Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Three and a half hours at the hospital...argh! However, I can't complain too much because the test proved what it was supposed to prove. His ability to walk was much improved after spinal tap. The doc had wanted to take 30 cc's off, but was only able to get 18. But there was still improvement. Monday will be the meeting with the neurosurgeon and I hope they set a surgery date.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Still have a tiny bit of hurricane clean-up to finish. But when it comes to the crappy fence between my yard and neighbor's yard - it's just toast. The neighbors on that side of me (I call 'em the bad neighbors) put up a privacy fence some years back. Problem is that he built it out of used, old crappy half-rotted fence. I'm all for frugal, but when you spend more money trying to maintain something that is never going to recover - makes no sense.

My good neighbor (on the other side of me) has been trying to repair the fence between me and the bad neighbor. They use him as their handyman despite him having a full-time job and his own place to take care of. He's just too nice to say no. We tried to work on it for a few minutes yesterday evening and it was apparent that there was nothing left to repair. It crumbles every time you touch it. It's been leaning since the hurricane and I've tried to prop it up in several places and it's just not holding.

Good neighbor talked to bad neighbor and told him that there's no way to repair it. It needs to be replaced. I've also told bad neighbor that I'd be happy to pay for half of a new fence. (I've told them before but...) So, good neighbor talked bad neighbor into it and it looks like we're going to get a new fence. Good neighbor will get all the materials and do all the work. Bad neighbors and I will split the costs of materials and labor. Can't wait!

I'm also doing some fence re-dos on some pens. I took down a divider fence between two areas yesterday and expanded the space. This area will be for the Boers. Got some of it done but ran into several yellow jacket nests. I took care of them this morning. I'll need a new shelter there too. Probably throw up a hoop house to start with and then figure out what type of permanent structure to put up. Always something... Hopefully we'll get some cooler weather soon. Fingers crossed!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Stiffed for it --- yeah, THAT would be real bad! 🥴

Hope it all works out well! Is this a fence that your animals need to keep them home?

My fences have only crops as neighbors 😑 no help of any kind.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Good neighbor is taking care of all of it. He's putting together a material list and procuring pricing ahead of time. He will pick up the materials and receipts will be available. He is also doing the install. He builds fences for a living and also does some on the side. We're a "side" job, lol.

I'm close with the good neighbors - we call each other family and have hugs and I love you's with every meeting. Their daughter is about a year younger than my oldest granddaughter. She went with me to look at and pick up the Boer goats. They were really here for me when I lost DD.

I watched this young man grow up. (Young, lol - he's 47 now) He is a couple years older than my son and they grew up together. He was also almost my son-in-law. He was DD's first serious relationship. I often times wish they had actually gotten married. I would have had her right next door all those years.

So - not worried about getting screwed at all. In fact, I'll probably want to pad his fee a bit!
Hope it all works out well! Is this a fence that your animals need to keep them home?
Yes, right after the hurricane my goats spent a lot of time trimming up their yard, lol. I put up some temporary fences from extra panels to keep them home.