' done sittin here in front of this computer screen! Later ya'll!
We planted 54 lbs of garlic in the farm this year. I'm so excited! One of the things that S commented to me is they cut the tops off as the garlic starts to grow. They can sell the scapes I think they're called for money, but interestinginterestingly if they don't cut them then the heads don't frown as well. So it's beneficial to cut them for that reason alone. Selling the by product is always nice too.
Geez I want 75 degrees! Lol
Wow - that's a lotta garlic! Interesting about cutting them - I'll try to remember that if I can even get 'em to grow to that point.
Just spent an entire hour on the treadmill - isn't it amazing how motivated you get when there's a reunion coming up, lol!! I have 47 days to get in shape - ugh.
I guess I needa go get busy...done a whole lotta nothing today.
Good luck getting in shape. At least you have warmer temps so you can do stuff outside too. I noticed I think I might have gained a little and that probably won't change until I can be outside again!
Ah, thanks ya'll! Moral support is great. I've been really good today. Went and cut a fresh head of cabbage outta the garden, cooked it up with a link of sausage and made some brown rice. I practiced amazing portion control and now I gotta keep myself outta the fridge for the rest of the evening! I need to figure out a new morning schedule - which really just means I gotta get up earlier - so I can get my morning stuff done and try to fit in a workout too before work. Geeze... I love to sleep almost as much as I love to eat.....this is gonna be hard!
Um...get some bananas for snacking. It works wonders for me. Keeps me full, gives an energy boost, and just 50 calories. That'll keep ya out of the fridge! The exercise...I'm lucky I remember to do it at all..I don't dislike it, it's just kinda boring to me. You can do it though sis! I gots faith in ya!