Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks, gg.

I was hoping for goslings too! In years past, my geese didn't start laying until sometime around February or so, but for the last couple years they've laid earlier. Last year they had babies on the ground by January, so I was hoping that was the case. Still haven't figured out where she's been. I would've thought that if she were sitting somewhere she would have showed up occasionally for groceries...


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Ok - she's missing again... she's gotta be sitting somewhere. I'll be walking the pasture later today to find where she's nesting. She's gotta be nesting, I think, maybe???

I have to work a couple hours today. Right in the middle of the day which really messes up my ability to take on any significant projects. But - it is a great cause, so I'm not gonna complain too much. Every year our group takes on a day of bell ringing for the Salvation Army at the local wally world. I always dread doing my shift, but I always love it when I get there. It is always an exceptional educational experience for our students also. They've noticed that in a lot of cases the folks who "look" like they can least afford it - are the ones who give. It's a good lesson for them.

Gotta go get showered - don't think they'd appreciate me showing up stinking like chickens and goats!

Happy Saturday, ya'll!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I always make sure I have small bills at this time of year since I give every time I see them collecting money. Yesterday, there were 3. SA is one of the few things that I will give to since I know where the money is going, and what they stand for.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 13, 2014
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I try to make sure I've got at least a little change (even when im super broke) though when I've got some extra I'll drop a few bills in :)

I think the reason people who can least afford it help out is because they know what its like to go without. Teaching a lot of the younger generation to give without recievings pretty hard these days. Everyone's all about the what's in it for me :'( very sad. I'm glad to hear there's people out there who still care to help out :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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One of the things our kids always comment on is that they will never walk past a bell-ringer again without trying to find something to drop in the bucket - no matter how small their offering might be. And, after they've done it for one year, most of them look forward to doing it again next year. It's a good thing!

Silly goose was back again last night, probably gone this morning. I didn't even look for her when I fed this morning. But, I did find a dead chicken this morning. No sign of a problem with it last evening... It was one of the meaties that I'd held over and was planning on butchering as soon as it dries up a little. Oh well.... the dog will eat good for a couple of days. I always toss the dead ones the GP - and she disposes of 'em for me. It's so funny - she wouldn't hurt a live chicken if her life depended on it - but she'll eat a dead one if I give it to her. And this chicken was HUGE! She was probably about 12 lbs alive. Looks like she might have been egg bound because when I turned her over she was prolapsed a bit. Wouldn't have expected her to die that quickly from it though.

Need to get the latest batch of quail out of the breezeway and into outside pens - cuz they is stinky! That will be this afternoon's chore. Right now I'm watching the Texans/Jaguar game, but if we don't look better in the next few minutes - I won't be wasting my time watching much more of it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If hubby was home, he'd be watching the Eagles/Seahawks game. But, since he isn't, I haven't bothered.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Hope the wandering one is ok!
no tv here so I never know what's happening with sports anymore. I do miss watching football. My ex turned me into a fan.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Sometimes I think we could be very happy without tv.... The nearly 2 weeks I went without electricity after Hurricane Ike were so peaceful and quiet. It was nice...

Okay, here's the latest in all the family challenges. DH's mom, who had the mild stroke nearly 3 months ago, has some residual problems that haven't quite gone away like we'd hoped. Dh's sister called him yesterday and wanted to talk to him about taking her keys and restricting her driving. She had knocked the mirror off of her car. Also heard that she's not getting around as well as we'd thought. We're told that she kind of shuffles more than walks. Now - DH saw her on Thanksgiving and said she looked pretty good. All of this info is coming from DH's sister. So, DH called his mom last night and said she sounds great. There's nothing wrong with her mind - she's still sharp as a tack even if a little forgetful. She told DH that she was backing out of the garage and caught the mirror on the garage and it popped off. Who hasn't done something like that in their life? Sheesh, I've done something similar many years ago - when I was young, lol.

It's so hard to know what to do. She's fiercely independent and to make matters worse, she lives in a very rural area and really needs transportation. DH and I are thinking maybe a home health care giver a couple of days a week might be the first step. This person could take her shopping and help with some housework. It's not time for full-time care and I think she would resent us suggesting that.

Yesterday I had thoughts of building a duplex in the back yard and moving my folks and his mom into it....sheesh. I don't know how we will deal with all of this when the time comes. My house is two story and there's no bedrooms or full baths downstairs. We do have an empty garage apt, but none of the three would be able to climb stairs. I've already started checking into those chair lifts that go up the stairs. It is the only option for getting any of them upstairs. I just don't know...

My mom has an appt for a consultation tomorrow. I'm not going to be able to go, so I hope my brother will take notes this time. He doesn't think this is a serious issue - and I'm really afraid that it is. But, I'd know more if any of them even remembered what kind of cancer she has...

Okay - farm news. When I went out to feed tonight Chanel's bag wasn't even tight so I'm pretty darn sure she's nursing her baby again. If not - she's drying up. So, tonight I didn't milk her. If her bag is tighter tomorrow I'll have a better idea of what's going on.

I got EIGHT eggs today - that's the most I've gotten in months now. Yee haw! I've got 20 young ones that should start laying in about 8 weeks. Well, at least the pullets should - I need to harvest some of the little roos. I've got at least 5 little guys out there that will be going to freezer camp. And, I think I've got at least 3 more out roaming the pasture that need to get caught and dealt with also.

I had hoped to have the weekend to get some things done but I've got to work again on Saturday. We're taking our students into Houston to a theater performance of the Rockettes. I think it'll be fun. We'll go to a nice Tex-Mex restaurant first, then head to the theater and get back to the school around 5. Even though it means giving up a day, I'm glad it's a matinee performance. AND, I'll get a comp day out of the deal, so I'll start my Christmas vacation a day early! Woo hoo!

I'm still fighting this head/chest gunk. Got started on some antibiotics yesterday and I hate it. I prefer to let myself heal - but this is dragging on tooo long and I'm tired of it so I gave in. What a wusss...:(

Guess I better go rustle up something for dinner. I roasted a home grown bird last night, so we've got plenty of left-overs to chow down on tonight. Better get to it
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