Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
A pound a month! I'd like to blame ya'll for it, lol. How many times did ya'll tell me to have another bowl of ice cream of another glass of wine lol!! But - ya didn't open my mouth and shove it in - so I guess I'm gonna have to own it.

Sounds like it is time for a good work over from the doctor.
I know, I know... and I will, I will! :p Might try to whittle away at this 12lbs first, lol. But, either way I'll get it done.

Started trying to whack down some of the overgrown blackberry bushes that are taking over the yard. But, the bindweed is wrapped around it so tight that I can cut it and it doesn't even fall. Guess THAT will be my first priority. I'm seriously thinking about bringing Gracie inside and turning the goats loose on it.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
FEM -- go get the check up, take the 12# with you. :lol: Ok, so they tell you to lose it, not anything you don't want/know to do. You have spent a full YEAR dealing with everything for everyone else -- YOU need to be first for a while. Make the appointment. OK...cook better, healthier, not an issue as you know how. We all slip sometimes, it can improve to what you once did. Limit ice cream. (notice I said nothing about...well, you know). We all need a release sometime.

Ageing is not easy or for the faint of heart. It's tough! I am thankful for each day that I get up and am able to work.

Take care...relax & get back on track. You can.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Back to work today. Hard to do after having a week off - but at least we've got Labor Day coming up. Yay.

Had to go buy feed today and was skeered we'd get rained on. We've been getting some really nice little showers in the afternoons with the promise (or is that the threat) of more to come. And "they" say we have to start watching the Gulf for tropical development. How awesome is that???

Gotta admit that unloading that feed today was absolutely NO fun. Not sure why it was such an ordeal...maybe just cuz I did basically nothing for 4 days and got outta practice.

My volunteer pig pen cantaloupes are coming ON! I've probably got a couple that are really close to being ripe. I sure hope they taste good or they'll go right back to the pigs and they can start a whole 'nother cantaloupe field. I got another couple of boxes of produce from the pantry. Lot of it is really nasty, like green fuzzy strawberries and raspberries. Wish I'da gotten those before they went south. There's also a bunch of cucumbers too. I'm guessing the pigsters will love those. They told me there might be more coming tomorrow.

I finally got a step-counter to download on my ancient iPhone so I'm tracking my steps now. I got about 5000 yesterday, but I consider myself still recuperating then lol. And, today I'm at a little over 4000...not too bad for being at work all day and I haven't even been out to feed yet. (Did unload feed but haven't distributed any to those screaming, hungry mouths out there.) If I don't hit 5000 I'll jump on the treadmill for a few minutes. I'm proud to say I'm down a couple pounds and NOBODY better say it's just water weight, lol. A pound is a pound is a pound ya'll! But, I'm going out to lunch tomorrow with a work buddy so we'll see if my willpower holds out. Only had a tiny half-glass of wine last night but it was the first wine I'd had in 3 or 4 days. I'll be refraining a bit cuz cutting out those calories isn't a bad thing.

Gotta get out there and get those steps and feed those hungry mouths. Oh, and have I said how tired I am of days with heat indexes of 105ish? I'm tired of heat!
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