Ah, thanks ya'll! Got up early, did chores and left around 10:30...drove almost 3 hours, spent 2.5 hours at the funeral and after gathering, and drove 3 hours home. Did the evening milking and chores and finally got to sit down a few minutes ago!
Doe did NOT go today. Ligs are getting softer, but udder hasn't made a lot of progress. She may have a while longer to go. She's the one I'm worried most about this year. Tiny little ND, and the way things went last fall - I don't even know who she's bred to....geeze - I'm a terrible goat mama She's not really all that fat. I'm seriously hoping and praying that it's two tiny babies instead of one. Time will tell.
I'm really thinking of selling all my Nigies. I was hoping this buck would pass on good udders - that's what I was told when I bought him. But this little doeling is his daughter - her mother has a great udder and very milkable teats for a Nigie. This doeling - tiny teats. No sense in keeping a buck that sends ya backwards in your goals no matter how gorgeous he is.
I love all the ideas for progress on this forum that everyone's been doing. Some really great suggestions out there!
Well I'm glad she didn't kid without you! Hm can't blame you on selling them all, would you get another Nigie buck for your mini Nubian project or are you thinking of only doing the kinders?
I have really heard great things about kinders. I'm thinking if I ever get goats again that's what I might try. I read a couple of articles how they are supposed to (generally) decent milkers and really hearty, healthy animals. When I had goats before I just used them to clear brush (excellent). One was a Nigerian Dwarf and one a pigmy mix. I didn't know a thing about goats at the time. They both had horns and were extremely stubborn. The Nigerian was really friendly but pigmy was pretty skittish having been raised in a field with a bunch of other goats for land clearing. Both were giving to me and I kept them in a electric wire enclose hillside. It took them about a month to clear it. They made it known quickly to my two dogs they were not to be messed with. After sending them flying after the first few minutes of acquaintance. Now I know I should not have been feeding them so much (if any) grain because they were really fat. I borrowed a buck for a few weeks but mating never happened. None of them were interested in each other. At least now if I ever get them I can be a better goat mama thanks to everyone here and BYH.
Nigerians do really fatten up easily! Lol there is a doe for sale on craigslist here that is SO overweight I was tempted to email them and tell them to cut back on her grain ration (I would never do that, haha but I wanted to!)
@Icertuche - I really love my kinders. They are all pretty good milkers. Even my smallest first freshener last year gave close to 3qts a day. My older kinders can easily get closer to a gallon a day. Average is probably around 3 - 3.5 quarts. And you're right about them being so healthy. They are my easiest keepers, need worming about half as much as my Nubians and they're feet are tough. My kinder-ish buck is gorgeous and is making some really stocky kids. I don't think you can go wrong if you get a good starter set, lol!