I heard ya gotta play to win. Guess that's why I haven't won yet...though I think they are lying and you just have to be present to win they just don't want me present for when I do win, that way they'll draw another name out of the hat instead
I hope the Midgets do well for you. Wait what? ...that doesn't sound very PC when ya say it like that does it?
Okay - I don't know if I should feel like a selfish ogre, or if I'm justified in feeling the way I do right now.
Let me break this down:
1. I have a bunch of chickens and sometimes, on a good day, they lay a bunch of eggs.
2. Lay pellets in my area are 15$ a bag.
3. Every week day I go out to my pens and spend at least an hour to an hour and a half doling out feed/water/hay to a bunch of chickens (and goats, and horses, and pigs and geese).
4. Every weekend I spend at least 5-6 hours a day working, building, feeding and trying to keep up with everything.
5. I have neighbors on both side of me.
6. One set of neighbors is younger, (J and G) and they have a sweet 4 year old and are ALWAYS helping me out. They are the ones who offered me the use of their pasture if I'd pay for fencing. We shared the labor. He has offered to help us butcher the pigs. They give us deer meat. They are GOOD neighbors. I give them eggs fairly regularly.
7. On the other side of me are a couple of folks around my age - T and M. The gal and I were very good friends for many years, but she has a new husband now and when he "hit" on me I started staying far, far away from them.
8. These neighbors and I share trash pick up. I pay them half of the bill and carry my trash allllll the way over to their drive.
9. One night when my computer guru son lived here he was surfing the net and found out that these neighbors were 'stealing' our internet. (my bad - it's now password protected)
10. Last summer "M" asked me if he could go pick okra and tomatoes out of my garden. I let him...it was supposed to be a one time event - I'm not sure it was....
But - things have calmed down and they're trying to be friendly again, so I'm being friendly too. A few weeks ago I gave him some eggs over the fence. The next week, he asked me if I had any more eggs. I gave him a dozen. Yesterday he asked me for more. I told him I'd get him some, but then I started thinking about it and decided NOT to take him any free eggs.
AM I BEING SELFISH? I like to have good nighbors. I enjoy the younger neighbors so much, and our relationship is very good.
The relationship with these "other" neighbors has NO give and take... Well - maybe it does - it's one sided...I GIVE and they TAKE!
I'm not feeling very Christian right now - but dang - I pay for all the feed and I do all the work and I share eggs with lots of folks like my "good" neighbors and co-workers and family. These guys are just free-loaders and I KNOW they store a LOT of food and don't share anything with anyone else.
Should I just give in and give them some more eggs????
Tell them they can have a dozen if they'll come help clean the coop out. It's not un-Christian to NOT want to help those who take advantage. It IS un-Christian to tell them you will and then don't do it though. Let them have this one last dozen, and the next, comes in exchange for some output on their part, else they can get the yucky grocery store mutant eggs like everyone else who doesn't have chickens
It's a shame that I still feel taken advantage of. Since this guy 'hit' on me a couple years ago - I almost feel like I'm giving in to him when I do what he asks. But - I did tell him that I'd give him the eggs, so I did. I'm in a funk over this, but...
On a brighter note...I've got goose eggs in the little incubator and I'm thinking about firing up the other one. I neeeeeeeeed chickies! I want some more Sussex - I really enjoy that breed. And in the interest of supporting a dying breed I want to hatch some Barred Hollands too... and Faverolles.... and Dorkings....and some Buff and Black Orpingtons...and maybe some Marans too, lol.
Life is good - I will get myself in order by tomorrow morning. God is good!
I have 128 you can come get Glad you got some eggies down!!!
Phooey on that guy, let him think whatever...until next time when ya throw the gimme some money or gimme some manual labor for those eggs at him! It does make you feel dirty and used when folks do you that way though...ugh...some people