Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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It was so very sad - funeral was yesterday... shortage of tissues in this town today.

Finally got the stinkin' baby quail out of the house and set up in brooders otuside. Of course, it turned cold again that very evening, but they're doing ok. The honey bees have found all the feeders and they are hanging out making a total nuisance of themselves. Happens every year about this time - guess there's nothing else for them to feed themselves on, but I hate that they're all over the feed. I'd rather them be making honey from nice organic flowers instead of all this processed (probably GMO) feedstuff. I have lots of clover growing in the back yard - hopefully it'll start blooming soon. They looooooooooove clover blossoms!

We have a water leak, and we're having H.E.(double)L getting it fixed. The problem is that we have not one, but TWO valves leaking. We knew we had a leak at the valve that shuts off water to the critters. It started leaking after the big freeze - haven't quite figured out why but maybe cuz we were turning it off and on so often. Soooo, we go to replace it and try to shut off the valve at the water tank and find out that THAT valve is incompetent. It won't completely shut off the flow of to glue pipe together when you can't get it dry is NOT working for us. DH is outta town until Thursday so we're gonna have to tackle that on Saturday. It's a slow drip, so in the meanwhile, just turning on the water in the morning and in the evenings and keeping it off the rest of the time. That is SOOOOO annoying! I can't tell you how many times I've gone to the faucet and turned it on, lol...only to be totally embarrassed at myself for not remembering it's off - geeze!

Trying to figure which of the girls are bred and which aren't. I've got a couple looking like they're bred, but not sure of some of the others. But, if all goes as planned, I've got does due in February, March, April and early May. Then I need to plan for breedings that will deliver in the fall so I can keep milk going pretty much year round. However, DH and I need to sit down and discuss when/if we're going to vacation this year....can't be having deliveries while we're gone or be needing to milk the gals either. Geeze, this farm stuff can get complicated!

DH and I had a 'date day' Sunday afternoon - was supposed to be Saturday but life got in the way. We took back the watch that he got me for Christmas and I picked out another one - and while we were there - we picked out my birthday gift. So, I have my new watch for my left arm and a nice shiny new ring on my right hand. I've never been much of a jewelry girl, but it's nice. The only weird part is having sparklies on my farm girl, well-worn hands, lol.

Finally went tot he doc for this lingering cough. Was very surprised to find that my BP was elevated since I'm usually texbook 120/80. Doc said that the Mucinex I've been taking will shoot the BP up and I believe her now! Told me to throw it out and take only what she gives me from now on - LOL - yes ma'am! I'm the worst one about going to the Doc - went this summer when I stepped on a nail but before that it had been several fussed at for not having a 'well-woman' exam in a while. Whatever! I oughta know if I'm a well-woman or not and I pronounce myself "WELLL"!

That's about it for now... I'll have a nice relaxing evening with no cooking tonight! Might soak in the hot tub with a glass of vino and do nuttin at all!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I haven't had one of those for awhile, either. I don't have a uterus, so I never think to go.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Well, our hot tub is small- only a 3 seater which is kinda silly cuz we've never had 3 people in it. But i have to admit that it is my guilty pleasure. There is nothing more relaxing than sinking into that water and watching the stars!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
3 is fine! It keeps too many friends from inviting themselves over :p now I'm even more jealous!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hey, that's a good point!

Pretty quiet on the homestead these days. We've got a three day weekend coming up - hallelujah! Have barely been back at work for two weeks, and another holiday! Woo Hoo! I didn't accomplish everything I wanted to do last weekend so I've got some making-up to do.

Think I'll set another batch of quail eggs. The last hatch is three weeks old now so it's time to get some more going. I've got plenty of grow-out cage room now and I'm ready to start getting some in the freezer. I do loooooooooove me some quail....yum. I'm making myself hungry. Wouldn't ya know it - I'm trying to reduce and all I'm thinking about is foooood! And of course, I'm watching a cooking show on TV, lol. Time to stop the insanity! :barnie


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Quail are the bomb-diggity, for sure! The only down-side I see with them is that they don't hatch thier own young. You've gotta incubate 'em. But they are easy to raise, cage and butcher.

I don't even know what, if any, plans I have this weekend - except - my son is supposed to come out and look at my trailer. It hasn't been pulled in quite some time, but now that I have a truck, I intend to start using it again. It's gonna need the lights re-done and a new tire for sure. Right now it's set up as a chicken coop - but they're not really using it so I don't feel the least bit guilty taking it away from them.

Dang - I had almost convinced myself it was gonna be an easy weekend and totally forgot about the dripping water line we still need to fix - ugh. Well, at least the dirt is already dug outta the hole so it won't be quite as much work....

I need to call the's time for trims again - well - it's actually past time. I really like this guy and he does great work - but I wanted him to put me on his regular schedule and somehow he keeps forgetting to do that. Geeze... you'd think he'd want that money on a regular schedule!

I'm gonna move some goats around too. I'm pulling kids totally off Red (the big Nubian). She is a whole lot leaner than I want her to be and I need to get her in shape to be re-bred in a few months. I'll start breeding for fall babies around April and/or May. I don't want any babies in the middle of the summer. The heat and humidity is just tooooo hard on them.

Starting to have good garden dreams too. That'll also require some re-arranging around the place. Right now I've got a guineas and chickens in the garden area. Gonna have to kick them out! Hopefully, they've eaten all the bugs and have fertilized the heck out of that area. Hoping not to have to till and re-row everything this year. Might make my life a little easier - but I dunno...

That's about it for now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
B4 he leaves next time, tell him you want to set up your next appointment. That's what my guy does and it works out well.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Tried that - he said he has to consult his GF who keeps his appt book- and he can't call her while she's working, blah, blah, blah...

It's not bad enough to make me find a new farrier- but it is annoying.

Had planned to butcher some older hens today, but went out this morning and found an egg in their Coop. Guess they heard me talking about that yesterday and decided to plead for a stay of execution!

Have a few other things on my 'to do' list, so I better get started.
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