Did I mention that I've got goose eggs in the incubator? It's been about ten days now and it doesn't look good. I'd held these eggs for several weeks before puttin' 'em in the incubator, so I didn't expect a lot. It looks like there's maybe one developing. Silly goose is still crankin' 'em out even though she shows absolutely NO sign of wanting to sit 'em.... geeze.
AND, I cranked up the other incubator. My egg turner holds 42 eggs and I've already got about 50 eggs set back. Guess I'll put em in without the turner at least until the first candling. After that I figure I'll have some duds I can toss and then put the turner in. I'm so excited - CHICKIES!!! Of course, I shouldn't count my chickies before they hatch, huh?
And, another reason I'm so excited - we have a new student worker in our office. For the first time, we hired a young man. He met the high school students in our program today and it went well. He asked them to introduce themselves and to tell something interesting about their lives. At the end of the introductions when one of our girls said she didn't have anything interesting about herself he said something like...are you athletic, do you plan an instrument, or maybe do you make goat milk ice cream? LOL - I practically snorted my diet root beer through my nose. I interrupted and said that I make goat milk ice cream. He stopped the introductions and came running over so excited. "Goat milk? You've got goat milk...can I buy some from you...can I make ice cream with it?" It was such a moment!
One of our other co-workers was telling him that I'm THE 'earth mother' at our college and that I garden and raise goats and chickens and pigs and geese and that I do indeed make goat milk ice cream and cheese and butter and kefir. I've never seen a more excited young man. I already told him there might be an adoption in our future! And tomorrow I"m taking the ice cream maker to work with me. Woo-hoo - we'll be having ice cream with cajeta tomorow afternoon.
Sounds good. I was in the bank yesterday and got talking to the teller. I mentioned about having problems w/ground hogs and was wondering how ground hog stew would taste. I thought one of the other tellers was going to die!
That is awesome I love when folks get excited about stuff like that. It really makes you feel good when the younger folks see the value in all our efforts. I'd definately get those adoption papers moving forward
It really is exciting stuff to see a 'youngster' be interested in things of that nature. While I was showing him the bus route yesterday we had a good talk about gardening. He wants to grow pumpkins. I asked why. He says they're high in vitamin A and are easy to just cut in chunks and throw in the oven to roast. "Well, that's great," I tell him. "But don't forget all the other winter squashes that are absolutely delicious too." His eyes start glazing over... I'm going to bring him a seed catalog tomorrow.
So, yesterday I brought all the "fixin's" and we had homemade goat milk ice cream right here in my office. I mainly made it for the new recruit - but it was also the first time my regular co-workers had tasted it too. Being one of those folks who can't leave well enough alone - I also brought homemade cajeta to drizzle over the ice cream AND, the piece de resistance was a tiny dusting of sea-salt.... I thought they were gonna cry, lol. They're talking about starting an ice cream business, franchises, stock sales. I had to just laugh. They really started crying when I told 'em I could have it every day of the week if I wanted to!
Popped a top on a nice bottle of wine (whine to follow)...
It's my birthday and exactly 4 people have told me "happy birthday"... two co-workers, my DH, and a friend that I told yesterday (so they had no choice but to remember). Two of the people who have NOT told me happy birthday are my children. Oh well, I'll hear such wonderful things from them as soon as they need some money.....
DH just got home. I was afraid he was a little disappointed when I didn't want to go out to eat tonight - SO - he brought home bacon wrapped filets and potatoes along with my very favorite in the whole wide world dessert fixin's....... drum roll.... fresh organic raspberries and a can of whipped cream!! I feel a party comin' on! Whoot, whoot!