Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Not sure it will ever be totally back to it's previous level - but if he gets some major improvement we'll take it. Doc said give it at last three weeks for the bubble to be absorbed and then we should have a better idea of what's going on.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Back to work today after 5 days off! Actually, I wasn't so sorry to go - I needed a break! Did nothing but grunt work all weekend....mostly fence extending. But, no escapee today! In fact, he seems a little depressed that he's had to stay at home all day. Ahhhhh....poor thang - NOT!

Down to THREE piglets...what's up with that? She did so good with her babies last time. Don't know what's going on. Found one dead the first day because it had gotten separated. The next morning another one was missing and one was squashed. Couple days later another missing and another squashed. Geeze Louise! All boys too...guess I'm gonna try to castrate in a couple days. I need to get a scalpel or a single edge razor blade - couple of em - and some iodine. I used it all up on babies this year.

Garden is in maintenance mode. The latest goat attack was minimal thank goodness. I'm picking yellow squash and zucchini daily. Need to cook some more - it's stacking up in the fridge! Couple years ago I blanched and froze a whole bunch. Might try dehydrating it this year. I like to throw dehydrated veggies in a big ol pot of soup. Yummy!

I'll probably dehydrate some figs too - if the rain doesn't destroy them. When they get too much rain at one time they tend to split and get yucky. Hope that doesn't happen this year, but we're likely to get rain most of the week. Speaking of - I'm gonna run out and check the tree before it gets dark.

NH Homesteader

Sustainability Master
Sep 6, 2016
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Sorry about the piglets. What the heck mama pig?

Glad to hear your prisoner remained incarcerated all day. Gotta cut back on those awkward neighbor visits!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Hope Cowboy learns! Neighbors may not keep being so "understanding". At some point, you break.

Sorry about those piglets. Hate it when these things happen.
When you can't find out why, hard to fix. Mine were kept confined for a couple weeks & mom was careful at lay down. At this time, I don't miss mine at all. LOL Still eating pork.

Ahhh, love dried figs. I have a friend with TWO HUGE trees. She doesn't like them. So I get them -- actually, I give her eggs a lot, so real fair trade for me. My little fig that I thought the goats had killed actually began sprouting at base!! If I can keep them away, it may give me figs next year. Darned goats!! Browse everywhere & they eat my fig!

Glad to see DH trying to work thru the eye issues. It has to be hard -- I mean, blur your glasses & see how you would feel. Hopefully he will regain at least most of the visual. If the procedure helps with bleeds it would be great!!!! My stepdad had same issues, from diabetes also. He had to stop driving. Thankfully, at the time mom was able.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Hope Cowboy learns! Neighbors may not keep being so "understanding". At some point, you break.
You're right about that. Thankfully, they are dog lovers and have never expressed any anger. I told them to get a BB gun or a paint gun and shoot him, lol!

Ya know the more I think about it - the more I'm convinced that he has a 'reason' (in his mind) to go over there. Over the years we've had a Bobcat problem. I lost two goats and countless chickens to it before I got LGD's. I'm beginning to wonder if that is what happened to a couple of those baby pigs. Cowboy has been staying up in the front pen with the baby goats and Maddie stays on the other side of the pasture with the bigger goats. That leaves the area the mama pig in unguarded. Guess which side of the pasture that pen is on (?) yep, right next to the neighbors.

Over the last few years they decided they wanted to let their pasture go wild - and it has. You couldn't walk through there if you tried - it is literally a jungle. Thankfully the goats keep the fenceline trimmed by sticking their heads through and eating on the neighbors side. When I walk my fenceline I can see trails through their underbrush that lead right up to my fence.

Even though Cowboy spends most of his time with the baby goats (also next to their fenceline but closer to the houses) he makes his rounds every morning and evening. I'm really leaning towards the idea that he is going over there to mark his territory and hopefully keep any predators away. And, since he's only been going over there lately (basically since the pigs have been born) it makes more and more sense to me.

Might be my way of justifying it in my head - but I think it has some merit. :hu

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
You are probably on to something!! The instinct of these LGDs is amazing.

If you still have the mower on your tractor -- MAYBE you could OFFER to mow their field down for them...??? Like -- I know it's not something you are equipped for, could I help you to do? etc. It may be a welcome offer, could help everyone.

Just a thought. I've been in situations where I couldn't get it cut and would have HUGGED anyone who offered!!!!!!!!

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