Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We all have days like that. Whine away. :hugs


Almost Self-Reliant
Sep 23, 2009
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frustratedearthmother said:
...Soooooo, I made a motion that we try very, very hard to eat just from the pantry for at least a month. That would give us an idea of what it would be like, what we want more of - or less of, it would certainly help rotate stock, AND it would save money. I'm up for trying it, at least. October first is our start date. I'll have to be very creative cooking healthy meals for a diabetic strictly out of the pantry. Ok, it won't be strictly out of the pantry, cuz we'll have fresh eggs, milk, and kefir. The mainstay of his diet is fresh salads, fish and soups. The pantry has plenty of soups, tuna and :sick sardines. I guess I need to check and see if there are any health risks, like mercury or something, associated with canned fish. Life is just not simple anymore is it?
Sorry you had a rough day :hugs

We've been eating out of the pantry and freezer except for milk and eggs this month and it's been interesting. I thought I'd get bored, but the meals I planned turned out to be varied enough to keep me, and everyone else, happy. We don't eat as much as I thought we would either, we've had lots of leftovers from various meals that we've combined here and there to skip a planned dinner, so I still have food for 5 or 6 meals in the plan that we didn't actually eat.

Probably a good idea to check on the fish thing, the last recommendation I heard was to only have large ocean fish once per week, but I think that was particularly aimed at children and pregnant/nursing mothers. Might be that guys can do more. No idea on the sardines, we don't eat them.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I'm worried. I got a call from an old friend that I placed a mini foal with about 5 years ago. She has a special needs daughter who wanted a horse of her very I basically gave her a weanling. It was right about the time that my DH had a really bad health scare and my life was hectic and crazy, so I gave her the baby with the understanding that she'd give her back to me if/when the time came. I got a call from her this morning that she needed to give the little gal up...and "oh, by the way - she's walking funny." I questioned her about it and I think I've come to the conclusion that she must have foundered. I am so upset! I asked her when she noticed it, and she said "it's been awhile" - OMG!

I've got to be here tomorrow for the new septic system inspection - but as soon as that's done - I'm off to collect my horse. I've already ordered pads and I've contacted a bare-foot farrier. Probably not much reason for the vet right now since this has been going on "for awhile." I'll assess her when I see her - I hope she's not too far gone....

For the non-horse people - founder in a horse is basically a failure of the support system inside a horses hoof. In it's most advanced form, it's a death sentence -or should be. I've worked with a vet and have seen foundered horses that should have been put down, but because their owners "love" them, they keep them alive and in agony. I won't do this to this little gal if it's that bad. I'll bury her where she was born. BUT, I'm getting ahead of myself. If it truly has been a couple months and she's still getting around, maybe it's mild.

Other news - the new septic system is installed! We're just waiting for the inspection and then the guys will bury all the lines and tanks and we'll be good!

DH is asleep in the recliner - he had a blood sugar crash - but we caught it before it got too bad. He ingested some carbs and he's napping now.

I canned 8 pints of 15 bean soup this afternoon. Yummy!

Guess I better go feed and milk....

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope she's OK. I've seen some minis that looked like they had foundered at some point in time, but they looked to be OK now.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I hope so, Deb. My friend sent me a video of her last night, and while she does look gimpy in the front, it really doesn't look like a death sentence. She's going to bring her to me this morning, in fact she's on her way now. She should be here before noon. I've also got a bare foot hoof farrier on call, some dense foam pads ordered to give her some relief and am keeping fingers crossed and hoping for the best. If she can be managed with a minimum of pain she'll live out her days right here. If the original acute bout of laminitis wasn't that severe, there is definite hope. It takes a very long time, but a certain degree of healing is possible if there hasn't been too much drop/rotation of the coffin bone. Based on the video - I'm hopeful.

With everything going on today I'm not going to work. I've got the horse being delivered, the septic inspector coming, and once it passes, the crew has to cover all the lines and the tank. There are 3 sprinkler heads out in the pasture that I need to build fences around so they don't get stepped on and broken. I just know my critters would use those sprinkler heads as scratching posts....grrrrr!

I'll also take the opportunity to do some general house clean-up and might make and can some chili. I made chili last week, but we ate it all before I had the opportunity to can it, lol. I do make pretty darn good chili...

I also need to go ahead and make flight/hotel reservations for the January trip to the Grand Caymans for my girlfriend's wedding! I was holding off because her family was giving her grief about having the wedding there when a lot of them can't make it. But, it's all a GO now! Geeze, guess I'm gonna have to start thinking about something to wear far she's leaving it up to me. It's a sunset beach wedding, so geeze... shouldn't be that hard. I'm thinking something flow-ey and lightweight and simple....some sandals....a drink with an umbrella (no wait - that has to come after the wedding)!

Ok, time to get busy. Need to do some things outside before it gets too hot.


Power Conserver
Sep 8, 2012
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Hoping your little girl will be's such a scary time! My girlfriend had an appy that foundered, and it took a lot of TLC but he made it and is doing really well, so I hope for the same outcome for you. Sounds like you more than have your hands full...hope the wedding is some terrific R & R for you!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I keep hoping it's nothing more than maybe an abscess.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks, ya'll.

No such luck on the abscess Deb. Isn't it funny to be 'wishing' for an abscess?

She got off the trailer and it was obvious that this is, at least, a slight case of founder. She's walking stiff, trying to take her weight on her heels. However, I've seen much worse. Also, she's waaaaaaaay too fat. She hasn't been getting any grain, but these little guys/gals can founder on grass - and I guess that's what happened. Mini's are usually 'easy keepers', kinda like me!

The other gals came over to the fence to say hello, and she was excited for about 20 minutes, then she went to a corner and laid down. She did get up after 'bout a half hour, and even went so far as to trot away from me before she discovered that I had carrots in my pocket, lol. The dead giveaway that it's founder is that she was in more pain after I cleaned out the packed mud in her feet (which was giving her some support). That's why I've already ordered pads for her.... On a scale of 1 - 10, I'd put her at about a 4. I have hope. I've been trying to coordinate a time for the bare hoof specialist to be here - hoping for tomorrow - if not, it'll be early next week.

I canned 8 pints of chili today while I was off today. Yummy stuff...but I need to say away from it. Gotta start the 'lesser me' diet, lol. I need to look GOOD on the beach in January!


Power Conserver
Sep 8, 2012
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Thank goodness it's not worse. Carrying that extra weight has to add to her discomfort too, poor baby. Hope the farrier can get out and provide a bit more relief for both of you soon.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Poor baby. I hope you're able to get her fixed w/no problem.