Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
When I was just a tiny tot, my great grandmother observed "You're never through raising your kids." I remember being astounded. I looked at my great grandmother who I knew to be very old, then at my grandmother who I thought ought to be all grown up by NOW, then at my own mother and puzzled over what Mamma Wall had said.

I get it now.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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@baymule Your great grandmother was RIGHT! I don't mind helping the kiddos, but I have told them multiple times to let me know they need help before it becomes a BIG problem. Case in point - DH's son - he's been out of work for several months. He gets a nice disability check, and his girlfriend (housemate) has a decent job. So, color me surprised when he calls the other day and says he's about to be evicted. He's two months behind in rent and papers have been served. So, tell me WHY he didn't let us know the first month instead of letting this issue grow until it reached the 4K mark????!!!!! :somad OMG - grrrr. That's a big ol' chunk to lay out when you're not expecting it. And, just at the time we're moving DH's mom to our area. So, as part of the payback - dear step-son is going to do the biggest part of that move. He's not working, he's got a big ol' truck... yep - he's gonna move his ma-maw from Livingston to south of Houston. I have spoken - so shall it be!

I even had a talk with DH the other day because as I'm going through the AMEX bill I see that he's doling out money here for this charity and money there for another charity, etc. And, while I believe we should all help if we are blessed enough to do so - I asked him to stop donating to the big formal charities. I prefer that our money go to help people that we KNOW are going to receive the help. For instance, I bought a nice pair of boots for one of our students before school started. I know the family, his brothers have all helped me out on the farm so when we saw the state his boots were in (probably passed down from his 3 big brothers) I made an 'anonymous' donation and he got a great new pair of boots. The cost to me...$250 bucks - but he had a million dollar smile on his face so I got a great deal! :) I am a firm believer in that it takes a village!

I told my son when he bought a house last year - house payments come before food! But, if you get in trouble let me know. ( I consider his house an investment in MY future, lol.) He's got a separate suite on one side of the house that has my name all over it!

Sorry, that was just my own personal whine fest.

Fall is in the air! And there's a little 'something, something' brewing in the tropics. :barnie

Happy Monday!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Well, only thing resembling a "suite" in our family is the garage apartment I have NOW converted back to MY garage use (never had a car in it!). :p It's my own little "project" area.

I sometimes wonder -- do we have a neon sign over us that says "bank of mom" ????? :hide

Things can go South fast when it comes to health & $$$. I hope they find the cause for DHs balance issues. Bay, your DH is what -- trying to be rebuilt? :hugs

As to real "retirement"....I am about ready. One thing I find is that it is really hard to not have a little check coming in on a Friday. You get used to that after 50+ years. :idunno It doesn't even have to be just financial, it's a little emotional. But, I believe I would be fine with about a month long vacation. Then I would go back or just quit. Like FEM, could do it but, just used to having a "little extra for spending". Plus, for me, it's also got some social connections -- I'm here alone -- will be 71 in Jan.

Well, rain promotes grass. I thought I had a lot to cut and now even MORE! I am so overgrown!!! 18" in 2 1/2 days has made what looks like another foot of grass. I'm just OVER needing to cut grass. :he Now I have piles of it to burn just from the yard and barnyard. Rain again tomorrow night. :hit We are 23" over average for the year right now....with 3 more months to go. Sure hope this doesn't mean snow will be a big winter thing. I hate snow :th

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Holy cow! That's a lot of rain! We are 20" below average for the year. Care to share?

We have rain in the forecast starting overnight tonight. Please... Let it happen.

Bank of mom huh? Is this what I have to look forward to? I ask my mom for help when I have a serious issue, which is thankfully rare, but I've always paid her back within a month or two.


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
Reaction score
East Texas
Our daughter and son in law have been married for 10 years and have 3 daughters. They are still on out cell phone plan. And we all have Apple smart phones. When they invite us to eat, we get the bill......and on and on and on...... you're never through raising your kids.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
Reaction score
Oh yeah I totally don't pay for dinner with my parents! Haha but I do invite them for dinner here sometimes!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I think it's a parent "thing"! I wouldn't feel right if my kids paid... Even though occasionally - it has happened!

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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My mom will go shopping and randomly buy me stuff... I keep telling her I can buy things myself but she keeps doing it!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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When I went and stayed at my DD's house last summer to watch the kiddos while she was away - I went through her pots and pans, threw a bunch of them away and then bought her a new set. I filled up her pantry and her freezer too while I was there, lol. It's a feel good kind of thing to do, lol.

It was pretty rainy over the weekend... yay mud! Pigs love it... ugh!

I checked the weather gauges yesterday. I got DH a new electronic weather station kind of thingy for Christmas last year. He didn't even get it installed by the new year, but, it keeps a running tally for the year and so far it has recorded over 57 inches. Our annual rainfall is usually 57 inches and we've got 3 months to go...:he:barnie:somad Little town about 15 miles from us has officially recorded 82 inches for this year - so far.

On another note - I've decided to look for a stock trailer. The goat trailer that I pulled for so many years was perfect for goat shows, but now it's a feed room, lol. So, I've decided that I want a different trailer for moving pigs/mini-horses. I've been perusing Craigslist this morning. Found the perfect one - just posted last night and dang it if it isn't already sold - grrrr!

I'm not in a great big hurry, so I'll try to hold off and wait for a good deal but patience has never been my strong suit. I can get a brand new one for about 5K. Hmmmm...

Getting hungry - it's about time to start the daily "where are we going to eat lunch" decision, lol. So much easier when I bring something from home.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 26, 2016
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All this talk of grown children has hit a nerve. I never will forget when my 25 year old daughter asked me "Just what the h*ll do ya'll do with all your money!" when I told her "No, we don't have any money for your cigarettes." I told her rent, gas, utilities bills, food and clothing for your brothers, and don't forget who is always buying your babies diapers! We barely have the money we need for our own needs much less taking care of her when her husband made more money than we did and I was in school full time. Both my grown daughters goes through my pantry and closets because I try to stay stocked up on food and toiletries. It's aggravating when you go to get a bottle of bodywash, or a can of something, a roll of toilet paper to find out suddenly it has disappeared. Oh well, I help them when I can, even loaning money (I can't really afford). The best I can do is give them a break from the kiddos, at least then they can get their houses clean. Oh well I guess enough whining, lol. I love those brats, I guess they have me trained pretty good.

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