Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Yesterday was one of the few days that I hated everything 4 footed, furred, or feathered! I swear I don't know why these critters get so dumb sometimes....sigh.

Decided to catch the mini horses and do some maintenance. No big deal, right? NEGATIVE! Actually, it started out ok. I walked up to the first one and gave her a rub on the nose and she dug around in my pockets looking for a treat. I needed to get some worm meds into them so I reached into the pocket she had her face in and took out a tube of wormer.... you'da thought I pulled out a stick of dynamite! This gal turned on her heels as quick as any cutting horse in the history of the world. She headed for the furthest corner away from me. I had brought them up into a fairly small pen the night before so she didn't have much room. WHATEVER! I went to the next horse...put my hands on her - no halter, no lead - and got the wormer into her. Moved to the next one - same thing. No halter, no lead - gave her the wormer and she smacked her lips looking for more. Decided to go back after mini #1. Nope - she's not having it. So, I herded her into an even smaller pen. This pen has a lot of tractor implements in it parked next to the fence and fairly overgrown with tall I didn't want to push her too hard and have her injure herself. This pen is the former hog pen and at times has housed the mini's also.

We're going around and around. It is not my way to give up once I start to catch a horse. I will spend all day if I need to - and that was my intent with her. No real pushing because it's really hot and, like I said, I don't want to frighten her into hurting herself. GRRRRRR! After about a half our she's tired and sweaty and I'm not too happy either. She stops heading into the corner and starts eyeballing the hog panels. Now - hog panels are 34 inches tall, and these horses are not much bigger. After 3 or 4 times of sizing them up this crazy (*()&&&^%*% decides to just try and jump it. From a dead stop she pops right over that fence....well...most of her anyway. Her front end cleared it just fine, but her back legs both got caught in the panel. OMG...I'm sitting there watching her stand with her front feet on the other side of the fence and her hind end high off the ground with both back legs stuck. I'm thinking she's gonna break both back legs.

Now - if I was smart and not panicked - I woulda stepped right over that fence and wormed her while she was stuck, lol. But, nope - I got worried about her. She had most of her leg over, but from the hock down she had her hooves and fetlock joint wrapped around the next lower opening in the panel. Hard to visualize...but believe wasn't good! I managed to work one hoof backwards which allowed that leg to pop free and she got it on the ground. The last leg was not only stuck in the fence, but her (ground-length) tail was wrapped around the foot and then around the fence and acted effectively just like a rope to basically tie that leg to that stock panel. ARGH!! She spends a few seconds sawing her leg back and forth trying to get free and I'm worried that she's cutting it to pieces on a sharp point on top of the panel. She's looking back at me and I can see the resignation in her eyes... I shoulda stepped over that fence and wormed her! I keep telling myself that now, lol! Sooooo, finally I get her tail unwrapped from her leg and get her leg unwrapped from the fence and she totters off. I couldn't even get a good look at her to see if she's injured - but she's walking and I'm pissed so I just let her go.

As if that's not enough...The little Nigerian dwarf doeling is in a buck pen - again. She's so stinking little she can get through all panels on my place and into any pen she wants to. I need to sell her. Anybody want an undersized, but so very cute ND doeling? OH, by the way...may be bred. Cheap? LOL

Found two hens on hidden nests.... don't want any more chicks. Found a different nest with no hen on it so I start picking up the eggs when I notice the smell... almost too late... I managed to toss that stinky egg away just before it exploded!

Did I mention that yesterday I hated all furred, four legged, and feathered critters?
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
We all deserve a day of this! Like going out at 11PM & having a doz minis in the back yard?!!

Glad you got her loose as I have had at least ONE who was badly injured in a fence hangup. Some things you just can't prevent, no matter what.

TODAY will be better :hugs:old

P.S. now only ONE left to deworm :hide


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
That would piss me off too. But like you, my immediate reaction would be to keep the brat from hurting herself. My jack donkey bred a neighbor's mare across the fence once. When she was through with him, she walked off, leaving him straddling a barb wire fence. Fortunately donkeys are brilliant smart and he did not struggle but waited for me to show up to feed. The wire was between his penis and testicles and fire ants were making a 12 lane freeway up his leg, carrying bite size pieces of him away to stock up for the winter. We cut him loose, led him back through the wire to our side and he took off running to shake off the fire ants. I sprayed his cuts down with the violet stuff and he was fine. If that had been a stud horse, the fence would have been torn up and the horse would have had 4 broken legs and would have bled to death from cutting his head off.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I have to give her a little credit because once she figured out she REALLY couldn't move...she just stood there. Again - I shoulda wormed her then, lol. That woulda showed her!

But, I just didn't feel like shooting a horse that day - so I assisted in getting her loose. I've also gotta say that I'm glad she didn't kick the crap outta me cuz there was no way to get her loose without being in the line of fire. Silly witch! Crazy thing is she's usually the friendliest.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Busy day! Bonus day too because we did NOT get tons and tons of rain that was forecast. We got a tiny little fraction of an inch and I'm soooo happy about that.

We woke up to thunder.... no wait...we woke up to the neighbor hooking up his trailer and beating on something, lol. He's a good neighbor so I just grin and bear it. In fact, he's such a good neighbor that I mowed part of his yard after he left with his tractor on the trailer that he was beating on. I got most of the yard mowed before 9am. I didn't do a few parts because they were still soft and I was trying NOT to rut it up.

Later today it thundered again, so I jumped on the tractor to try to get the front part of the pasture mowed before the impending flood. The threat never came to fruition, so I got the whole stinking pasture mowed! Whoop, whoop! I'm not sure how we didn't get wet - but we didn't.

Found a sale on some country style pork ribs yesterday, so I bought a couple packages and cooked them today. Rubbed 'em with my secret dry rub. Okay, it's not really a secret, but it's never the same two times in a row because I never write it down, never measure anything, and don't always use the same ingredients.

I've gotta say that those ribs turned out great! And, drum roll please, I tried something new today. My DH has always asked why I never cook hominy. (gag) But, I decided to give it one more try and it wasn't terrible. So, I've expanded my horizons, lol.

I've got some cabbages that I need to get planted in their permanent place. Maybe that will be on the agenda tomorrow. Too much to do - too little time.

Wine time!

Happy Saturday, ya'll!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Those country style ribs are good. When you butcher your pigs, maybe you can have your own!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Yep, still excellent, all cuts I've used. When it cools in a couple months I will do a cure on at least some bacon to see how it goes. With only me to cook for & eat it, it takes a while. Besides, I already had 7# of nice bacon to use...:cool: One of the reasons I don't raise a steer anymore, too much. I have found a grass fed, organic source farmer who will sell smaller packages of beef. That's something I'm looking into.

Taste is better BUT no chemicals & "free willy" meds.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Busy week, but nothing too exciting going on. That can be a good thing, lol.

Cowboy is still living in the pasture and doing very well. I'm trying to get him accustomed to coming in for his two feedings a day. Sometimes he eats well, and other times he lets the chickens have it and he goes and eats goat feed - crazy dog!

I was so excited that we didn't get rained on over the weekend. But, Sunday morning when I went out to feed I discovered that a hose had busted overnight. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :barnie :he :barnie Back to boots for a few more days. And back to turning off the water at the faucet and not letting pressure build in a hose.....

I can't believe it - but I haven't let any goats breed yet. My boys are in rut but I'm not seeing the girls be terrible hussy's yet. I'm only thinking about breeding a few of the gals anyway and no rush. I don't want babies before spring break anyway. And, I don't really need the milk because I'm still milking three gals from the spring kiddings.

Weather is finally becoming a bit more bearable. Not cool by any means - but not a heat index of 120 anymore. We've had some temps in the low 70's on a couple of cloud-covered evenings. But, supposed to get major rain this weekend - ugh. Hoping it will stay away. I've got a lot that I need to do and can't really accomplish it with sopping wet ground. Namely - butcher 5 roos that I'm tired of dealing with. They need to go. I'm about ready to just 'off with their heads' and feed 'em to the dogs. I hate to pen chickens up and these guys have been penned for long enough.

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