Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Every day is a blessing, every day is a blessing, every day is a blessing....

I woke up at 6:30am this morning to the sound of the alarm going off on the new septic system. The installer had warned me that occasionally happens and showed me where the reset button is. I go out side - in the pouring rain, of course - and push the reset button and absolutely NOTHING happens...GRRRR! I go back in the house and turn off the breaker. I turn it back on...alarm comes back on...I go back outside and push the reset button again...doesn't work...back in the house to turn off the breaker again. I'll bet my neighbors are loving me right about now.

Well, I'm already up and wide awake, so I go out to milk Red. She's so happy to see me because I usually milk at 5:30am and I'm already an hour late. Why, oh why, does this placid, easy going doe decide to wait until we're almost finished filling the bucket to send it flying - milk going everywhere. The sound of the bucket hitting the ground (and my excited utterings) scare her so much she tries to go through the stanchion instead of backing off of it. So, I release the neck hold and expect her to go backwards - nope - right through it, stepping in the feeder and bending the support and splitting the plastic bucket that actually holds the feed. Okay, nothing to do about it now except to get her out of the milk room and try to clean up. She won't leave - she's hiding behind a stack of hay bales with her head buried as far as she can bury it and I can't even reach her collar unless I practically crawl on top of her. Okay, deep breaths..... don't kill the goat.... GRRRRRRRRR. Finally, she backs out and charges for the door.

Alright, not a great start to the day, but it'll get better, right? I've got the horses pulled up in the front pen because the farrier was here the other day. I've kept them up so that I could take a few opportunities to get my hands on them. They don't get handled very often, so this was a good thing. This morning I decide to turn all of them, except the foundered gal, back into the pasture. I don't turn them out with halters on, so I catch one, take her to the gate, take her halter off and away she goes. Do you think the next one would let me touch her? She wants out, even tried to push the gate open but she will NOT let me get a hand on her. I think her IQ goes down a little bit more every day. Yesterday she was in my pocket all day, following me around, and generally being a nuisance - but today I can't touch her? What's up with that? So, I take this opportunity, in the pouring down rain to teach her a lesson. I walk towards her, she turns away, so I wave my arms and yell to get her moving. By the time I'm done with running her around the pen she's BEGGING me to let her stop moving. About 20 minutes later, huffing and blowing from all that work (in the rain!) she's thinking that letting me catch her is a great idea. So, after I catch her we have another lesson on what "whoa" means. I lunged her for another 15 minutes (in the rain) and by now she remembers that 'whoa-ing' is a good thing, lol. Out to the pasture - halter off - and she's following me trying to get back in the gate - OMG - what a LOON!

I come back in the house, go to the breaker box and tried again. Breaker on - alarm on - reset button doesn't work - breaker off again. Oh, by the way DH is in the bed during all of this. I go up to the bedroom to shower and from the warmth and comfort of the bed he had the nerve to say 'good morning' to me - GRRRRRRRRR... I'm afraid I wasn't nice. It's ok - I apologized to him after I got out of the shower, it's not his fault that every force of nature is against me this morning!

I need another cup of coffee, and I think I'll try out my new tortilla mix.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score

3 cups flour sifted with 1 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup oil

blend well with a fork then add

1 1/4 c. lukewarm water

blend until a soft dough forms. Turn onto a floured surface and form a ball, let rest 15 minutes.

Seperate into 12 equal parts, use a dough roller to roll these into thin tortillas, and lightly fry in a HOT skillet.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks so much, WBF! Just one question - is that self-rising flour or all-purpose?


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
That's self rising. If you want to use all purpose, add in some baking powder. I have used both to make these, and it doesn't really make a difference in the end product.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
You're welcome :) I hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope you're able to get the sewer figured out! Sounds like a "fun" morning. NOT!!!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks ya'll.

Thank goodness my day didn't get any worse! It's been raining on and off all day. That's a good thing, we needed it. The little piggies seemed to enjoy it most of all - well, except for maybe the geese. I did notice that they'd been doing some pretty good rooting out in the garden area - yea! It's amazing that they are so strong even when they're this little. I had some concrete blocks stacked up in a corner and they've totally moved the whole pile. I'm not too happy that I'll have to stack them up again, but I'll bet they got some good stuff out from under 'em.

I noticed that everywhere the pigs root, the chickens follow. Makes sense I guess, but I never really anticipated that happening. Why wouldn't it though? Every time I get the tiller out the chickens follow - and the pigs are just tillers with feet, lol.

I took a nap today!!! I know that may not seem rare or exciting to most people, but I have never been able to nap. Daytime sleeping never works for me unless I'm really sick. Soooo, football game on TV, my feet in DH's lap, and I slept while the sun was out - woohoo! I guess all the stress of the past week, and my super crazy morning all caught up with me. I need to figure out how to do this thing called napping more often!

I cooked a big of soup today that is cooling right now. I'll can up part of it tomorrow. AND, the grocery store had a sale on pork loins this week- so I bought two of 'em. Need to decide what I'm gonna do with 'em, but geeze, is there any wrong way to cook a pork loin?

I made home made tortillas this morning!! They were so doggone tasty I had three of 'em. :drool They certainly didn't look, or act, or roll up in a professional manner - but they were oh so delicioso! I know I need more practice rolling 'em out, lol. There wasn't a round one in the bunch, and they were probably too thick, but I didn't care.

I had to make up for eating three tortillas this morning, and beng a slug all day so I just had an apple for dinner....ugh. I do not do well with self-deprivation. I'm still hungry, but I'm going to have a cup of tea and pretend I'm full afterwards.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 7, 2009
Reaction score
Evening Shade, AR
AND, the grocery store had a sale on pork loins this week- so I bought two of 'em. Need to decide what I'm gonna do with 'em, but geeze, is there any wrong way to cook a pork loin?
Nope, no wrong way that I know of, to cook a pork loin! ;) We brought one home from my moms' freezer (dorm-sized 'fridge here in the camper), along with a pack of bacon (we hit a fantastic meat sale from the store she works part-time at). Doc asked me was I planning to wrap the loin with the bacon. Being a smart *donkey*, I sad yes and then we'll cover the bacon wrapped pork loin with the ham mom is sending home with us! :gig The more I think about it, the better it is sounding! :gig

Glad to hear you are getting some much needed rain! We've got a ways to go before we're caught up, here, but we've gotten enough that they finally lifted the state-wide burn ban and we're down from exceptional (D4), to extreme(D3) to severe (D2) drought-wise.

Hope ya get the new septic system straightened out. :fl

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