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- #121
Sustainability Master
I think I have psycho pigs! I've never seen such frantic piggies. They don't do anything half-way. They're getting much more friendly - or at least have figured out that I'm the grocery bag. (not a nice thing to say about myself, huh!) So, I'm sitting on a bucket in their pen, tossing 'em boiled eggs and they're trying to get every crumb out of the grass. They're focused enough on the eggs that they'll let me touch 'em and scratch their backs. So, they seem to be getting friendlier and friendlier and starting to investigate. They start sniffing on my feet when one of 'em decides to see if I taste good.
I mean, really???? Stinkin' little ankle biter!
DH got a big kick out of that.
I've been frantically trying to get some paperwork together for a goat that I sold a few weeks ago. The folks want to take the little doeling to a show in mid-October and I don't even have her sire and dam registered yet. Can we say procrastination? I have to get this done tomorrow or they'll miss being able to show the little doe. I will not procrastinate, I will not procrastinate....
Is it Friday yet?

I've been frantically trying to get some paperwork together for a goat that I sold a few weeks ago. The folks want to take the little doeling to a show in mid-October and I don't even have her sire and dam registered yet. Can we say procrastination? I have to get this done tomorrow or they'll miss being able to show the little doe. I will not procrastinate, I will not procrastinate....
Is it Friday yet?